Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 7: Dragon

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'Are we there yet? We have been flying for ages?!' Mew asked with a bored tone.

Deoxys shook its head as the pokemon continued its journey. Last night, before they left, Deoxys asked the location of a human city. Unfortunately, the Elder wasn't sure and could only give Deoxys a general direction. He told Deoxys that they would eventually reach a substantial human capital, but it's far away.

'By the way, you've never told me why we need to go to a city yet." Mew said.

'We need information; visiting a large city is the fastest way of gaining information....' Deoxys replied.

Mew: 'What will we do then?'

Deoxys: 'I will think of something...'

The two continued to chat until Deoxys picked up a strange life signature. It changes course as it soared toward the location of the signal: 'Where are you going? The human city is that way!' Mew exclaimed.

'I sensed something interesting....' Deoxys replied as they arrived at a cave that seemed to be an old ruin.

Deoxys slowly entered the cave and explored it. The pokemon dived deeper into the ancient remnant.

'Woah... This must be some sort of dungeon or something!' Mew squealed with excitement.

Mew was correct as they encountered some strange monsters such as slimes and undead, but the dungeon's inhabitants ignored the pokemon, so Deoxys didn't bother. There were also traps around each corner; however, something like that won't take down Deoxys, so they strolled through without difficulty.

Eventually, Deoxys arrived at a large gate that was half opened. Inside, they heard loud snoring. Deoxys peaked through the door and saw a gigantic red lizard in slumber.

'THAT'S A DRAGON!!!!' Mew exclaimed as his eyes glowed with enthusiasm.

Deoxys nodded as it started to return the way it came: 'Hey hey, where are you going?!'

'We don't have to fight it,' Deoxys calmly stated.

'Go back. The battle will be awesome!!' Mew sulked.

Deoxys ignored Mew until a screen appeared in front of its eyes.

{Task: Subdue the dragon!}

{Status: Incomplete}

{Reward: 10 berries}

Deoxys stopped, and it heard Mew snickering. However, to Mew's disbelief, Deoxys continued his path out of the dungeon: 'Wait, wait, we can negotiate!' The words in the reward section start to change...

{Task: Subdue the dragon!}

{Status: Incomplete}

{Reward: 20 pokeballs}

Mew thought he had succeeded, but Deoxys won't be easily persuaded: 'Okay, fine! You happy now!?'

{Task: Subdue the dragon!}

{Status: Incomplete}

{Reward: 20 pokeballs, 10 ultra balls and 20 berries}

There was silence before Deoxys turned around and entered the large room. Mew happily celebrated, and they approached the sleeping dragon.

Red scales covered the dragon's body as two curled horns grew from the side of the beast's head. It has four legs with sharp claws at each end of its foot and a pair of wings on its back. The dragon seemed to have a good dream, smiling and with a sleep bubble expanding from its snout.

Deoxys apologised for the crimes it was about to commit as the pokemon used Dream Eater. The dragon's expression showed discomfort as it woke up and roared.

'WHO DARES DISTURB MY SLUMBER!!!!!!!!???????????' Deoxys heard a loud, deep voice in its head.

The dragon saw the pokemon levitating in front of it and howled with rage: 'It was you! I will kill you! I was having a good dream!'

Flames gathered in its throat as it shot out a fiery breath. Deoxys turned into its protector form as the fire blasted the Pokemon.  Deoxys felt a slight sting as the flames hit the pokemon, creating a large smoke cloud.

This power was the strongest Deoxys had ever felt in this world, but if this was all it could do, then its resistance was futile.

'Hmph, that's what weakling get for annoying me.' The dragon sneered with arrogance, but its eyes bulged out of its socket when the monster saw Deoxys barely hurt.

The dragon was shocked as it seemed to be unharmed from its most potent attack. 'It must be that the thing used magic!' The dragon thought to itself, so in theory, the being in front of it should be weak physically.

It rushes at Deoxys and slashes the pokemon with its sharp claws. Deoxys used Protect as a white barrier blocked the dragon's assault. It took this opportunity to cast Psychic Terrain as the whole room seemed covered in strange energy.

The dragon sense that the being in from of it has become stronger. With the power up, Deoxys charged up a Psycho Boost. A gigantic purple sphere manifested from the psychic energy in Deoxys.

'BRING IT ON!' The Dragon roared in the challenge as an orange light gathered in its chest.

Deoxys launched the Psycho Boost, and the dragon used all its strength on the breath attack. The psychic orb collided with the beam of flames, but to the dragon's horror, the Psycho Boost demolished the fire and struck the dragon in the face.

The dragon slumped and crashed onto the stone floor with one final roar.

