Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 58: Psychic is kind of daunting

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"What is your name?" Deoxys asked as they walked down the bustling street.

The boy flinched at the sudden question: "Ralph… Call me Ralph,"

Deoxys nodded: "Very well Ralph, I will get straight to the point, I want to train you,"

Ralph was stunned: "W..why?" He couldn't help but ask while being flustered, "As you said, I have no talent in magic..."

"That's correct, incompetent in magic, the amount of mana you have is minuscule. It would've been acceptable if your spells contains power but that's also questionable," Deoxys analyzed: "Your physique is also lacking and there is barely any muscle mass on your body."

With every word, Ralph felt like being stabbed in the heart. He winced and grasped his chest, the boy knows what Deoxys said was true but it hurts even more when described in detail.

Deoxys: "However, you seemed to have a talent for something else,"

Ralph's ears perked up in surprise and stared at Deoxys suspiciously: "I do?"

The pokemon nodded: "You have a talent for a form of magic… " Deoxys slowly choose its words: "A kind that doesn't require mana..."

"Is that even possible?" Ralph uttered with disbelief.

Deoxys didn't respond and opened the door to the Pokestore. Deoxys and Ralph arrived at the backyard and the boy gasped at the spectacular scenery. Countless wild pokemon were playing in the large yard, some resting by the bushes, running on the grass, and swimming by the small pond. To common visitors, it was a normal sight but to new people, the scene was simply breathtaking.

It was like a small ecosystem all in one area: "How did you manage all this...." He muttered.

"In this world, with enough money, anything is possible," Deoxys nonchalantly answered.

"You don't say..." Ralph mumbled and patted a tree next to him.

However, to his shock, the tree suddenly churned and its roots dug itself out of the ground. A large red orb appeared on the top trunk and it stared down at Ralph. The Trevenant growled at being disturbed in its sun basking and Ralph backed away in fright.

His back hit a large boulder but the rock also began to move. The pale blue boulder hoisted itself up and glared at Ralph annoyingly.

"Meta..." The gigantic Metagross groaned as if questioning the boy why it have bothered its sleep.

"Mind your surroundings, it won't be great to have my student being killed on his first day," Deoxys said.

Ralph gulped and hurriedly ran to Deoxys and the two behemoths eventually went back to rest. They arrived at a small hill where a tree loomed over the top, creating a comfortable shade. Two figures were spotted sitting by the tree and their eyes widened with excitement when noticing their presence

"Mommy!!" X2 Rubie and Saphir beamed with joy and rushed to Deoxys's side.

Deoxys smiled and patted their heads: "They will be training alongside you," The pokemon explained to Ralph.

Saphir: "Training?"

Rubie: "What's that?"

Rubie and Saphir cutely tilted their head which causes Deoxys's smile to widen even further: "You two wanted to be strong like me right?" Deoxys said softly.

"Can we??!!" Rubie squealed.

Deoxys nodded and the children's eyes sparkled as they jump with enthusiasm. They embraced their mother with all their might and clung to Deoxys like a pair of Komala. The pokemon brought them under a tree and ordered the three to sit. Ralph finally relaxed when he made sure that there wasn't another monster sleeping anywhere close to him.

"So what magic are you referring to," Ralph cut to the chase: "I've never heard of one that doesn't require mana before..."

"That's a reasonable assumption as people always believe that is to be law. However, I will now show you the power of Psychokinesis,"

Rubie: "Pie-choose-key-esis?"

"No sister, you say it this way!" Saphir said and performed an equally horrible pronunciation.

Ralph wants to correct the children but even he knew that he won't be able to say it properly. Deoxys smiled: "It's best if I show you..."

The pokemon's eyes glowed mysteriously and the wind in their surrounding stopped as if the breeze refused to blow in their vicinity. A green leaf fell between Ralph's eyes and froze in such a way that felt like time itself have ceased...

"Psychokinesis is the power to control and interact with objects through non-physical contact and utilize those objects to perform tasks," Deoxys explained.

