Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 66: The Determined Prince vs The Dark Saint

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Ten minutes later...

"She's so strong..." Clara gulped.

"Her name's Erika, right? I've never heard of her..." Alice muttered.

"I'm feeling chills..." Layla mumbled.

Currently, they're secretly peeking at Erika. The girl was currently conversing with Emily and she handed the nurse her Pokeball. Alice decided to step up and make a conversation with her.

"Hello, I've never seen you before!" Alice greeted with a cheerful tone: "That was an amazing battle! How did you get so powerful?"

Erika glanced at Alice with a bored expression and shrugged: "Where I've come from was extremely dangerous, it's natural we have to be strong to survive."

"But still, it's like you have known Pokemon battling for ages! However, last time I checked, Deoxys only came to this country a year ago."Alice said.

Erika frowned and found it insulting how Alice refer to Deoxys so casually. However, her Goddess refrained her from acting out or calling the pokemon a god in other people's presence. Erika agreed but she was still annoyed about it.

"I have no reason to answer, now goodbye..." When Emily returned, Erika grabbed her Pokeball and hurriedly left, leaving the girls baffled.

"What's with her?" Clara asked and the other two shrugged.

'Layla Leclair and Capsian Remford, your match is about to begin, please make your way to the field for further instructions,' Suddenly, they all heard Deoxys's voice transmitted into their brains.

"Alright, it's my turn!" Layla cheered and ran to the pokemon field.

By the time she arrived, Capsian was already waiting for her. The prince smiled and waved, Layla suddenly felt embarrassed when she gazed at his face. The rumor of Capsian being incredibly handsome was really true.

"Let's have a good match, however, I won't be going down easily. I have to win this," Capsian said.

Layla became serious and nodded: "Of course."

"Are both contestants ready?" The referee asked.

Capsian and Layla nodded as the second match of the pokemon tournament begin. At the royal's booth, Deoxys was having tea with the royal family.

"They're so cute!" Queen Elaine exclaimed and hugged Deoxys's children tightly, "It reminded me of Capsian and Alyssa when they were just this little!"

"Mother, you're embarrassing me...." Alyssa muttered with a blush.

Deoxys chuckled and smiled wryly. The pokemon glanced at its apprentice who was watching the family with a nervous expression: "What's the matter?"

Ralph stared at the floor with anxiety. He stood rigidly and played with his thumbs: "Do I have to be here... this is a little nerve-wracking..." The boy muttered and glimpsed at the royal family.

Elaine laughed: "Don't worry we won't bite," She said and rubbed her face on Rubie and Saphir: "Isn't that right?"

Arthur shrugged and watched his son with a proud expression: "How well do you think he will do?"

Deoxys took a sip of its tea: "It depends, I believe he has talents but it also won't be an easy battle."

Alyssa groaned: "I want to battle too... But I just had to get taken out in the elimination round..."

Elaine giggled: "You just have to try harder next time, however, seems like Capsian have something that's driving him to work this hard,"

"Having motivation is a good prospect, no matter how big the goal is," Deoxys commented.

The rest of the royal family gave Deoxys a weird look. They pretty much figured out the reason at this point but decided to not say anything and the atmosphere became awkward.


Suddenly everyone turned to the corner of the room where Ilulu's Shelgon fell onto the floor: "Heh, sorry bout that, ever since that Salamance showed up, Shelgon wanted to fly," She explained apologetically.

Thankfully, that dispelled the quiet mood and everyone returned to spectating the battle. Back at the field, Capsian and Layla stared at each other.

"Alright begin!!" The referee shouted.

"Let me show you my power!! Go Metagross!!" Layla yelled and tossed her Pokeball to the ground.

The Pokeball opened and a very familiar pokemon emerged: "METAGROSSS!!" The four-legged beast roared loudly.



"When the heck did Layla get a Metagross???" Alice muttered in shock and she instinctively shivered when remembering a certain memory.

Clara shook her head: "I don't know but doesn't that Metagross feel a bit different don't you think?"

The prince was stunned by the pressure pokemon was emitting but he regained his composure. He won't let something this trivial stop him, he has worked hard and he will show them all his own strength: "That's impressive but I will defeat you no matter what! Go Gyrados!!!"

