Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 6: Guardian

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[3rd POV]

Deoxys has spent its time with the villagers. At first, everyone was awkward around the pokemon as they didn't want to offend the great being. Thanks to Mew's system, Deoxys learned how to write and read this planet's language. The pokemon also learned more about world history, but the village's information was still limited.

Over time the people's bond grew as Deoxys helped the Demi-humans on rebuilding the village.  The ones who opened up to Deoxys first were the children as they gathered around the Pokemon as it told stories back in the Pokemon world. However, the two siblings, especially Erika, had the best relationship with Deoxys.

In Erika's mind, Deoxys's words were absolute as she had complete faith and trust in the alien. Even if Deoxys requested Erika to think more rationally of her opinion on the pokemon, its words entered one ear and out the other. Deoxys thought that if it left Erkia unsupervised, she will probably start a cult somewhere...

After all, in Erika's mind, Deoxys was the one that saved her brother, the one that saved everyone in the village. The pokemon provided them food, helped them rebuild their village, and demonstrated its unfathomable powers.

Thanks to Deoxys's supply of berries, the people don't have to worry about being hungry in the meantime, as they also planted the berries for long-term benefits. That's what the villagers thought until Deoxys cast Rain Dance, and from the unique powers of the rain, the fruit trees grew exponentially...

"Deoxys-sama, are all the stories true!?" One of the children asked with awe.

Deoxys nodded as the children squealed with excitement.

"Do you think we will be able to see those pokemon?!" A little girl asked with hope.

'You will.... that's what I'm here for...' Deoxys answered.

Deoxys response caught the interest of everyone who was listening. The being's purpose was still a mystery to the villagers, which may be a clue. But the villagers shrugged as they didn't care for Deoxys's goal; they were just grateful that it helped them.

"I want to be a trainer!" They all yelled in unison. Deoxys felt a warm feeling and patted the children's heads.

Before it realises, a week has passed...


Deoxys was by itself at a cliffside not so far away from the village. The pokemon was currently staring at the system menu, precisely the Pokemon Generator option. It had accepted the rewards not long ago, and Deoxys went into a deep slumber for two days straight.

The Demi-humans panicked as their God turned into a flashing purple gem. Thankfully, Deoxys had already informed Erika could calm the villagers in advance. The female Demi-human personally guarded the core as Deoxys assimilated with the powers.

{Select an individual}

{Erika Chauvet}

{Jyn Chauvet}


A list of names appeared before Deoxys, and the alien pressed the option with Erika's name. The screen changed.

{Their first Pokemon was chosen based on its suitability to the person.}

{Generate Pokemon?}

The bright red button flashed brightly, inviting Deoxys to interact with it. It reached out one of its tendrils but stopped when Deoxys heard running. One of the Demi-humans from the village hurriedly rushes up to it with fear on his face.

"Deoxys-sama! It's bad, and the village was getting attacked!" He screamed in panic.

Deoxys was shocked and immediately flew back to the village with the messenger, and sure enough, countless orcs, goblins and ogres were marching to the village in waves. The Demi-humans were desperately fending them off under the command of Erika and Jyn respectfully.

Suddenly a notification sound rang in Deoxys's mind.

{Task: Defend the village!}

{Status: Incomplete}

{Reward: Pokeblock Recipe!}

Deoxys arrived on the battlefield and cast a wide range of Gravity as all the monsters were pressed onto the ground: "Deoxys-sama!" The two yelled with relief, and the villagers' morale increased.

"Deoxys-sama gave us an opportunity! Attack!" Erika commanded as the villagers rushed out of their fortified fort and attacked the immobilized monsters.

Deoxys also helped as it spammed Dark Pulse, Thunderbold and Shadow Ball at the monsters. The fiends started to fear the new foe as they ran back into the forest. The villagers cheered; however, a gigantic boulder was launched out of the woods and struck Deoxys.

The force sent it crashing into a building as a big ugly grey beast strolled out. It was holding a tree and using it as a club. Deoxys burst out of the debris as it shifted into its attack form. Its limbs emit white light as the pokemon performs Aerial Ace.

The monster couldn't tell what was happening until his stomach split open: "WHO DARES HURT THE TROLL KING?!" It bellowed.

Seeing that Deoxys was the perpetrator, it tried to grab it, but Deoxys flew out of his reach and fired streams of Flash Cannon. The troll's flesh was melted off his body, and he howled in pain. However, the wounds it suffered began to repair themselves rapidly.

Deoxys felt that the fight might be a little more annoying as the Troll King roared and the Demi-humans covered their ears in discomfort. The troll's eyes turned red as he went into an enraged state. His movement became faster and more devasting, and his recovery speed increased.

'What's happening?' Deoxys asked as it dodged from the troll's fists.

'It must have used a skill.' Mew answered.

Deoxys nodded in understanding and remained calm as it knew that the monster was still not strong enough to beat Deoxys. It was initially interesting in the troll's skill, but it was disappointing knowing that it only boosted his stats.

