Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 61: Dwarf Mining Gone Wrong

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[A/N: This will be the last chapter before the tournament begins! Think of this as a side chapter definitely not because I want to write a chapter on a grumpy dwarf!!]

[one month and two weeks before the pokemon competition...]

As the pokemon tournament was etching closer and closer, countless participants have been constantly training to their heart contends, trying to win the number one reward. Countless speculations were already made.




Whatever it was, it have people shaking in their boots. However, while everyone was fervently training, meanwhile...

In a random smithy in Ardes...

A dwarf was seen snoring loudly on his bed. Feeling the morning sun shining on his face, Gareff groaned and slowly opened his eye. Begrudgingly, the dwarf sat up and planted his feet on the cold stone floor.

He stretched and yawned, flexing his muscles, years of hammering metal made Gareff's body well-defined. He clicked his teeth with annoyance at the thought of working again. The dwarf just wants to sit back and relax with a cold beer in his hand.

"Wake up ya stinking turtle," The dwarf barked and stumbled to the bathroom.


There's a pile of coal in the corner of the room, the coal pile starts to shake and collapsed, revealing the sleepy pokemon. Torkoal spew out smoke from its nostril and readied to start another day.

An hour later...

"GOD DAMN IT WHY TODAY?!" Gareff grumbled and he angrily shuts the doors of the material cabinet.

"Heh, I guess I may have carried away crafting those Pokeballs or whatever," He chuckled awkwardly and Torkoal snorted in response.

For some reason, Gareff finds creating these Pokeball interesting. How does such a delicate and small device achieve something this big? Now all Gareff wondered was how far he could go with these Pokeballs.

"Well seems like we need to go get more ingredients then eh?" Gareff muttered: "But first let me have a morning drink."

The dwarf opened his beer closet and to his annoyance, it was also empty: "OH FOR @#*)&%@!!!!!!!!" That's how his morning went...

Few more hours later...

"Alright, this way bud," Gareff chided and Torkoal followed behind him while towing a small wooden wagon.

They left the kingdom and made their way toward the mountains where there was a mining site. However, today doesn't seem to be Gareff's day.

"Hey what the hell is all this?!" He shouted when he saw a group of miners surrounding the entrance of the site.

Gareff approached a familiar group of dwarves and asked what all the fuss was about.

"Apparently, a large monster has been spotted inside, now everyone was kind of nervous to go, knights have been called to deal with the beast already so it's best to wait until everything blows over," One of them says.

Gareff huffed and spit on the floor: "I ain't waiting for all day for a stupid beast, it's probably just a drunkard's tale anyway, come one, we're going!" Gareff barked.

The group of miners lets the dwarf and pokemon through, impressed with their boldness. As they ventured deeper, Torkoal lit a small flame in his mouth to lighten the tunnel. Instantly, the walls glowed as the light reflected off of the shiny ores.

Gareff grabbed the pickaxe from the wagon and he grinned at the treasure cove before him. He raised the tool and drove it into the hard stone.




The sound of the pickaxe striking the hard ores creates a loud echo throughout the tunnel. Gareff huffed and wiped the sweat dripping down his face as he threw the gathered materials into the wagon.

"Hmmm what the bloody hell is this?" Gareff muttered and brought his face close to the metal on the wall.

From where his pickaxe landed, a strange silver liquid was leaking out as if the ore was bleeding. Gareff grabbed a small beaker from his wagon and took a sample of the liquid. He shrugged and stored the beaker away.

"I think we got enough, it's time to go," He announced and they soon begin to trudge back to the entrance.


The entire cave suddenly jolted and shook violently, as if coming to life. Torkoal and Gareff were thrown against the wall and they grunted from the hard impact.

"Cave in??" Gareff muttered in shock, "Wait no..." He felt the intense vibration coming from the walls beside him and the tremor increased in magnitude.

"Get down!!" The dwarf barked and they lay flat on the ground.


The entire side of the wall exploded, revealing a new set of tunnel systems. However, Torkoal and Gareff weren't focused on the new passageway but on the monster before it. I

The monster was gigantic and covered the entirety of the small cave. It has a long serpentine body with boulders as segments. The creature's snout was round and there was a long sharp spine protruding from the top of its head.

The creature spotted the two and let out a deafening roar: "ONIXXX!!!"

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Gareff felt his eardrums bursting and he hurriedly gets up: "F*CKING RUN!!!"

Torkoal and Gareff made a dashed for it and they sprinted with all their might. However, Onix doesn't give up and began to pursue them. Their distance starts to shorten and the dwarf cursed.

"Torkoal do something to stop it!"

"Koal!" Torkoal shouted and spew a hot molten liquid from his mouth.

The Lava Plume landed and Onix howled in pain. It glared at the two with rage in its eyes, the pokemon's tail glowed and Onix used Iron Tail. Gareff and Torkoal couldn't dodge in time and they were smacked cleanly by the attack.

Gareff felt the air knocked out of his lungs as their bodies crashed against the walls. The dwarf grumbled and painfully stood back up: "Come on then ya big oaf!"