"With this skill, everything around you can become a weapon," The leaf floating before Ralph suddenly swerved and the boy felt a sharp pain in his right cheek.

He touched his face and a small amount of blood leaked out from his wound. Ralph was stunned by the power of a mere leaf and he stared at Deoxys in silence.

Deoxys: "However, this isn't the true power of a Psychic, the true power of psychokinesis attacks the mind!"


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Out of nowhere, darkness engulfed Ralph and he found himself floating meaninglessly in a black void. Ralph thought that he should be panicking and screaming for help, however, all he felt was peace and tranquillity.

'Let me repeat once more, psychokinesis is the power of the soul and mind,' Ralph suddenly heard Deoxys's voice echoing in the space, 'The power to control the world with your will and bend reality to your heart's content...'

Gravity suddenly returned and Ralph collapsed with a loud thud. He thought he would forever fall into the endless void but an invisible floor caught his fall.


Space shook violently and before he know it, the invisible ground became the earth. Mountains, forests, and rivers were being constructed right before his eyes. Ralph gulped as he slowly stood up, the gentle wind blew against his skin and he walked unsteadily. The dark sky turned light blue and the sound of animals could be vaguely heard.

Deoxys: 'This power can be used to create something beautiful... But....'


The ground splits open as molten lava seeped out of the cavity. Ralph's surroundings burned as ashes and smoke filled his nostril. He coughed uncontrollably and he watched the majestic world around him slowly burn.

'It could also be used for chaos and death...'

'You need to be in control!'


The melting earth was suddenly covered with ice and Ralph shivered under the intense cold.

'If you waver slightly once!'

The ice melted, flooding the land and forming a large ocean. Ralph desperately flapped his arm around, trying to remain above the water's surface. The harsh waves tumbled and roared, trying their best to drown him.

'You could potentially lose everything...'

A large sun appeared and Ralph felt a harsh heat. All the water evaporated and the boy found himself in a dry, desolate wasteland. No plants could be spotted as far as the eye could see and the ground cracked with dryness. He groaned and felt the excruciating sun scorching his back.

With his last ounce of willpower, Ralph fainted...

Sometime later...

Ralph gasped and his eyes snapped open, the first thing he saw was two wide eyes children prodding him with sticks. The boy groaned and slowly sat up, his body was drenched with sweat and he still felt a little disorientated. Ralph was greatly shaken by the burning heat cooking him from the inside, the freezing wind blowing against his skin, and the sensation of drowning by a ferocious storm. All of it felt so real...

"Mommy! He's awake!" Rubie and Saphir yelled and ran to the kitchen. Deoxys arrived while being dragged by the two children.

"Good afternoon," Deoxys greeted, "You have been unconscious for approximately four hours."

Ralph: "W…What was that.."

"It was a mere illusion I created within your mind," Deoxys calmly explained.

"So it was all in my head?" Ralph uttered with disbelief.

"That is correct," Deoxys replied.

Ralph glanced at his trembling hands: "But it all felt so real...."

"As I told you, that's what Psychics are capable of, unless you have a very strong will, your mind could easily shatter," Deoxys said and knelt down.

The pokemon grabbed Ralph's chin and closely examined him: "Your heart rate seemed to be at a stable pace, other than slight bloodshot in eyes and pale skin tone, you're healthy."

"What's the worse that could happen?" The boy asked.

"You will go completely insane and become rendered in a vegetable state for the rest of your life. However I could fix you by erasing that memory but it also meant you are unfit to become my student," Deoxys said.

"So does it mean that I pass?" Ralph hesitantly asked.

Deoxys nodded: "Yes, our lesson begins tomorrow, you can return home now."

Ralph shakily stood up, "Wait," He stopped when he reaches the door: "Did you also do the same thing with them?" He said and pointed at Rubie and Saphir.

Deoxys smiled ominously: "Of course not, how could I?"

Ralph felt a vein popping on his forehead. He sighed and eventually left with a heavy heart, not sure whether being accepted was truly a good idea...

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