Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 55: The Empress of the Lake and a very Effective Children Protection Plan

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Clara sprinted through the bushes and trees. She was getting closer to the noise and Clara increased her speed. She emerged from the wilderness and what greeted her was a pristine lake. The lake was fairly massive, the size of a mansion and to Clara, it was like a whole new world. The waters glimmered under the sunlight and the trees surrounding the lake gently swayed under the breeze.

It was eerily quiet and Clara knelt down by the lakeside. If she could, Clara would've wanted to spend her entire day here, the crystal clear water gave Clara a feeling of calmness. However, she frowned when the water beneath her feet died with a shade of red and the contrasting colour formed a clear line along the bank.

She followed the trail of blood, leading her away from the lake and further into the forest. On her way, she finds the signs of battle, large hack marks left on tree barks and remnants of ice magic being used. The bloodstream was getting thicker and thicker before eventually, Clara arrived at a small cave. Now, the sound was getting more vivid.

"Come out Vulpix," Clara said and opened her Pokeball.

Vulpix appeared and quietly walked beside Clara. Together they nodded and entered the cave. Thankfully, the cavern wasn't deep and they quickly reached the end. What awaits Clara shocked her to her core.

A large creature with a blue hide, darker blue spots, and a cream-coloured underside. It has large brown eyes, a short horn on its forehead, and tightly curled ears. It has a long neck and four flippers. The foremost flippers are larger than the hind. On its back is a heavy, grey shell covered in blunt knobs.

The animal was bleeding from one of the flippers, creating a pool of blood and dying the ground red. Clara slowly took out her own Pokedex and scanned the creature.

[Name: Lapras

Gender: Female

Description: A Water and Ice-type pokemon. A gentle soul that can read the minds of people and can ferry people across the sea on its back. It may sing an enchanting cry if it is in a good mood.]

Clara read the description with wide eyes and put her Pokedex away. She slowly approached the Lapras and the pokemon growled, shards of ice appeared at Lapra's sides and the pokemon launched the projectiles beneath Clara's feet.

Vulpix intercepted the attack and destroyed the icicles with Icy Wind. Clara thanked Vulpix and turned to Lapras: "It's okay we're not here to hurt you,' She said with a gentle tone.

Lapras was still staring at Clara distrustingly, not letting her get any closer. Clara dug through her pockets and brought out a Pokeblock: "You must be hungry right? You can have this,"

She softly tossed the Pokeblock toward Lapras, the pokemon sniffed the food before taking a bite. With this, Clara steadily closed the distance by continuously calming Lapras with Pokeblocks. Finally, Clara was able to reach arm's distance, and she hesitantly reached out her hand.

Lapras stared at Clara as her hand touched the pokemon. Clara gently stroked Lapras while soothing the pokemon. Clara was able to comprehensively analyze Lapra's injury, there was a deep gash running from the lower area of Lapra's neck all the way down to her flipper. Clara concluded that something very sharp must have slashed the pokemon.

She dug through her backpack and brought out a potion bought from Deoxys: "I'm going to spray this on you okay? It's a potion but it may sting a little."

Lapras nodded and Clara carefully sprayed the potion on the injury. Lapras winced from the pain and the wound seemed to be closing at a visible pace and the bleeding thankfully stopped. Clara was impressed by the healing capability of the potion and she wrapped clean bandages to protect the healing process.

"See you're getting better now!" Clara said with a smile.

Lapras's eyes seemed to soften and the pokemon nudged her head on Clara's chest. The girl giggled and patted Lapra's head.

"Hey, Clara where are you?!" Alice's voice was heard from the outside.

Clara's friend entered the cave, frightening Lapras. The pokemon roared and fired an Ice Beam from its mouth. The Ice Beam aimed straight for Alice but Layla pushed her away in time before conjuring a Mana Barrier.

The attack exploded against the dome and the cave rumbled: "No stop!" Clara tried to calm Lapras down: "They're friends!"

Clara desperately explained that they meant no harm and Lapras stopped. However, the pokemon still don't fully trust them.

"Wow, what pokemon is that?" Alice asked with awe.

"Her name is Lapras," Clara explained, "Lapras, that's Alice, Layla, Rubie, Saphir, and Violetta," She introduced the pokemon to her friends.

With Clara's help, Lapras started to get accustomed to everyone. The pokemon was still slightly uncomfortable but it was much calmer than before and they managed to coax Lapras out of the cave to clean the pokemon's body.

