Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 65: The Hidden Monster vs The Unwavering Guild Master

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"Akel Levonn and Erika Chauvet, please get into your respected positions!" A referee shouted.

Erika and Akel stood across each other on the sizeable pokemon field. They warily observed their opponents and their fingers twitched with anticipation.

"Who do you think will win?" Alice, who was watching from the sidelines, asked her father.

Lucius shrugged: "Akel is strong, however, we have never seen that girl battle before so we don't know how well she can fight,"

"Is that so?" Alice muttered and the lingering uneasiness when she glanced at Erika intensified.

Back at the field, Akel grinned: "Just to let you know, I won't be going easy on you,"

Erika smirked: "You took the words right out of my mouth."

The Guild Master laughed while Erika snarled in response. He wiped the tear out of his eyes: "Alright here I come! Go Lucario!"

Akel hurled his Pokeball into the air and Lucario appeared before hitting the ground with a superhero landing. Erika threw out her own Pokeball and Decidueye burst out and flew around the field. The giant bird glared at Lucario and screeched loudly, causing the surrounding audience to cover their ears.

"What the hell is that..." Alice muttered in shock and scanned Erika's pokemon with her Pokedex.

[Name: Decidueye

Gender: Male

Description: A ghost and grass-type pokemon. It fires arrow quills from its wings with such precision, it can pierce a pebble at distances over a hundred yards. ]

Alice gulped when she read the description, whatever Decidueye was, the pokemon sounded extremely strong.

"Alright let's begin! Decidueye use Razor Leaf!" Erika yelled.

"Deci!!" Decidueye fired dozens of sharp leaves from its wings, reminding everyone of an assassin flinging their hidden weapons.

"Tsk dodge it!" Akel ordered. Lucario acrobatically dodged backward and the sharp leaves embedded deep into the ground.

Akel: "Aura Sphere!", Lucario growled and fired a blast of aura power from within its body.

"Destroy it with Energy Ball!" Erika yelled,

Decidueye opened its beak and drew power from the natural energy. A green orb formed in its mouth and the pokemon fired the Energy Ball at the Aura Sphere


A gigantic explosion roared through the sky and littered the field with dust. The smoke began to dissipate and Lucario frantically glanced around. His opponent was nowhere to be seen and the anxiety in the pokemon's heart grew.

"Behind you!!" Akel warned.

Lucario turned around and his eyes widened. The pokemon's shadow stretched and Decidueye's figure emerged from the darkness.

Erika: "Leaf Blade!"

Decidueye slashed Lucario with his wings and the Fighting Pokemon cried out in pain.

Akel frowned: "Quickly Bullet Punch!"

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Lucario lashed out a punch at the speed of a bullet and struck Decidueye in the face, "Counter with Sucker Punch!!" Erika ordered.

Decidueye countered and swung its wing in an arc. Lucario stumbled backward under the strong punch and when Lucario regain his focus, the pokemon's eyes widened. Before Lucario was Decidueye with an arrow in his hand, the pokemon pulled the vines on his hood, creating a bow.

Erika: "Seed Bomb!"


The arrow tip expanded into a flower bud and the ghost bird unleashed the terrifying attack: "Hurry Lucario dodge it!!" Akel yelled with desperation.

Despite this, Lucario has no time to react and the arrow strikes the pokemon in the chest.


The Seed Bomb exploded and Lucario was sent flying across the field.

"Lucario!" Akel shouted with concern: "Are you alright,"

The pokemon huffed and slowly stood up with shaky legs. Lucario panted heavily and the pokemon was littered with wounds. Akel stared at Decidueye with a complicated expression. His opponent was powerful, much stronger than him. The pokemon coughed and lightly pounded its chest. Lucario wiped his mouth and grinned. His battle spirit boiled within his soul and adrenaline pumped into his body.

"Friend, how are you feeling?" Akel asked, snapping Lucario out of his thoughts.

The pokemon glanced at his master and smiled, baring his fangs: "Lucar!!"

Akel grinned: "Good, we will not go down without a fight!!! Use Bone Rush!!"

Lucario growled and a thing long blue bone appeared in his hand. The pokemon swung the weapon and wield the bone like a sword. Decidueye frowned and fired two arrows at the pokemon. However, to the bird's surprise, Lucario easily deflected the arrows with ease. The pokemon glared at Decidueye and beckoned him with a gesture.

Erika smirked: "I like your determination but let's finish this once and for all! Decidueye, use brave bird!"

"Gladly, Lucario quickly uses Bone Rush!!!!" Akel shouted.

Lucario leapt into the air and raised his bone staff. Decidueye screeched and divebombed towards the pokemon, its feathers turned golden and left a fiery stream in his wake.


The two pokemon crashed into each other and exploded. Everyone covered their eyes from the dust and held their ground against the harsh blast. Akel and Erika stared at each other, their hearts beating loudly as the tension could be cut with a knife.

The smoke gradually settled and the scene made Akel's face pale. Decidueye stood on top of Lucario with his sharp talons pressed against the pokemon's neck. Lucario winced and lay motionlessly on the ground, with one last groan, Lucario fainted...

"DECIDUEYE!!" Decidueye revealed his extravagant wings and roared in triumph.

"Lucario has fainted! Erika wins!"

The crowd burst into cheers and applause as they chanted Erika's name. The girl smiled and returned Decidueye to his Pokeball before leaving. Akel, who finally snapped out of his shock, sighed and brought Lucario back with his Pokeball.

"You did well my friend, our opponents this time were just too strong..." He muttered and left dejectedly.

Alice and Lucius who was watching have complicated expression. Even if the crowd couldn't see it clearly, they managed to catch a glimpse of what happened during the clash. Lucario swung his bone staff but Decidueye dodged before striking Brave Bird in Lucario's throat. The owl then appeared behind Lucario and drove his talons into the pokemon's back, smashing Lucario into the ground.

That split-second decision and reflex unnerves the Redwall. Alice watched the retreating figure of Erika and thought anxiously: 'Can I defeat her....?'

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