Detective Everlong

Chapter 32: Secret Societies

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Sitting next to Everlong, Hiyori was watching him with curious eyes as they were only lit by the light coming from her TV screen. Hearing his words she felt no fear nor surprise, thinking about what just happened to her, it was already a foregone conclusion for her that there has to be even worse things out there. Remembering how Sheby and Troduc reacted to his name… it was only logical he would not be someone who was taken lightly and when you have to deal with demons, isn’t it best if they fear you instead? So what if he was a ‘monster’ back then?


“I won’t ask you about it if you don’t want to remember! I know what it feels like!” nodded Hiyori, quickly switching topic “What does Asylum means?”


“They are demons who betrayed and escaped their Hell. They are permitted to live amongst humans. Their numbers, compared to humans, are miniscule, only somewhere between 10 and 20 million in the whole world!”


“Permitted by who?” tilted her head from left to right, nibbling on her thumb, especially after learning there are millions of demons living amongst them!


“Two sides!” answered after thinking about it a little “One side is made up of multiple organizations! As I mentioned, there are some big and influential groups who do the same thing as I, only on a bigger scale. Every continent has a major faction!” explained, raising a finger every time he mentioned one of them “Originating from Europe there are two factions; One is the Order of Solomon or the Knights Templar. Their reach is wide because their order also operates in all of the christian regions, be it protestant, orthodox, whatever branch we are talking about! They are the best in fighting against demons and sealing or exterminating them! The second largest group are called the Sigil Bearers. They are what you would call… mages.”


“What?” blinked Hiyori with great surprise, almost falling off of the couch “There is magic?! Really?!”


“Ahaha, no, not like in the movies! But they are focused on using energy from either hell or heaven, through artifact crafting and wielding. They are, well, much more open, towards the other side. The idea of granting Asylum to demons who wish to switch sides also comes from them!” 


“I bet the templars were not happy about it!” chuckled to herself.


“You hit the nail on the head! There were multiple wars behind the scenes, anyway, they are not a group to be fucked with!” shook his head “My revolver is also an artifact, coming from them! It was a reward when I saved one of their high ranking members.”


“Is it made to vanquish demons?”


“Vanquish anything!” nodded with a grin, not explaining further.


“Then there is the middle-east, the strongest group there is the Brethren of Purity. They are like a mix between the two European counterparts of theirs! They are not just warriors but keepers of secrets, scientists, philosophers and priests! Then there is the Qumran, but it is just what we call them as there was where an old base of theirs was found once… A VERY old base. They are one of the most ancient orders and the most secretive, very few meet with their members. Well, by meeting I mean you can only do that when THEY want to meet with you.”


“Have you ever met with one of them?” asked, filled with excitement and curiosity.


“No.” shook his head Everlong “I am a small fish and I like it that way~” chuckled as he continued “On the other side of the world, after the american colonies united and broke off from the Albionian Empire in the 17th century, they created their own branch, mimicking their european origins. In a brilliant stroke of genius thinking, they called it the “Agency”. That is it.” shook his head with a sigh “Besides the simple naming, they are anything but simple! After they united the whole northern and central part of the continent, establishing the United Colonies of America, they went on expanding their sphere of influence; doing the same thing to others they rebelled against! By extension the agency also got their tentacles into other parts of the world! Since then they have branches in almost every part of the globe! Even in south asia where the Bhagavad Gītā, the Song of God is at!


“The what?” blinked Hiyori, trying to record down every word of his in her memory.


“They are a very organized and old group, ruling over almost all of the southern part of Asia, prevalent in many countries. They remained strong even under the centuries of Albionian ruling over their territories. They have four varṇas, classes; Brahmins, their priests. Kshatriyas, their warriors. Vaishyas, their traders and farmers, who supply the whole organization with whatever they need. Finally, the Shudras, their servants. There are a good number of demons in their last class, captured or sealed into their artifacts or human bodies, working under them as slaves! Still, even under their watchful eyes, the Agency managed to establish a foothold there, remaining in the region still to this day!”