Rubie and Saphir bonded with Lapras almost immediately, this was mostly because of the queen's energy flowing within the children, and Lapras could also detect the thing in Rubie's Pokeball would mercilessly kill Lapras if she hurt them.

"Ah, would Lapras be okay?" Layla voiced out and observed the wounds: "We can't stay here forever and whatever caused these injuries may still be around."

They looked at each other worriedly. Clara patted Lapras: "Do you want to come with us?"

Lapras looked hesitant: "It doesn't have to be permanent, we can bring you back as soon as you got better," Clara explained.

The pokemon stared at her before nodding. Clara's expression lit up with joy, and she took out her Pokeball.


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Suddenly they heard something massive trudging towards them. With every step, the earth quaked and the trees trembled. An enormous creature ruptured from the forest. The monster seemed to be covered with rusted iron and shaped like a giant knight. The eye sockets in the helmet glowed an orange light.

"That's an iron golem," Layla muttered.

The golem held a large crooked sword with traces of blood on the end. There were also signs of damage and cracks on its body specifically made from impact and cracks from exposures to extremely cold temperatures. The golem spotted the group and its eyes shone with anticipation.

It marched with haste, chopping any trees that got in its wake.

"Young masters stay back!" Violetta warned and shielded Rubie and Saphir. She brandishes her daggers, ready to pounce once the golem was close enough.

Alice unsheathed her sword from her scabbard and also let her pokemon out: "Clara, Layla, you two stay back!"

The distance between the golem and the group was shortening. The ground rumbled from its footsteps and everyone felt nervous: "Wait, Rubie the Pokeball!" Clara yelled.

Remembering her mother's instruction, Rubie hurriedly dug through her backpack. She found the ball and passed it to Clara. She took it from Rubie's hand and unlocked the latch on the ball. A bright white light blinded everyone and they subconsciously covered their eyes.

What appeared was a pokemon that almost reached the golem in height. The pokemon was turquoise in colour, with four legs, and a large metallic cross on its face.

"METAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Metagross roared and stomped on the ground.

Everyone felt an immense aura being extruded from the pokemon. Alice's grip on her sword loosened, even if the pokemon were on their side, she lost the will to fight. Their legs shook with fear and their face turned pale. Layla gulped and anxiously scanned the monstrosity before them.

[Name: Metagross

Gender: None

Description: Metagross is the result of two Metang achieving fusion. When hunting, this Pokémon pins the prey to the ground under its massive body. It then eats the helpless victim using its large mouth.]

Even the description sounded scary. The only people that weren't affected were the two children and they cheered with all their might. Metagross rushes towards the golem with blinding speed.

The monster swung its rusty sword and Metagross blocked with its front leg. Metagross opened its jaw and fired a Flash Cannon. The beam struck Iron Golem straight in the chest, leaving a gaping hole in its body.

The golem stumbled backward and Metagross used Meteor Mash. The monster was hit with a hard punch the force of a falling meteor, creating a massive explosion.


Metagross's Meteor Mash completely shattered the golem, leaving only the head intact. The pokemon caught the severed head and chomped the tough metal into pieces. The disturbing sound of metal scraping against metal caused everyone to cringe.

Once Metagross finished, it approached the girls. The pokemon growled and huffed as if mocking them before turning to Rubie and Saphir. Metagross used Psychic and brought the children to its back. The children giggled and lay on top of the pokemon with smiles. It gestured at the rest to follow as the moving tank crushed trees, bushes, and rocks, creating a clear path for everyone.

"Is it safe for a child to have something that dangerous around?" Layla muttered, stunned.

However, Alice's reaction was quite different. she stared at Metagross with sparkling eyes as if she have found an extremely enticing piece of fruit: "So cool...."

Layla: "Huh, what the heck are you talking about?"

"That pokemon is awesome!" Alice screamed: "Did you see that, it went WHOOSH and BAM! That golem never stood a chance! Rubie, Saphir wait up!" She hurriedly chased the Metagross.

"That girl..." Layla muttered with an exasperated tone and ran after Alice.

Clara was left with Lapras as they stood there in silence. She was still holding the empty Pokeball in her hand and glanced at Lapras: "So do you want to come with us?"

Lapras nodded and tapped on the ball with its flipper. The Pokeball sprang out of Clara's hand and captured Lapras. With a few shakes, Lapras was successfully captured. Clara picked up the Pokeball, "I promise that you will feel better soon,"

Clara pumped her fists and looked ahead. Suddenly her face paled when she saw how far her friends have already walked: "W..Wait for me!!" She yelled and ran with all her might.

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