Devil Rewrite

Chapter 14: Chapter 14- From The Shadows(1)

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When one is hired into a guild, there are two ways that you will work for them.

The first is through full-time employment. This way is done when one wants to work full-time for the guild. This way is usually for those who work in offices or assist rankers.

The second is through contracts. Unlike the first, contract work is not necessarily full-time work, and this way is for actual rankers.

For anyone from C-rank to S-rank, most guilds would happily comply with their demands.

However, those below the wanted level- are taken advantage of.

Greedy executives looking to use lower rankers for personal gain, or worse- disgusting criminal acts.

These are the exact reasons why I’m never joining a guild unless I know they’re trustworthy.

And I don’t plan on getting involved with one.

But unfortunately, that statement is a lie.

Because that same corruption will turn out to be a problem soon.

My previous encounter with Emma made me remember an event that would take place a little while after the attack on Asakagi Tower.

A massive discovery about the inner corruption of various guilds here in Tokyo would be exposed due to the work of none other than the main cast who were trying to track down the terrorist group who had triggered the attack on the tower.

Since the corruption had been going on way before my grade had arrived here, I decided to check up on the current situation.

However, I was met with a new problem.

In the original plot, the executives of the guilds that partook in those illegal activities were only able to cover it up for so long for one reason:

Blackmail. Specifically on one man: Ichiro Katsugami.

Leader of the Daybreak Guild.

Formerly married to Hinaki Chiae.

Yes. CHIAE. THAT Chiae. 

It was funny considering how often Chiae- the daughter, I mean- bragged about her father.

Boasting how her father had not a single weakness.

Funny enough, she was completely wrong. In that, he had a weakness: his former wife.

Despite being divorced, Katsugami still dearly loved Chiae- the mother(But that’s not to say that he doesn’t cherish his daughter either).

So when his closest friend, the vice-leader of his guild, betrays him and threatens Katsugami with the assassination of his ex-wife, what would his reaction be?

Soon, Katsugami became a key pawn in their illegal affairs. Reluctantly taking away funds from his own guild and giving them away to greedy executives of other guilds.

These kinds of things- taking advantage of other people for selfish and disgusting reasons- are things I cannot leave alone.

As a victim of this kind of behavior myself, being a slave to constant verbal abuse and a horrible boss as an underpaid restaurant worker, I decided to nip this problem in the bud and lessen the burden on the main cast in the future.

It’s been nearly a week since I had that talk with Emma. Since then, she seems to have taken my criticism to heart as I’ve noticed her paying attention in class more often.

Although she seems to have taken up a hobby of stealing glances at me every once in a few minutes.

In the meantime, I’ve been preparing for my own operation.

I know I said that I would never get involved with a guild, but today-

I’m going to beat the crap out of those corrupt middle-aged shits.


In preparation for my infiltration, I used a portion of the money given to us by the program monthly to purchase certain objects:

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Rank: C

Emits a shroud of invisibility when the wearer wishes- emits an aura of darkness and danger when the wearer wishes as well. Also comes as a gas mask.



Rank: B

Jacket equipped with various pockets and automatic size compatibility. Enhanced with strength, dexterity, protection, and anti-magic runes that make it resistant to knives and bullets and certain magic properties.



Rank: B

Boots are equipped with technology that allows the wearer to walk on other surfaces besides walkable surfaces.



Rank: C

Allows the wearer to attach their hands to objects and surfaces with strong attraction, making it hard to take away unless the wearer allows it.



Rank: C

Can fit up to 100kg worth of items. Worn on the wrist.


The first four were essential for stealth and moving around without the limits of physics. The cache band was for general personal inventory use.

I also brought the Reader’s Glasses as well, for information.

I dressed in complete black and added a black cap to hide my head. 

I currently stood atop a high ledge downtown, overlooking a brightly lit floor that currently held a meeting between high-ranking officials.

On the middlemost area of the building’s surface, was a sign that indicated who the structure belonged to.

A B-rank guild called the “Radiant Blade”.

I intend to infiltrate the building for one purpose- exposing those executives. The biggest issue was locating any information that could help me.

I scaled the building from bottom to top, slowly making my way to the higher floors.

This is where those glasses come in. I put them on and scanned the floors for entries, guards, cameras, and other things of the sort.

I managed to sneak my way inside through a vent from the roof. I then slowly investigated each floor, gathering info from the glasses.

Nil. Nada. The first five floors were useless. According to the data given from the glasses, the highest seven were dedicated to higher access, meaning only the guild’s A-ranks and higher executives could enter.

The first of that seven is merely the floor for meetings between higher-ups, so the floor below me had to be the location of what I’m seeking.

Slipping into the floor below, searching for the documents led me into a precarious situation.

The documents I’m trying to find were being held in the office owned by the guild’s owner. 

However, to get there, I needed to pass by the executive meeting room–

Where a meeting was currently taking place.

Where it was extremely well guarded.

Where Ichiro Katsugami was currently negotiating with his blackmailers.

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