{Task: Subdue the dragon!}

{Status: Complete}

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{Reward: 20 pokeballs, 10 ultra balls and 20 berries}

Thankfully, the dragon was still alive, and Deoxys glanced at the unconscious dragon as if it felt pity. Deoxys cast heal pulse on the creature as it groggily woke up. To Deoxy's shock, bright light enveloped the monster as it started to shrink and turned into the form of a short young woman. She has puffy pink hair with small curved horns and pink eyes. There's also a long tail swaying from her rear. Thankfully she seemed to be wearing clothes or else the situation will be awkward.

[A/N: Just imagine Ilulu from dragon maid, but without the giant "flame sacs". hmmm I might as well call her Ilulu then? It's not in the dragon maind universe btw I'm just lazy to think of a new character]

She sat up and angrily pointed at Deoxys: "That's just a warm-up! I won't lose this time!"

Before Deoxys could reject the challenge, the girl leapt towards Deoxys as her arm became covered with scales. However, Deoxys activated gravity, and she was sent crashing back onto the ground.

'I don't want to fight anymore.'

"But.. But..." Tears rose in her eyes as the girl started bawling like a child.

Deoxys was stumped as it watched the girl rolling around while crying. In the Pokemon World, Dragons were supposed to be prideful and dignified creatures, but the one here was crying like a brat.

When the girl calmed down, Deoxys levitated towards her, but she pouted and turned her head away from the pokemon. Deoxys held out a piece of berry as the sweet scent drifted into her nose.

Her nose twitched as little drool leaked out of her lips. Can't take anymore, the girl snatched the berry out of Deoxys's hand and stuffed it into her mouth. Her face was full of relish as she chewed on the fruit.

When she finished, the girl glanced at Deoxys and could tell it was amused: "Hmph, just because you gave me food, that doesn't mean I forgive you!"

Hearing this, Deoxys took another berry and dangled it in front of her. The girl's body flinched as she eyed the food. She tried to reach for it. However, Deoxys moved the berry away: "Gimme!" She whined.

'I thought we aren't friends?'

The girl's stomach rumbled: "Fine; we're friends now. Just give me the food!" She begged as Deoxys tossed it in the air. The girl caught it perfectly and devoured the food like a starving Munchlax.

She then looks at Deoxys with a pleading expression, and her face turns bright red: "Can I have more?"

1 hour later.....

The girl rubbed her stomach as she sighed with satisfaction. She consumed a large portion of Deoxys's berries, and Deoxys wondered if she was indeed a dragon and not a Snorlax in disguise.

'Have you never eaten berries before?'

"I always stayed in this dungeon, and I don't need to eat food to survive."

'I see... I'm Deoxys; what's your name?'

"Ilulu..." the girl answered.

'Why are you here?'

"This is my home, and it's not a bad place. I found it a couple of hundred years ago and never bothered to leave. I love the life of sleeping all day!" Ilulu said happily.

Seeing Deoxys's stare, Ilulu could tell what it was thinking: "I'm not lazy, okay! It's just inconvenient to leave if everything's already here!"

Ilulu huffed as she desperately made excuses...

'Then do you want to see what's it like outside?' Deoxys asked.

"Hmmm, now that I know there's the food like those outsides, I may as well...." Ilulu replied.

'Do you want to come with me?'

"Will I get to eat delicious foods while I'm with you?" Ilulu raised one eyebrow.

Deoxys nodded while in the pokemon's mind, all it could think of was the dragon in front of it was an absolute glutton.

"Deal!" Ilulu happily agreed as drools were already leaking out of her mouth, "Okay... before we leave, can we collect the things from my vault?" Ilulu requested.


"Uh huh,  many stupid people wanted to fight me and left their shiny stuff here. They looked pretty, so I gathered them up."

Deoxys was curious and requested Ilulu to take the Pokemon to it. Ilulu proudly guided Deoxys to a hidden passage she dug out, and they arrived at a vault room.

Ilulu placed her hand on the door as it opened, and Deoxys went through it as it observed everything. There are jewellery, weapons and mountains of coins of different colours. What's interesting is that Deoxys could feel some strange energy from gems or weapons.

Under Mew's guidance, Deoxys got the gist of each artifact's effect, and the pokemon took everything, not leaving a single penny behind. It also found a map marking a human city far from here which was super helpful.

As they walked out of the old ruin, Ilulu's eyes shined as she watched the sunset: "I haven't seen the outside for so long...."

'It's beautiful, isn't it?' Deoxys said.

"Yeah...." Ilulu muttered in a daze.

'It's going to be more majestic once Pokemon are born.'

"Pokemon?" Ilulu asked.

Deoxys nodded as it watched the scenery. After a while, Deoxys decided to continue its journey: 'Let's go.' it said as it started flying away.

"You still haven't answered my question yet, and wait for me!" Ilulu yelled as wings grew from her back as she chased after Deoxys.

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