Detective Everlong

Chapter 33: Bad Choice

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“Are you sure that this was necessary?” asked Hiyori as she got into the car while Everlong started the engine, driving away from the parking lot, in front of an office building where they just had an hour-long meeting with Everlong’s lawyers.


“Sure!” nodded, giving him a credit card that was already ready, with Hiyori’s name on it. 


To her surprise, when morning came, Everlong took him downtown, all dressed up formally as she got to sign papers, getting included in Everlong’s legit Private Detective business as co-owner and as someone who has access to Everlong’s savings and wealth. Seeing the numbers on the forms she was signing made her eyes bulge out, realizing the man next to her could even run his own country if he wished to do so!


“What?” chuckled Everlong “I don’t think you would go and drive me bankrupt!”


“I wouldn’t! But… still… woah! I did not know you were this… loaded!” laughed in the end, taking the card and putting it away carefully. 


“If you have a long life and you are not rich… what the fuck have you been doing for centuries?” replied casually “Anyway, I can’t let you worry about living standards. You have to be relaxed when not on cases with me! So next, we are going to find you a new place to live in.”


“Can’t it be your office?” asked as she sounded sincere, not really wanting any luxury. 


“No. Look, I let you stay there because it was the best decision at that moment. Letting you go home would have put your life at risk. Now, you have to get back onto your own feet! So we are going to find you a place to live, somewhere nice and comfortable!”


“I’m fine where I am right now… If I pay the penalty fee for the late payment they are going to turn back the electricity. And the heathing.” answered with a soft sigh.


“Come on, at least don’t lie to yourself! Which one do you prefer? A flat or a full house?”


“Flat.” answered in the end, thinking for a minute or so “It has less work with it! I’m not up for cutting grass or whatever!”


“Okay, I know a place where I can get you a good price in Otaru, where my office is. It's not like the big buildings in Tokyo or whatever but it's fine, I don’t like the herring-like crowds anyway!”


“Are you sure…?” asked with a quiet voice, a bit fidgeting, thinking about moving to somewhere she was unfamiliar with… the last time she ever moved was from the hospital where she is living now, more than 10 years ago.


“Yeah, because I also live there so we would be neighbors and I could drive you to work.” replied, looking at her for a moment, seeing how her eyes lit up suddenly.


“Ah! O-okay!”


“Ahaha… you are way too predictable!” chuckled, drawing a shy smile onto Hiyori’s face. “It’s not like you are going to spend a ton of time there anyway. Working with me means to be on the move! I am on the road mostly but it is good to come home once in a while and just… relax!” explained it to her as they drove towards Hiyori’s current home “For now, you go up, gather the most important things you want to bring over! I’ll send people here to gather the rest of your stuff!”


“I’m moving right away?” asked with a surprised voice.


“Yes.” answered Everlong with a bit more serious tone, arousing Hiyori’s suspicion.


“Am I in trouble?”




“Everlong?” spoke up Hiyori, after waiting for almost half a minute for his reply but he was just looking forward, tapping on the steering wheel.


“Don’t know yet. It’s a gut feeling. It tells me to keep you close for security sake! Usually my instincts are on point.”


“Okay. I don’t have many things, all of my old life… was gone. Sadly. I never could recollect my stuff! They were… repossessed with my own childhood home to cover the medical bills.” murmured in a sour voice.


“As long as you remember them, they are never truly gone!” reached over, rubbing her head with a gentle touch.


“Thanks…” smiled, enjoying the feelings of his fingers running through her hair “I’ll grab my clothes, some blankies I really like and I’m good to go! You don’t need to send anyone either, the rest is not important, the next tenant can have them!”

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After arriving and Hiyori disappearing in her flat, Everlong went down a story, knocking at the door, right below Hiyori’s home. He waited patiently until he heard that on the other side the cover of the peepinghole was slid to the left. 


“If you pretend to not be home, I’ll kick this door in and pull you out by your tail, Troduc.” said Everlong, looking straight at the small circle in the middle of the door.


There was silence for a few seconds before the locks were opened and the copper colored, smiling face of his came into the light. He was still hiding behind the door, holding it open only a little but it was enough for the strong smell of sulfur and ammonia to escape out from his hole of a home. All the snow that was resting on the railings behind Everlong, the growing icicles below them, all of that melted in an instant as the air was not just foul smelling but also incredibly hot as if coming from a gaping maw of an active volcano.


“Are you living in a public toilet or what?” waved his hand Everlong, trying to fan away the stinging, strong odor that almost made his eyes wet. 


“Have you ever been in one here?” chuckled as a response, feeling truly happy he could make him uncomfortable as he was the only guest he never, ever wanted to entertain!


“I meant one form the New York subways for fucks sake!” shook his head “Anyway, I need something.” scratched his throat, reaching into his coat but before he could pull out a letter, Troduc raised his hand from behind the door, stopping him.


“Go to one of my minions! I have only worked through them for years by now! I do not take requests personally!”


“Troduc.” turned Everlong’s voice much lower, his hand still inside his coat “If it is something that is not important I would play along. But not now!” 


“No! There are rules! I follow the rules! Sometimes you should too!


“You and rules? Don’t make me laugh!” scoffed Everlong but Troduc was not budging.


“Go through my people first, no line skipping!” said, putting his foot down but deep inside he was freaking out, what if Everlong pulls out his revolver next?


“Oh really…? Then what about my partner? You said to her she can come to you personally.” raised his eyebrows, his voice turning even lower now.


“She is your partner?! FUCK!” cursed out, now starting to sweat and it was a slimy, honey-like substance that emerged from his otherworldly spores. Even though it looked and acted like the sweet vomit of bees it smelled nothing like that. Instead it retched from the odor of human stomach juice. 


“Listen…” started over Everlong, taking a very deep breath, regretting it instantly. 


“No!” replied, steeling his nerves “I’m doing business through my people only! No personal dealings! Case closed!” shut the door with a loud bang. “And do not bother coming back, I’m moving away!” screamed from behind it and it was not just a bluff, that was for sure. 


“Troduc!” shouted at the door Everlong but no answer came as he slowly pulled out his hand from his coat, resting it beside his body. “Okay. So be it.” whispered, leaving, surprising the demon on the other side, completely expecting he was about to break down his door! He barely could even believe that the Demon Detective left just like that!


As Everlong arrived back at the car, Hiyori was already there, waiting patiently, smoking a cigarette, leaning against the side of the vehicle, already finished putting her bags into the trunk. 


“Did something happen?” asked, hurriedly, squashing her cigarette as Everlong just walked to the driver’s side, getting in without a word.


“You could say that!” replied calmly, driving away as soon as she hopped in. “I was about to teach you slowly but it happens that we are going to start out with some practical lessons!” explained with a somewhat evil grin on his face, making Hiyori gulp but also feel a weird excitement gathering down in her stomach. 


“What type of lesson are we talking about?” licked her lips unconsciously with her small, pink tongue. 


“How to exorcize demons back to hell!” looked at her with a chilling twinkle in his eyes.

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