Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 60: A Devotee’s Biggest Crime!

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[Three months and two weeks before the tournament...]

The day of the pokemon tournament was coming near. The stadium was almost complete and only needed some minor adjustments. Deoxys looked forward to the growth of everyone and the pokemon stared out the window with a peaceful expression. Now it mostly spends its time teaching its new apprentice about becoming a Psychic or playing with its children.

Deoxys slowly drank the warm tea with a satisfied expression. Even if the pokemon couldn't taste anything, it finds this activity invented by humans strangely relaxing. However, today wasn't the peaceful morning that Deoxys hoped it to be...



Two arrows burst through the window with great momentum, aiming for Deoxys's face. The pokemon frowned and caught the projectiles with its fingers. Suddenly more arrows appeared, completely shattering the glass window of the store. Deoxys's mood dampened immediately at the sudden thought of replacing the destroyed window.

Deoxys cast Protect and the flurry was immediately blocked by the translucent barrier. A figure entered through the shattered window frame and their feet made a crunching noise when stepping on the shards of broken glass.

The attacker was holding a bow and its body was covered with a large cloak. The intruder was also wearing a hood to obscure their face. They aimed their bow at Deoxys but the pokemon flicked its wrist and the weapon was wretched out of their hand.

The figure clicked their teeth when the bow slid across the floor and they unsheathed the dagger n their belt. The intruder pounced and Deoxys sidestepped their attack. The pokemon immediately reached out and placed the opponent in a chokehold.

Normally, Deoxys would've mercilessly slain its enemies but the location was not the best to commit murder and it doesn't want the children to see a bloody mess in the store. The pokemon tore off the cloak, revealing a young girl with short black hair. What unsettled Deoxys the most was the two black ears protruding on top of her hand and the pokemon eyes widened.

"E..Erika?" Deoxys muttered in surprise.

From the shock, the pokemon's hold momentarily loosened and Erika wormed out of her restraint. Erika lunged for her dropped knife and dashed towards the entrance of the store, creating distance between them.

The demi-human was glaring at Deoxys with hatred. All of her hair was stood up and Erika hissed, baring her sharp canines. Her eyes were dilating and she was oozing the emotion of anger.

Deoxys: "What is your purpose for aggravating me?"

"Shut up you heretic!" Erika shrieked, "How dare you freely use my Goddess's name!"

Deoxys body stiffened, before sighing tiredly, in its mind, it could hear Mew's uncontrollable laughter at the pokemon's misfortune.

Seeing Deoxys's silence, Erika growled and took out her Pokeball: "I haven't shown you my true strength yet!" She opened the Pokeball and Decidueye appeared: "Attack her!"

Decidueye prepared for battle under Erika's order, however, he froze when the pokemon realized who their target was. The giant bird trembled nervously under Deoxys domineering presence and glanced at Erika with disbelief.

Watching her partner's hesitant gaze, she frowned: "What? Why are you looking at me like I just committed genocide or something?"

Decidueye wanted to vomit blood and thought that committing genocide won't be worse than harming their own God. To make up for his master's mistake, Decidueye hurriedly bowed repeatedly like an office worker apologizing to their boss.

Deoxys sighed and used the shelves to seal off the entrance of the Pokestore so that no one can enter. With a single step, the pokemon closed the distance with Erika and stared at her with a complicated expression.

Erika wanted to attack right there and now but her animalistic instinct was telling her not to. She felt extremely betrayed and her long-time friend won't even bother to protect her.

"Erika..." Deoxys called out and transformed into its original form.

The cat girl gasped, she looked at the knife in her hand and the broken window as her gasping became louder, "D...Deoxys-sama???"

Deoxys nodded and her eyes shook. Erika crumpled to the floor and tugged on her hair before letting out the most ear-piercing, brain-numbing, spine-chilling, hair-raising, and blood-curdling scream the world has ever heard.

Erika became a weeping mess and she couldn't even look at Deoxys without feeling an enormous amount of guilt and shame.

"I have committed a grave sin..." Erika muttered depressingly: "There's only one way to resolve this!"

She stared at Deoxys: "Please accept my offering!"

Erika pointed the dagger at her heart but Deoxys immediately snatched the weapon from the girl's hand: 'What do you think you're doing!??"

