Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 67: An Anxious Duke vs A Bewildered Dwarf

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Lucius stood in the empty hallway and he grasped his Pokeball tightly. Akel who he thought was the strongest was defeated so effortlessly. He felt that he have been greatly underestimating his opponents and his friend's loss was a form of a wake-up call. Now it was his turn and his opponent was yet another mysterious individual.

'Could I really win this battle?' Lucius thought.

However, that anxious notion quickly vanished and the duke clenched his fist. There's no point worrying about something that might not even happen. With a few more seconds of calming himself, he slowly arrived at the field

He was still taken away by the amount of the audience chanting his name. Lucius felt a warm feeling and he confidently stared at his opponent. It was a dwarf that he have never seen before, the dwarf was full of muscles and his appearance led the duke to assume that he was a blacksmith.

"Let's just get this over with...." The dwarf muttered dejectedly: "I shouldn't even be here..."

Lucius: ?????

Gareff sighed, he really don't understand why he was here fighting in this stadium. First and foremost, Deoxys actually paid him to participate to make the number of participants even. However, Gareff just wanted to get out during the elimination rounds but it may seem arrogant to say that his opponents were weaker than he expected.

Or in another way of describing it, his pokemons were more motivated knowing that they could get more food if they win a large sum of money. But since they already made it this far, Gareff might as well try his best.

Referee glanced at the two contestants: "Are both trainers ready?"

Gareff and Lucius nodded: "Very well, the match between Lucius Redwall and Gareff Stoneheart starts now!"

Instantly, both trainers brought out their own Pokeball: "Go Blaziken!!" Lucius shouted.

A large bipedal bird covered with red feathers and a large v-shaped crest on its head appeared on the field. The pokemon snarled and shadow-boxed the air.

Gareff whistled and was impressed: "Well it's my turn then... C'mon, big guy..."

The dwarf revealed his Pokeball but nothing came out. Lucius frowned and silence dominates the field. Suddenly the entire stadium began to shake and some people lost their balance and collapsed. The earthquake increased in intensity before the ground split apart and a large metal monster burst out of the ground.

"STEEEELLIX!!" The pokemon roared.

Lucius frowned and hurriedly scanned the pokemon:

[Name: Steelix

Gender: Male

Description: A ground and steel type pokemon. Its body has been compressed deep under the ground. As a result, it is even harder than diamonds.]

Lucius's palm felt sweaty. The Steelix loomed over him and let out a low growl. The pokemon towered Blaziken easily and his ferocious red eyes unnerves him...

Without waiting, Gareff immediately ordered his first move: "Sandstorm!"

Steelix roared and a large gust of wind surrounds the field. The wind absorbed the dust and sand from the ground, generating a massive sandstorm. Lucius frowned and shielded his eyes, the Sandstorm obscured the field and the intense wind roared in his ear.

"Blaziken are you okay!?" Lucius asked worriedly.

"Blazi!" The fire pokemon shouted back and relieved his anxiety.

He peered through the sandstorm and saw the dwarf wearing a pair of goggles. Gareff grinned at him and the duke felt a light chill.

"Iron tail!!" he bellowed.

Suddenly, the ground stirred and Steelix began to move. The steel pokemon leered over Blaziken and swung his tail. Blaziken groaned and the pokemon was smacked into the air by the attack.

Gareff: "Now Crunch!!"

Steelix opened his razor-sharp teeth and dived down toward his foe.

Lucius: "Counter with Blaze Kick!"

Before Steelix could bite down on Blaziken. The pokemon twisted in mid-air and kicked Steelix in the face. The steel snake roared and stumbled backward. Before they could deal additional damage, Steelix escaped into the harsh duststorm.

Lucius clicked his teeth with annoyance. He couldn't see anything and the duke desperately tried to think of a strategy to counter this massive disadvantage.

He stared at his struggling Blaziken and made his decision: "Use Flamethrower and blew the Sand Storm away!"

Blaziken growled and leaned backward. The pokemon puffed his chest and spew out a mouthful of flames that also generated a gust of wind and created a small clear path for the Pokemon to see.


That moment of clarity allowed Blaziken to successfully scanned the battlefield, but to the pokemon's horror, Steelix was nowhere to be seen...

'Where is it...' Lucius thought and his face gradually paled when he realized what happened: "Below you!!"

Blaziken glanced beneath him and the ground trembled. The earth ruptured open and the enormous Steelix burst out of the earth. Blaziken howled in pain when the pokemon was launched into the air.

