Devil Rewrite

Chapter 13: Chapter 13- Unexpected Developments

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Just how did it come to this?

I was sitting in class in the back when an unexpected development took place.

One second, a sly wolf appeared to my left.

The next, a baby lion sat next to him.

Then finally, a silver rabbit reluctantly pounced into the seat next to her.

“What a coincidence! You sit here too, Kanemoto?”

“Yeah, I can’t believe I never noticed you guys there…”, I uncomfortably responded.

There was a time when I would have admired this man’s cheekiness, but now that I’ve seen it up close, I can honestly understand why so many enemies found this guy annoying.

I knew Adrian to be cunning, so this doesn’t come as a surprise.

For the rest of that class, I was kept on the edge of my seat by the curious wolf and the constant verbal harassment thrown around by the rabbit and the lion.

After that, my day remained free of displeasure as I managed to shake off the troublesome trio.

However, the next day- I encountered a new obstacle.


I glanced over at the person who was said obstacle.



“If someone were to spy on someone- I wouldn’t make it so obvious, you know.”

She seemed to be shocked that I knew, as I heard a tiny shriek come out from behind the tree she’d been hiding behind.

“Y-You could tell?”

“How couldn’t I have?”, I responded flatly.

“Anyways, why are you even spying on me?”

“Ah. Well… I was just… scoping out the competition?”

Her words made sense. 

After all, she needed to uphold her ability as someone with noble blood.

“You probably already know who I am, but let me introduce myself if you somehow do not.”

As if she were presenting herself to an emperor-

the girl known as Emma Fieldes, The Royal Sword- elegantly curtsied at my feet.

Then as she seemed to be expecting me to be captivated- she smugly looked back up toward me and instead found herself caught red-handed as I responded with an apathetic face.

“U-Uh! S-So! I actually have a proposal for you! Won’t you take a minute to hear me out?”, she frantically attempted to recover.

“... Fine. What is it?”

“Tell me how you do it!”

“Do what?”

“How you study! How you think!-”

“I need to know how I can optimally work toward becoming number one in the rankings!”

“In other words… you want me to explain… how I 

get to number two in rankings?”

That’s right. Number TWO. In the entire school. Almost more than anyone else, I’ve been making use of my time here as a student and have efficiently worked my way up to second place in the entire school.

After that, Chiae and Enosuke stopped questioning how someone like me was accepted into the program.

“Yes yes yes. Tell me!”

“Ah…Why should I? Did you think I’d just willingly confess and compromise my standing?”

Did she honestly think she could just get that out of me?


It looked like my guess was correct due to the shock in her reaction.

“W-Well no… but what if I offer you a deal?”

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“How about... internship at Aegis~?”

Aegis? I never realized Emma had the authority to do that.

Aegis is the strongest hero organization in Europe, and a part of the strongest six worldwide.

Although it seemed like an enticing offer, the truth was that it was hell for those who were below C-rank.

Despite cementing themselves as the most diverse and accepting organization in the world- in reality, those that are C-rank and above often abused the newbies. 

Even if you were quite strong- if you weren’t A-rank or S-rank, then those stronger than you are capable of taking advantage of you.

Aegis was, in truth- an organization full of corrupt heroes.

I never want to face that kind of discrimination, so I gladly responded with-

“Sorry, but no chance in hell!”

“W-Wha!”, she returned with confusion.

A predictable reaction from someone ignorant of the ongoing injustice at Aegis.

“A-Alright, then what do you demand? Money? Status? Power? I can give it all! I just need to know!”

“I am of noble blood! I am the Royal Sword! S-So it’s MY task to prove myself worthy of holding that title!”.

“Again. Why would I- who has no interest in losing my place, just like anyone- want to help you do just that?”.

“W-Well that’s-!”

“And isn’t it pretty shameful to rely on other people- let alone forcing them- to do the task that YOU said is YOUR task alone?”


“Th-That’s… I mean, it is not as if I demanded you do the work for me! I simply requested that you-”

“And THAT is another thing! As the Royal Sword, aren’t you quite befitting of that title?”


“You say that it is your task, however, you’ve been relying on others to gather your knowledge! And don’t think that no one can tell that you go out to have fun nearly every single day!”

She immediately broke into a cold sweat at being discovered.

That last part was slightly exaggerated. She had gone through certain measures to uphold her elegant and hard-working appearance, and for a while, it did succeed. 

However, seeing as I, who read the book, know of her secret outings- I decided to use that to my advantage and out the information early to teach her a lesson.

Witnessing as she failed to counter-argue, I continued with my rant.

“How can you claim that you’re worthy of being the Royal Sword, when in truth- you’re just an unsharpened blade?”


She quickly withdrew herself before she could respond in frustration.

She then scurried and stomped away in bitterness, leaving me alone once again.

In honesty, this conversation was supposed to happen much later in the story, when Emma’s negligence caused massive harm to multiple students of the program- prompting her to change her ways.

But I decided that it would be more beneficial to scold her much earlier, so that way no one would get hurt in the future.

Plus, she could become much more competent now, rather than relying on status to bring down her opponents.

At that moment, I realized something else:

Haven’t I been getting too close to the main cast?

I know I said that I would change the plot, but I never intended to interfere with the experiences of the main characters unless it wouldn't affect any future developments, such as what I just did with Emma- or unless it was necessary.

As of right now, I’ve already interacted with everyone from the main cast besides Lena Jinei and Sayaka Yuei.

At this rate- I may become a part of the main cast as well.

However- that would mess with my plans.

Not a single one of the characters won’t become legends in the future.

Just being with them would drive a part of their attention toward me. So inevitably, I’d be someone expected to be wary of.

That would be too much attention.

And if I were to let this be I would be interfering too much in the main cast’s developments.

And here I thought that I could get a break before the next arc-

But now there seem to be more unexpected developments that I could handle.

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