"Sacrificing my lift to offset this dreadful crime?" Erika anxiously responded.

Deoxys wasn't sure it heard correctly and felt that this was probably the most insane thing Erika have ever sprouted out of her mouth. If the pokemon can make an expression right now it would be one of dumbfoundedness and slightly impressed by her commitment.

'Y... You don't have to do that...' Deoxys said with an exasperated tone, 'Apologising will do....'

Erika covered her mouth with her hands: 'Even with what I have done, you're letting me go with this small of a punishment!?"

Deoxys: 'It's not like you done much in the first place.....'

"Ah... My Goddess is too kind..." Erika began crying again and hugged Deoxys's leg.

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The pokemon wanted to pry Erika off but the girl refused to budge and Deoxys felt even awkward doing so while she was shedding a waterful of tears.

The pokemon glanced at the quiet Decidueye, who was still nervously standing in the corner: 'Return to our Pokeball,'

Decidueye quickly nodded and escaped back into his ball. Now the pokemon ponders on how to deal with this eccentric girl.

An hour later...

"There there," Deoxys muttered and stroked Erika's head.

The demi-human was currently laying on Deoxys's lap and sucking her thumb like an oversized infant.

"Our Goddess's divine lap... Such bliss, I can die happy now..." Erika mumbled with a peaceful space. She couldn't help but giggle at the jealous gaze she would receive when she boast about it in her village.

Deoxys smiled wryly, the pokemon certainly missed her but remembered Erika's extreme behaviors, it felt a sense of bittersweet. The pokemon glanced up and saw two heads peeking from the doorway. Rubie and Saphir glared at Erika with envy and they pouted as their cheeks inflated like an Alolan Raticate.

Rubie: "That's unfair...."

Saphir: "It's our spot...."

Deoxys noticed tears were already threatening to drip out of the children's eyes and the pokemon sighed tiredly.

A few minutes later...

Rubie: "Mmmmmm,"

Saphir: "Mommy is the best..."

Rubie and Saphir rest their heads on Deoxys's other thighs and whimpered with comfort. The pokemon smiled wryly and comforted the trio.

After a few more minutes, Deoxys nudges Erika's shoulder: "You should get up now,"

Erika complied with a reluctant face. She sat on her knees while staring at Deoxys with sparkles in her eyes.

"First of all, how did you get here?" Deoxys asked.

"Well when I heard about the competition, I traveled as fast as I can. I took a while because the village was very far away and I needed to make money during my travel," Erika passionately answered.

Deoxys nodded understandingly, compared to the pokemon, who can travel at Mach-speed. Erika needed much more time and it was natural that traveling will take a long time in this world.

"Once I arrived at the city, I easily bypassed the gate without any identification or anything, I gotta say, humans here are pretty carefree like don't they care to let a stranger in the kingdom?" Erika added with a laugh.

Deoxys gazed at the girl with a deadpanned expression. Unbeknownst to Erika, around one hundred soldiers instantly swarmed the Pokestore just five minutes after her crazy actions. Thanks to Deoxys's influence, the pokemon convinced the guards that everything was fine, or else Erika would probably be dragged to prison already...

"Then I assume you're here to participate in the Pokemon competition?" Deoxys asked.

Erika beamed: "Of course! An event hosted by my God, it will be my life's mission to attend!!"

Deoxys: "Is it only just you?"

Erika sadly nodded, she explained that everyone else still have to stay in the village and her brother Jyn was too busy to participate with her.

"I see, then where will you be staying in the meantime?" Deoxys asked, "I have a spare room that you can use,"

Hearing this Erika flinched before getting teary-eyed once more: "Ah, you keep showering us with never-ending kindness!! I promise I will be the best slave!!!!" She shouted.

Deoxys: "You.... you don't have to do that..."

Erika shook her head and stood up. The demi-human pumped her fists, "Your wish is my command! What will be your first order!!" Erika said with enthusiasm.

Knowing that the girl won't take no for an answer Deoxys pinched the bridge of its nose: "You should fix the window that you broke first..."

"Understood!! It shall be done by tomorrow!" Erika yelled and rushes toward the door.

"Erika wait," Deoxys said before smiling softly: "It's nice seeing you again,"

Her eyes lit up and she felt warm under Deoxys's praise: "Nn! I won't let you down!!"

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