Gareff: "Now hit 'em with Flash Cannon!!"

Steelix opened his jaw and a white light gathered in his mouth. The pokemon unleashed Flash Cannon and Blaziken watched the beam traveling towards him.

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"Endure it!!" Lucius shouted desperately

Blaziken gritted his teeth and protected his body with his arms.


The Flash Cannon struck cleanly and Blazkien fell onto the floor. Steelix huffed a mouthful of steam and glared at his opponent, annoyed by his enemy's tenacity. The fire pokemon coughed and gasped for air.

The sandstorm was still strong and Steelix rehid himself among the clouds of sand. Lucius squinted his eyes and channeled the mana within his body. It was very hard to see and the duke was only managing to discern Steelix's shadow on the ground.

Lucius frowned, and wished he could get a clearer view, but just because desire it, that doesn't mean it would always become reality. He glanced at his pokemon, who was feeling more and more desolate by the second.

Blaziken breathe raspily and all of the bird's hair raised on end. The wounds sustained by the onslaught made Blaziken hard to focus and even a brief movement felt painful. This was the first time the pokemon have fought an opponent like this and it deeply unsettles him.

"Partner, relax!" A voice shouted that snapped Blaziken out of his thoughts

Blaziken glimpsed behind him and noticed Lucius watching him with concern. The pokemon's eyes widened, that's right, he shouldn't feel afraid, they will overcome this together.

"Blaziken... Do you trust me?" Lucius asked and stared at his pokemon.

Blaziken nodded and the duke smiled: "Then would you close your eyes?"

The pokemon closed his eyes, it was a strange experience and he could sense Steelix gradually creeping closer. But Blaziken relaxed and placed his absolute trust in his master. Lucius have never let him down...

Lucius' brows furrowed with resolve. He took a deep breath and focus intently, he tried to locate Steelix among the thick dust.




His heart pounded, if he made one mistake here, then it was over. There was no sound and the only noise that could be heard was the loud Sandstorm that still ran ragefully on the field.

"Jump now!!" Lucius suddenly shouted.

Blaziken used his powerful legs and leaped high into the air. Just where the pokemon was originally was blown into pieces when Steelix struck with his powerful jaw.

Lucius: "Now dodge to the left!"

Blaziken swerved to the side and barely escaped Steelix's Iron Tail: "Blaze Kick!!"

The pokemon followed Lucius's order and smashed his feet into Steelix's head. The pokemon roared angrily and Lucius pumped his fist: "Dodge right and Brick Break."

Blaziken darted around Steelix's body and punched the pokemon's side. Steelix collapsed onto the ground and howled.

Gareff frowned: "Enough messing around! Steelix, destroy that chicken with Earthquake!!!"

Steelix created a massive earthquake and the ground exploded. The earth began spilt apart and some rocks levitated off the ground. Blaziken loses his footing and noticed a massive earth slab falls above him.

"Dodge now and jump!" Lucius instructed.

Blaziken listened and narrowly escaped the collapsing debris. The pokemon tensed his legs and leaped with all his might. Blaziken sprung into the air, way above the heavy sandstorm and the pokemon's vision finally became clear.

Blaziken was able to see and the pokemon noticeably Steelix ragefully roared at him, "Let's finish this, USE FLARE BLITZ!!!"

Blaziken coated his body in flames and dived toward the large snake.

"Sh*t Gareff cursed: "Stone Edge!"

Gigantic earth spikes emerged from the ground, shooting at Blaziken. The pokemon twisted his body and skillfully dodges the incoming attacks. To the dwarf's shock, Blaziken began to use the spikes as platforms and moved toward Steelix at a faster speed.

"Argh, just fall already!" Gareff shouted: "Head Smash!"

Steelix growled and his colossal body churned. In one last attempt, Steelix threw himself at the incoming Blaziken, creating a roaring explosion.


The thunderous explosion blew the sandstorm away and filled the stadium with black smoke. It wasn't long before the audience could finally see again and they saw Blaziken standing on top of the unconscious Steelix.

The fire pokemon raised his fist in the air with victory and the crow erupted into cheers and applause.

[A/N: It's like Endeavour raising his fist in MHA]

Lucius felt relief and he smiled. He wanted to shout and celebrate but refrain from doing so out of respect. Gareff sighed and approached Steelix, he patted the enormous snake with a wry smile: "Good work boy, you did well."

Steelix groaned sadly and Gareff returned the pokemon to his Pokeball: "Welp... we tried..." With the battle ending, Lucius successfully made it to the semi-finals.

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