Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 8: Human City and History Lesson

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[3rd POV]

'WE MADE IT!!!!!' Mew cried joyfully as the trio saw a gigantic city in the distance.

However, as Deoxys watched the lively city, it felt slightly uncomfortable that their ending point would be Human Capital. Deoxys knew that Demi-human and humans were separate species even if they had many similarities, and from what it has experienced. Deoxys preferred the characteristics of Demi-humans much more. It has seen the capabilities of humans in its previous world; they are scheming and have a sensational amount of greed as they would do anything to satisfy it.

Deoxys knew that some humans had good hearts, but their numbers were still low; now, it only wished its opinion of humans would be incorrect.

'Don't worry, I came in contact with some humans in the past, and they don't seem so bad!' Mew reassured.

Deoxys: 'Is there anyone noteworthy?'

'Hmmm, there was one boy with a strange Pikachu. I forgot his name.....' Mew said with a hint of nostalgia.

Ilulu and Deoxys landed not so far away in a distant forest: "I never been to a human residence before; the only interactions I have with humans were me turning them into ashes as they disturbed my sleep." she muttered.

'We have to find a way to enter...' Deoxys said.

"Simple!" Ilulu tapped her draconic body parts, and they slowly faded away: "Magic sure is useful."

However, Deoxys couldn't use magic as it pondered. Deoxys remembered one of the artifacts that the pokemon retrieved from Ilulu's vault as Deoxys took it out from the storage space. It was a green circular gym embedded in a golden necklace. The design seemed simple but it contains great power.

This necklace has the effect of altering one's appearance if worn. The disguised form will seem to be the user's real body and the effect can only be cancelled if the user removed the necklace themselves. Deoxys can feel the odd energy leaking out of the green gem. The pokemon wore the necklace as a bright white light illuminated the surroundings. Deoxy's size shrunk and turned into a slim young woman of medium height.

"Wow..." Ilulu mumbled with awe.

The form has long black hair, shorter layers around the face, a fringe, and purple eyes. The figure wears a red and black dress with yellow cuffs over black tights/leggings, white gloves and red and yellow knee-high boots.

Deoxys checked its new body and nodded in satisfaction: 'Why does this person look so familiar?' Mew asked as he flew around Deoxys.

'This is the appearance of that Psychic Gym Leader from Kanto....' Deoxys answered as the woman's clothes started to change into a much simpler pure long black dress as the pokemon doesn't want to stand out with its foreign outfit.

Mew: 'Why did you choose her?'

'It's easier to choose an appearance that already existed and she's the first one I could think of.'

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Deoxys took a step forward before face planting on the ground. Ilulu hurriedly supported Deoxys as it wobbled like a penguin: "Walking seems very inefficient...." Deoxys complained as Mew and Ilulu couldn't help but agree.

It wasn't long as Deoxys managed to walk normally: "Let's go." Deoxys said as they teleported into the city.

They arrived at a dark alleyway out of sight of the public as they casually entered the busy street. Mew flew out of Deoxys's core as it observed the people walking by. What surprised Deoxys was there were other races here. Deoxys spotted some of what it presumed were Demi-humans but of different bloodlines and humans with long, pointy ears.

Deoxys asked for directions, and the pokemon was guided to a massive library at the kingdom's centre. Thankfully, it's for public use, as Deoxys and Ilulu entered without much effort. They found a secluded area in the corner of the library as Deoxys grabbed tons of books that seemed helpful. From there, Deoxys started learning everything it needed to know, as most of Deoxys's questions were answered.

The people here called this world, Tertarra. During the beginning of the world, two Goddesses govern it. One was called Grydia, while the other was called Ena. Grydia loved the creations of their world and would answer mortal's prayers when they were in need. Thus, Grydia was always worshipped more than the other goddess.

Because of this, Ena's jealousy grew as she attacked Grydia and the world by creating monsters as they reign terror on the planet. Grydia and the mortals fought back, eventually sealing Ena away. However, the Goddess couldn't be fully sealed as her dark energy remains in this world and continues to make more monsters.

To fight the never-ending plague, Grydia shared with the inhabitants of the world a bit of her power, and that's the day the mortals learned magic.

To use magic, one would need mana, which resides in every living being. There were mainly two types of magic, physical and abstract. Physical magic was magic that raised its physical capabilities, such as increased strength and speed.

Abstract magic involves using elements as a person usually excels at one type of element. However, it all depended on how much mana was in one's body. Due to that, the ones with high mana capacity became nobles and ruled their respective kingdoms.

For the dark energy that plagued this world, people named it miasma, and the monsters created from the miasma were dangerous and feral as they needed to be eliminated as soon as possible. If they don't, the monsters will grow and eventually evolve as they gain intelligence, as the Troll King Deoxys have fought. However, there were also some rare cases where the monsters have broken free from the influence of Miasma and lived quietly in the world. One of the main examples was Ilulu herself...

Many races lived on Tertarra ranging from Humans, Demi-humans, Dwarfs and Elves. There was also one species called Demons, and they were people that got infected by miasma as they used it to have magic. In actuality, demons branch into different species such as vampires, oni or succubus and their traits were different enough to be different types of races.

Thankfully, with Gryidia's help, the Demon race could keep their sanity as they lived peacefully at the world's border. They were a secluded race that always kept to themselves as no other races were allowed to intrude on their land.

Deoxys read the books with satisfaction as the pokemon learned what it needed to know. The pokemon also learned that currently, they were in the human country of Lugella, and this was the capital city called Ardes.

Deoxys glanced up from its book and realised how much time had passed, it was already night and Ilulu was already asleep. Deoxys shrugged as it continued reading, the pokemon doesn't need sleep, and they could just remain here for the night.

Everyone has already left as Deoxys transformed into its original form and quietly floats past the rows of bookshelves. The pokemon stopped when a title of a book caught its eyes. Deoxys removed it from the bookshelf as it scanned the book, and Deoxys's eyes lit up.

Deoxys just thought of the perfect way to spread pokemon all over Tertarra!

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