Detective Everlong

Chapter 48: Gods

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“Is something the matter?” asked Hiyori as the duo were driving away from Sheby’s place. Since they came out, Everlong was silent, deep in thoughts and his eyebrows were constantly scrunching together. 


“Maybe. Maybe not.” answered in a cryptic way “I got to know Sheby for a few decades only but I never heard of Jibil before.”


“Have you ever asked her about her past?”


“No. Usually that is kind of a taboo topic.”


“Hmm…” turned her gaze Hiyori away from Everlong, watching the lights of the city reflecting from the piles upon piles of snow, shoveled away from the main roads and sidewalks.


“Still. I have a gut feeling that something is off. So be careful!” warned her as his brows finally flattened out.


“Don’t worry, I won’t trust a demon that easily!” grinned, watching her own reflection on the window of the car. “Were there examples, in the past, of high ranking demons coming over?”


“Of course! Multiple!” chuckled Everlong as he drove into a drive through of a McDouglas that was open 24/7, ordering themselves some strong coffee. “In the old times, the ancient religions had their Gods walking amongst us!”


“You mean the greeks?” asked with perked up ears as she was now holding a steaming cup between her fingers, blowing on it, knowing how searing hot they are when it gets served up. 


“And the egyptians, or the animal spirits of the indian tribes, the blood drinking gods of the incas, your own youkai stories, the shadows living in your walls! These are clear examples from the past! The tale of Hercules? He was a Champion under Zeus!”


“Wasn’t he his son?” looked up with enlarged eyes, taking a small sip.


“Maybe but it was a very long time ago and we can’t believe all the myths and legends that were recorded down much later! But the fact that he was Zeus’s Champion is true.”


“And how do you know that?” smiled, wanting to hear more and even though it was hard to believe what he was saying, she did not feel like Everlong was lying to her.


“I spoke with Hades once.” came the reply that she really did not expect from him.


“You're joking…!” watched the side of his face and when Everlong’s eye looked into hers for a moment before he turned back, watching the road and sipping from his coffee, raising the cup up with one hand, Hiyori finally gasped. “You are not joking!”


“Told you, the old Gods are still around, you just need to know how to find them! They are much more mellowed out than before, thousands of years gone, without an iota of worship! It left its mark! They are like old people in a retirement home!” smiled, licking his lips “Always ready to talk your ears off with stories from the glory days!”


“Kinda… sad!” sighed Hiyori, leaning back in the seat “Can a God even die? Can they be killed?” 


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“Only ask that last question when you are with me and there are no others listening to us.” put down his coffee, slipping it into the cupholder with a satisfying sound “That is a question that a lot of beings asked through time, some even went and found out the answer for it themselves! And most of them met a gruesome end!”


“Oh… s-sorry! So it is… a taboo?” whispered, looking around in the car, almost making him laugh.


“No but you would land yourself in big trouble! Those at the top take it very, very seriously as there were people who succeeded!”


“Who?!” asked with great.


“Think, you even learnt about it!” reached out Everlong, patting her head “Just staying with the Greeks, how did Zeus become the leading God of his brethren?”


“Ooooh! By killing his father! Wait… wasn’t Cronus imprisoned? Or… castrated?” 


“Hehe, I see you like mythology, hm?” smiled Everlong, hearing her quick reply “I told you, myths are myths. In reality, he killed him and made part of his power his own, so a new God was born that day! So, it depends on how you look at it! You can kill a God, but in reality, it just gets replaced as the essence, what makes it powerful is indestructible! You can’t kill faith!” said with a deep voice, looking into her eyes for a brief moment, before continuing “It is just transferred onto another! So did you kill a God? Or you just replace it with yourself? That is something I have no answer for!”


“Huh… interesting… then isn’t being forgotten even worse than dying? I would rather choose death than being invisible to the world!”


“Some think the same way, some don’t!” answered yet not at the same time “But let the Gods worry about it! We have our plates already full, dealing with their bullshit here!”





Farther away, in the city’s extensive sewer system the cold water was rolling forward with a violent current as the melting snow flowed down from the surface. The giant drainage systems that were built for storms and to battle against the onslaught of typhoons, easily handled the sudden, wintery rush. As the snow melted it was looking like nothing but a small creek, trickling downwards, alongside the 40 meter tall pillars that formed a humongous, underground system. Standing between the giant obelisks of concrete, people would feel like they were in some kind of fantasy novel, part of a group of adventurers, searching for treasures and the demon at the end of this hidden labyrinth. What they would find would be sadly too real as now there WAS a demon in the depths of it, waiting for them to climb into its gaping maw willingly. 


Normal eyes would not see it, human senses would not pick up on it. They would ignore the missing light of the bulbs on the ceiling, that should be constantly on, even if nobody is down here. They would miss the absence of the sounds of running water, the cold air and the fact that the temperature was almost 30 celsius! They would walk forward, into the unnatural darkness that itself had a name, liking to call himself; Ririth. 


Looking from afar it would manifest as a giant, empty part of the drainage system, somewhere where the lights were off but in reality it was the darkness itself. It had neither real shape nor form, taking on appearances he deemed necessary for the task before him. Now it was laying down, hidden from the surface, from the humans, the traitors and from the “others”. Those hateful, shining warriors from “above”. Ririth especially despised the light. Their light. It was the darkness where he felt at home, just as his “father” the proud Leviathan, living in the depths of Hell, in complete blackness. 


He never met him, but he knew, since the day he was appointed as a Warrior of Leviathan then later on becoming a Knight of his, that one day he is going to rise even higher! He is going to be someone important! Next would be becoming a Captain, then a General and when he is going to be recognized by the great devourer, he is going to be his champion! He is going to swallow light itself then! Something not even his “father” managed to do, being casted out from Heaven for its sins! He is going to overshadow all!


But here came a problem, the souls he nudged onto the way of the great serpent had to turn completely, before he would absorb them and power up even more… and now one of such a ripe fruit was smashed apart! How dare, one human… ONE, wreck something that was his? He made it! It was his! That soul was bred for HIM! It was his since the day of conceiving, the most juiciest, the most beautiful sacrificial lamb of all! Something like this was not to be left without a word! He came over, as a Knight of Leviathan to enact his vengeance! Nobody can take what is his without punishment! NOBODY. Especially not some fool that called himself Everlong! Who does he think he is?! Soon he will know what happens to those who defy a true spawn of Hell, one that even the heavenly warriors, His angels fear!

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