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Deoxys stopped playing with the troll as it did not want the monster to hurt the villagers, Deoxys performed a Low Sweep, and the troll fell to the ground.

It stood on the beast as energy travelled into its chest. The Troll King wanted to get back up but was held down by Deoxys's Psychic as the Pokemon charged up a Hyper Beam. A massive laser shot out of Deoxy's core as the Troll King screamed.

His auto recovery couldn't save it as the Hyper Beam destroyed his heart. The Troll King made a few more desperate struggles until his eyes turned lifeless and finally stopped moving. The minions watching the battle shrieked as their King had been easily killed, and they hurriedly retreated. Without a King, they could no longer unite and attack the village again. Without leadership, they will tear each other apart, literally.

Deoxys and Mew agreed they might have gone overkill as the HyperBeam also liquefied the ground creating molten hot lava.  Watching Deoxys's show of power, the Demi-human's eyes sparkled with admiration. They knew they could never take on something like the Troll King, but their God killed it in minutes.

They bowed respectfully as the moonlight shined upon Deoxy's body, making it look divine. Deoxys was then notified of its completion of the task as the Pokemon healed the tired villagers. Knowing they survived, the villagers relaxed and went back to bed.


"You called me Deoxys-sama?"

On the same cliff, Deoxys called for the Elder; The pokemon stared into the distance: 'I'm planning on leaving....'

The Elder was shocked: "Leaving?

Deoxys turned around and nodded: 'I have enjoyed staying in the village. However, I still have something to achieve in this world...'

"I see." The Elder said sadly, and he didn't bother asking what his God's purpose was as the Elder bet that he wouldn't be able to comprehend it.

"I hope Jyn and Erika can accept it." The elder sighed: he knows how much these two respect Deoxys.

'I understand... that's why...'  Deoxys gently floated towards the elder and in its hands were two peculiar balls.

The top of the ball was red, while the bottom seemed to be made of wood. A small latch locked the ball in place: 'I want you to give this to them...' Deoxys muttered and handed the Elders the strange spheres.

[A/N: It's hisuian pokeball if anyone is wondering]

'These are called pokeballs, I have already secretly placed the pokeballs in the other villager's homes, but I want you to deliver these two to the siblings personally.'

The Elder's eyes widened upon hearing the name. He has also sometimes listened to Deoxys's stories and remembers Deoxys recalling a fantastic device called pokeballs: 'I guessed you're already aware of what's inside?'

"It's still hard to believe that it's all real..." The elder mumbled incoherently.

Deoxys then gave another Pokeball to the Elder saying that it was his. The alien also handed the Elder a letter it had written for Erika and Jyn. The Elder nodded as a dejected expression dawned on his face.

Deoxys patted his shoulder before levitating higher in the air. It changed into its speed form, gave one last glance at the Elder, and flew away.

'Did you make the right choice?' Mew asked as he sensed Deoxys silence.

'If I stayed any longer, I would've never wanted to leave... But I can't do that; I still have a job to do....' Deoxys replied in a tone indicating that it doesn't wish to talk about it anymore...

Next Day...

"Mommy, what's this!?" A Demi-human child exclaimed with curiosity as she held a small strange sphere in her hand.

She fiddled with the ball and flicked the switch as a small bright light flashed before her eyes, and a small creature emerged.

"Pi?" A tiny animal encased in an eggshell with stubby, rounded cone arms, tiny feet and a head with five round-tipped, conical spikes that seem to form a crown. The creature looked at the girl in front of it and tilted its head.

"Wah, so cute!" The child hugged the animal in her arms, which yelped in happiness.

Not just her, everyone in the village was going through the same experience as the Elder called the villagers for a town hall meeting. He explained their God's departure and its final gift to all of the Demi-humans.

Everyone was saddened by Deoxys leaving. The news hit Erika especially hard as she was still in disbelief and shock. Her brother tried his best to comfort her, and the Elder approached them as he handed the siblings each a Pokeball and a note: "Deoxys-sama wanted me to give you this personally."

Erika and Jyn opened the letter as they read their God's words quietly:

"Greeting Erika, Jyn. I hope you weren't too affected by my departure. The time I spent in the village will be a fond memory in my heart, and I will never forget our time together. Which is why I want to give you two of these Pokemons. Their names are Rowlet and Cyndaquill, as they will help you protect your people.

I hope that you will treat your new friends well and I believe you two will become powerful trainers in the future. We will meet again.....


Erika and Jyn wiped the tears in their eyes as they took the pokeballs. They opened it, and two pokemon popped out.



Two pokemon let out their cries as they emerged from the pokeballs. One resembles a small round owl with short legs, while the other looks like a small bipedal animal with a long thin snout as flames erupt on its back.

The bird flew into Erika's arms, and the mammal sniffed Jyn's leg. Erika and Jyn embraced the pokemon. That day, the siblings promised they would become great pokemon trainers and won't let Deoxys down.

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