Detective Everlong

Chapter 6: Cursed (3)

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“Hey, is it true?!” laughed Sayako, hurrying into the classroom, grabbing a chair and pulling it next to her friend, Hiyori’s table. Her brown eyes were brimming like a reporter’s, just getting a whiff of a juicy scoop, even her white school uniform was messy from the running, same with her shoulder length, black hair.


“True what?” asked, leaning back by reflex, trying to avoid the typhoon that was her friend from middle-school. 


“That Satoshi asked you out! He is the hottest amongst us, first year students! It is the biggest news around everybody that he fancies… YOU!”


“Why do you say it like that?” asked with a plain look, getting annoyed at her.


“Look at you!” said immediately, without holding back. “Twintails,” pointed at her hair, “skinny body, your uniform looks the wrong size on you, your shoes had to be replaced with ones from middle-school… you are the shortest amongst everybody, girl, you almost need a booster seat in the cafeteria!” 


“Sometimes I have the urge to stab you with something blunt, so I have to strike it at your skin multiple times to get under it…” replied with twitching eyes, wearing a very fake smile, looking at her friend “But I would start at the back of your head because your face is too thick skinned to get through it!”


“I know, I know, the truth hurts!” sighed, patting her head as an adult would do with a kid “Don’t worry, drink more milk and you are going to be a grown up in 10 to 12 years!”


“I’m going to punch you.”


“You can’t reach high enough for that.”


Hiyori simply punched out, true to her words, but Sayako easily leaned backwards, dodging it, unfazed by her friend’s actions, not like the others who were also listening in curiously. The two went back a long time, being friends since kindergarten, going to the same school, only now was the first time they got into different classes and could only meet between breaks. 


“So! Out with it! Is it true? Satoshi is into petite girls?!” asked again, leaning forward as her growing bosom pressed against Hiyori’s table, turning her face a bit greener with jealousy as she looked down. 


“I don’t know, what is he into!” answered with a snort, crossing her arms before her chest. “Not that I care!”


“Huh?” tilted her head Sayako as she was mimicked by the other girls, surrounding their table by now. “What do you mean? He is handsome, tall and looks like a movie star! I bet he kisses like a champ!”


“Is that what you are interested in?” asked with a flat tone, looking at her sideways.


“Of course not! I would go for more!” answered Sayako with complete honesty. “So? Out with it! What happened next!?”


“I refused, what else?”


“EHHH?!” screamed not just Sayako but the others too and there was not one girl who let out a sigh of relief.


“What?” snorted Hiyori “Do you think I am going to press my butt out and wiggle it just because he looks good? Hmf! He did not even talk to me and asked me out of the blue! I only know him because all of you girls are mentioning how good looking he is all the freaking time!” scolded them, pouting.

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“Are you into girls?” asked Sayako honestly, “I can introduce to you some of my friends then!” 


“No!” answered immediately. “It’s just… he is not my type! That is it!” 


“Huh… are you into some weird stuff? Younger boys?” asked only to receive eye rolling from Hiyori “Okay, okay, it was a joke, I bet you are into older guys!” as she said it and seeing the sudden but honest change in her eyes, trying to hide her own reaction, Sayako just laughed out “I knew it! What kind?! Second year? Third?! Wait… college?!” stood up, slapping on the table, watching how Hiyori’s face turned redder and redder “No. Fucking. Way! You are into full-blown adults?! Some hunky-dunky sportsman or into the silent office type? Or maybe you are into those guys who are already over a marriage looking for young girls to play with?!”


“Damn it Sayako! Can’t you put some breaks on your blubbering lips?! I’m not into older guys! End of story! Full stop! Enough!” stood up, fuming as she walked out but turned back from the door to the classroom. “Wait! Why am I the one who leaves!? Go back to your own class!” hurried back, sitting down, realizing it was Sayako who came to see her and not the other way around. 


“Ahaha, don’t be shy, don’t be shy!” laughed her friend, patting her back “Everyone has their preferences!” said while the group surrounding them nodded quickly, especially because the girls were relieved that the up and coming idol of a man of theirs was not taken away! They still had a chance! 


“I hate you…” murmured, pouting, sitting back at her desk.


“But this is big, girl! Do you know the others are also going to be shocked? You are going to be a celebrity!”


“And? I don’t care! Think whatever they want, I am me and that is that!” answered with strength and convictions “I won’t change who I am just so others won’t look at me a certain way! I don’t care about making fake friends who betray you the first moment they disagree with you!”


“I think you read too much manga…” replied her friend with a weird smile. “But I get it, you don't need to continue!” threw her hands up, standing up and patting his head “I’m heading back, the break is almost over! Wanna come with me after school to the arcade in the mall?”


“I can’t, my parents are coming for me. We need to go and empty out my late grandparents’ flat before it gets sold so I’m helping out!”


“Oh, yeah, you said that!” nodded Sayako. “My condolences.”


“Thanks! But I didn’t really know them at all so… oh well! It's complicated!” shook her head and Sayako knew she wasn’t the type to talk about things like this, always prompting to avoid touchy subjects, no matter who she was talking with. It was easier for Hiyori to ignore them and push them into a corner of her mind, not even thinking about troubling thoughts. 


“If you need help I can come with you!”


“Thank you.” smiled at her Hiyori “But it may take up the whole weekend! So don’t bother!”


In the end they said their goodbyes and school resumed its usual course, until afternoon came. Hiyori just sat in the car of her parents, being in a good mood, telling them about what it is like to be a high schooler now. As she was explaining her day and how Sayako just embarrassed her before everybody, a speeding car, without any breaks rammed into their car at the intersection. The impact was so powerful and sudden, that it knocked out Hiyori instantly, as she was held in place by her safety belt. Sadly, their car was pushed forward by the transmitting force of the second car, right in the way of a heavy truck, T-boning theirs without a chance to break or swirl out of the way. 


When Hiyori awoke from her coma, she had multiple, fragmented bones in her body, a head injury that made him dizzy from even the slightest movements and she was told she lost consciousness for weeks. But it was not the worst news… as what she heard next shattered all of her dreams, hopes and everything that made her love her life. Her previous life… as it came to an end, learning, her parents did not survive the crash. Her mother died at the scene while her father was pronounced dead after a week, losing the battle against his injuries, even as the doctors tried everything to save him. Now all that was left from the Tenmei family was her… and her alone.

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