“I bet!” nodded, thinking about her own country “We were also conquered by the UCA, only getting back our freedom after the Great War, same with the Dynasty! So… are we still under their influence?”


“Yes and no.” answered, thinking about it a little. “After the Great War a lot of things changed globally. The Dynasty of the Ancients and the Imperium of the Rising Sun, regaining their freedom became once again a melting pot of religions, so to say. Both of your history is filled with legends about demons and different, other worldly beings living amongst humans. It drew a ton of demons who searched for Asylum to settle down here, where it is easier to blend in and not be harassed by any of the aforementioned groups! This is a kind of a natural ground, where you can come across all major factions yet none of them have a real grip on anything! Especially because none would let the other grow stronger, you know how humans are!” laughed. 


“Yeahh… I still remember the history classes!” nodded with a long and heavy sigh.


“That is also the reason I moved my base of operation here! This is a region where I can move much more freely, not hitting that many walls than in any other place! I made a contract with the Emperors in both countries and have permission to operate freely! I am also a great asset to have because I can be sent into any kind of situation and won’t be restricted, like if I were a part of an organization!”


“Where have you lived before moving here?” leaned closer, interested in learning more about him.

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“Albionia, then I was shipped out to this side of the globe, when the Indian and Indonesian colonies started to rebel, breaking off from Albionia. I spent my teenage years fighting there. That is when I first came in contact with demons and fell into this kind of life. After that, I moved back to Europe, spending some time there. But… well, it got a bit hot under my feet, let’s just say that! I moved to the UCA and in the end, the Agency also had problems with me! I was constantly butting in their cases, ruining their… reputation of competence!”


“You were a troublemaker, huh?” grinned Hiyori, listening to him.


“Yeah, pretty much! Plus I was not really trusted… which I understand! I acted under my own rules and organizations don’t like that! So I was also made aware it would be best if I leave! That is when I came here! Settled down and I spent two or three decades here and there every time before moving to a new city!” 


“You change places because you do not age?” asked, raising her eyebrows.


“Bingo! It would draw suspicion if a guy who has lived in the same town for 30 years looks the same, every year! So I get new papers, a new identity from the Emperor, and move to a new city.”


“It… does not sound that bad! At least you get to see new things! And… who is in the second group? Those who nodded at the Asylum thing!” came the question from between her lips, looking up at him like a child, listening to a great bedtime story.


“From the Gods.” smiled widely.


“Huh?” recoiled, but watching his face, she knew Everlong was not joking around.


“I told you, religions are right. There are Gods. Not God. Gods. They agreed to let Asylum seekers come and live here and they had their own stipulation added! Their own people can come ‘down’ and live here too! So not just demons but angels are amongst us too!”


“Angels!” gasped, with shining eyes, imagining winged beauties but Everlong just chuckled, seeing her reaction.


“They are demons too, only a different kind! Don’t fall into fake illusions of grandeur!”


“B-but…” tried to say something but in the end decided to listen to him, nodding and falling silent.


“Anyway, after they also agreed, it was written down, signed by all the mentioned major factions and from then on, demons could live amongst us! It was thanks to that I was also able to live as who I am and not be sent into Hell!” laughed and it was that point when suddenly the TV turned off and everything went dark. 


“...?!” flinched Hiyori, getting scared a little as she looked around hurriedly.


“Hiyori…” murmured Everlong.


“Is it a demon?!” asked with a bit of a trembling voice but then she felt his hand on her head, slowly rubbing it. 


“Your mailbox was full… you failed to pay your bills, are you not?” asked with a kind but deep voice.


“Oh…” blinked, drawing a weak smile on her face as she looked up at him in the darkness “I may have done that…”


“Haaah…” let out a long sigh Everlong, unable to say more, just holding back a laugh that wanted to burst out.

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