He tightly held his pickaxe and shouted to intimidate the large monster. Onix growled and the pokemon charged. Gareff swung his weapon and with a sharp Clang, the pickaxe bounced off Onix's tough skin.

Gareff: "Sh*t...."

Onix used Thunder Fang and electricity formed around its jaw. The pokemon struck and Gareff instinctively held his pickaxe vertically in front of him.

"Nix??!!" Onix cried out in shock as the pickaxe was jammed between its upper and lower jaw.

Gareff was still holding onto the pickaxe and Onix thrashed his head wildly. Gareff lost grip on the wooden handle and the pokemon flung the dwarf onto its back.

"Owww... f*cking hell that hurts..." Gareff groaned.

"Koal?" Torkoal suddenly appeared beside the dwarf and sneakily climbed onto Onix's tall body.

"Tor Torkoal!" The turtle cried out in fear and Gareff hurriedly covered his pokemon's mouth

"Ah shhhhhh," Gareff hissed and took out his Pokeball, "Return for now," He quietly said and Torkoal obediently entered its Pokeball.

By the time Gareff brought Torkoal back, Onix finished its outburst and with a chomp, the pickaxe locking its jaw in place snapped into pieces. Onix looked around and the pokemon was confused about where Gareff and Torkoal go, not knowing that the dwarf was gripping onto its back.

The pokemon grunted and reentered the tunnel. Gareff was struggling to grab on and Onix slithered through the earth at a speed unbefitting his massive frame. If he lets go now, the pokemon will most likely notice him or get accidentally crushed by Onix's massive frame.

The horrible experience finally ended when Onix arrived at a bright cavern. The cave was lit up by luminescent moss and shiny blue crystals.

Onix went toward the center of the cave, dragging Gareff with him. The pokemon groaned in discomfort and smashed its head against the wall, shaking the cave. Onix grinded its neck against the floor before growling in pain.

After a few more minutes of struggling, Onix gave up and the pokemon dejectedly lay in a circle before slowly falling asleep. Once the Onix closed its eyes, Gareff hurriedly got off the pokemon and tiptoed to the entrance. He glanced back and something caught his eye, between Onix's neck, there was something shiny wedged deeply into the pokemon.

The dwarf observed closely and his eyes widened. It was a medium-sized chunk of rock with tiny sparkles like the stars in the universe. Gareff took a sharp breath, the rock was a diamond ore and the size of the rock was larger than any he had ever seen! If he took this with him, he would be rich!!

Gareff stared at the rock before facing the cave entrance. After a few minutes of contemplation, he made up his mind: "A f*ck it…"

He let Torkoal out of the Pokeball and the pokemon gazed at him confusingly: "Let's try and pull that rock out," Gareff explained.

Torkoal looked at the dwarf as if he was an insane person but reluctantly followed Gareff anyway. Gareff grabbed the rock while Torkoal grasped it with his mouth.

"Okay three, two, one, pull!"

They tugged on the stuck ore with all their might: "C'mon.." Gareff gritted his teeth and he felt his arm muscles strained under the intense usage.


The stone was freed, and Torkoal and Gareff fell onto their backs as they held the ore in their hands. They looked at each other before cheering and giving each other pats on the back.

"Grrrrr," Suddenly Onix's eyes snapped open and the two froze in place.

The pokemon rises up, towering over the dwarf and turtle. Onix tilted its neck and realized the discomfort and pain had suddenly disappeared. After so long, Onix finally felt at peace with the stinging irritation at its neck, and the pokemon relaxed. It eyed the stone in Gareff's hand and leaned closer.

The dwarf flinched as Onix sniffed the diamond ore: "Y... you want this?" He hesitantly asked.

Onix nodded but Gareff turned his head: "Hmph, it's mine, I found it after all!" He declared.

The Onix made a low rumbling noise and nudged against the dwarf's shoulder. After a little bit of pleading, Gareff clicked his teeth and gave in: "Fine! Here take it!"

He flung the ore into the air and Onix happily ate the rock. Gareff sighed tiredly, the opportunity of becoming rich, gone just like that...

"Nix," Onix rubbed its face against Gareff and the dwarf groaned.

He thought the sensation of being cuddled by a large stone snake felt like getting smashed in the face with a rock. Well, a moving rock...

"Okay, enough!" Gareff grumbled and tried to push Onix away.

The pokemon suddenly picked up a scent and pointed its snout at something in Gareff's back pocket. The dwarf brought out the vial containing the strange metal liquid: "What you want this as well??"

Onix nodded and Gareff cursed: "Alright what the f*ck, just take everything, might as well then!"

The pokemon swallowed the vial with glee and a miraculous phenomenon happened right before Gareff's eyes. Onix began to shine and glow as the pokemon doubled in size, rock spikes began to grow out of Onix's sides and the pokemon's head stretched and widened.

"STEEEEELIXXX!!!" The pokemon roared and the cave trembled under its mighty shout.

Steelix growled and stared at the terrified Gareff: "Holy sh*t....."

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