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Capsian threw his Pokeball into the air and a brilliant light illuminated the entire stadium. The bright shape has begun to elongate and grow in size. The figure was finally revealed that leaving the audience speechless.

On the prince's side stood a giant dragon-like monster. It has a long body covered in overlapped scales. It's blue with a yellow underbelly and a gaping mouth, brandishing its sharp fangs. The pokemon glared at Metagross and let out a roar so loud that could be heard across the Kingdom of Ardes.

Layla gulped and hesitantly took out her Pokedex:

[Name: Gyrados

Gender: Male

Description:  A Water and Flying Type pokemon. Once Gyarados goes on a rampage, its ferociously violent blood doesn't calm until it has burned everything down. There are records of this Pokémon's rampages lasting a whole month.]

The saint's hand trembled as she slowly read the description. Layla stared with disbelief and Capsian grinned: "If you aren't going to start first then I will!! Gyrados use Rain Dance!"

The pokemon howled and a large dark cloud began to form on top of the stadium.






The cloud rained fiercely drenching the field with water. Deoxys activated a barrier to block the rain and the crowd sighed with relief. Layla clenched her fist and slapped her cheeks. She know this was not the time to hesitate, it was now or never!

"Use Agility!" Layla ordered.

Metagross relaxed its body and the pokemon's speed increased: "Good now use Dark Pulse!"

The pokemon fired a black beam out of its mouth. The laser struck Gyrados and the sea serpent roared in pain.

Capsian: "You're going to need to do a lot more than that! Use Aqua Tail!"

Gyrados charged at Metagross, with the ground soaked with rain, and the pokemon slid across the field with ease. However, Metagross nimbly dodged Gyrados Aqua Tail and arrived at Gyrados's blind spot.

Suddenly the prince grinned when Metagross fell for his trap. Once the pokemon was close enough, he shouted: "Hurricane now!!"

Gyrados howled loudly and a massive burst of wind appeared from all sides. The wind formed together, creating a deadly tornado. Metagross didn't have time to escape and was trapped in the vortex.

The pokemon was tossed around like a ragdoll before smashing into the ground with great force. Metagross groaned and its body began to transform. It shrunk and black fur grew from its slim body. A blood-red mane flowed down its neck and the pokemon's true form was revealed.

"Zor..." Zoroak hissed in pain.

"So it was a disguise all along," Capsian muttered before grinning: "No matter, I will win this battle regardless!"

Capsian: "Dragon Dance!"

Gyrados twirled his body and performed a strange dance. The pokemon's aura suddenly becomes more suffocating and domineering. Children hugged their parents while the adults shivered uncomfortably. Gyrados roared pierced the sky and every subconsciously cowered under the monster's might.

Layla frowned: "Dark Pulse!"

Zoroak launched Dark Pulse at Gyrados but the dragon shrugged off the attack. Gyrados shook it's body and glared at Zoroak with rage-filled eyes. The pokemon let out a low beastly growl as if saying: How dare you attack me with this measly laser?

Capsian smirked: "Thunderwave!!"

Gyrados howled and a massive wave of electricity was generated from its body.

"Dodge it Zoroak!"Layla desperately shouted.

Zoroak tried to escape but the field was drenched with rain. The Thunderwave covered the field in a blink of an eye. The pokemon shrieked and felt the static coursing in her veins. Zoroak collapsed, paralyzed, and find her body difficult to move.

"Alright finish this with Hyper Beam!!" Capsian shouted.


An enormous amount of energy gathered in Gyrados's jaw and a small orange orb as bright as the sun appeared between his lips. The orb exploded and a shining beam shot out of Gyrado's mouth at a tremendous speed. Zoroak's body twitched and the fox watched in fear as the Hyper Beam etched closer and closer...


When the dust settled, Zoroak was seen motionless with swirls in her eyes. The referee raised his hand: "Zoroak has fainted, Prince Capsian wins!"

Capsian smiled and returned Gryados back to the ball. He glances at the royal booth, particularly staring at the woman talking with his mother and father. Capsian felt his motivation rising, he needed to win, and he needed her to notice him. Once that happened, he could ask the question that have been bothering him for so long...

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