Doomsday Game

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: VS Orc

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THE orc was not moving, as if frozen in place. But Rei
would bet if he walked just a few steps away from that monster, it would move
and attack him with that huge-ass club it was holding.

The orc was covering the whole entrance. If Rei wanted to
leave this building, he needed to get through that damn monster first.
Especially if one considered the fact that something suddenly fortified this
building. It was unscientific. Even a window couldn’t be destroyed.

He made a quick one-through of the lobby. Surprisingly
enough, there were no goblins around. Was it because this orc was like the game
boss or something? Then he saw a figure huddled under the reception desk. It
was the guard that he attacked earlier. The other was shaking like a leaf and
covering his mouth with his hands, probably afraid that the orc would hear him
and therefore would know that he’s there.

What was this guy doing for the past three minutes? Just
shivering in fear like that? Oh, wait. He attacked the guard and the other lost
consciousness. Maybe he just woke up and thus couldn’t really do anything.

Rei tsked. His gaze went back to the orc. He changed the
empty magazine of his gun. He only had 18 bullets left. If this orc was the
boss, then that meant that its skin would be much tougher compared to the
goblins. He could probably do the same tactic he did while fighting the
goblins. He might even succeed with it. There was only one problem—time.

If this orc ended up having great speed and reflexes,
then he needed more than a minute to kill it with just a gun and a dagger as
weapons. He could use that, though.

But in order to use it successfully, he needed to be at a
close distance of the orc. He mapped a plan inside his head. Doing a quick
simulation. Once he determined the plan was at least 80% plausible, he didn’t
waste time and quickly implemented it.

He raised his gun and pointed it in the orc's direction.
As he did, he thought how much easier things would be if he only brought a
silencer with him. But things had already reached this point. Complaining would
only make him look like a whiny loser.

He aimed at the monster’s left eye first and pulled the
trigger. The orc raised its hand and easily caught the bullet with it. He had
already expected something like that to happen. So, the moment he fired that
first shot, he fired three more. After he did that, he jumped to the opposite
side. The orc’s attention was on the other side because of the shots he fired.
That’s why the other didn’t notice when he moved.

At the same moment that he moved, he fired another shot again.
This time, he aimed it at the orc’s right eye. Because the other was looking at
its left side because of the shots he fired earlier, he could see clearly his
right side profile. So, even if Rei’s posture was very irregular when he fired
that shot, it did not hinder his aim. The bullet shot straight into the orc’s
right eye.

Purple blood burst out, and the orc howled in fury. It
spun its head in Rei’s direction. Considering how the orc did not fall down with that one shot showed just how much tougher it was compared to a goblin.

The orc looked furious and seemed to want to
rush towards him. It appeared like smoke would come out of its head because of
how angry it looked. The orc moved three steps towards where Rei was. But then

It didn’t seem like it’s because he stopped himself on
purpose, but because he couldn’t move over three steps.

Rei smirked. How lucky. This orc could not move far from
the entrance. Was this the ‘game’s’ consideration to the ones playing it? To
make it balanced and give the people a chance to pass it?

If that was the case, then things would be much easier
than he thought.

Rei rushed forward, moving to the orc’s right side. Which
was now its blind side. The orc swung its club, and it hit the floor. The
moment it did, the floor cracked and pieces of it flew towards Rei. He quickly
jumped up to avoid losing his footing. But as he did, the orc swung its club

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It didn’t reach him because of the distance. But the wind
it produced almost pushed Rei away. If he didn’t move quick enough and crouched
down, he must have already been thrown away. From his crouching position, he
pushed forward.

While the orc was still in the posture of swinging its
club, he aimed at the other’s left eye. The bullet went straight to its target
and purple blood spurted out. The orc howled once again, almost sounding like a
shrieking pig. With that, this monster was now thoroughly blinded.

The orc swung its club with no direction—up and down,
side to side. This monster was probably just hoping that it would hit Rei
somehow. When the club hit the floor, Rei jumped on it. He had already put back
his gun at its holster and was now holding a grenade in his hand.

So, when the orc lifted the club upwards, Rei was also
lifted upward.

“To the guy hiding over there, go out once this bastard
is dead!” he shouted in a lazy tone.

He then removed the safety pin from the grenade and then
threw it inside the orc’s opened mouth. He then jumped on top of the orc’s
head, forcing the other to close its mouth. On the next second, he slid down
the orc’s back, taking out his gun and firing at the entrance. It was made of
glass. So, after it shattered, Rei rushed out.

The moment he left the building, the powerful explosion
behind him threw him forward.

Rei slowly stood up. Cracking his neck from side to side.
He looked back and saw the scattered remains of the orc. He also saw the guard
who was hiding earlier scrambling to go outside.

At the last second, before Rei finished counting, the
guard left the building.

And then, that same notification sound echoed around them
once again.

[Congratulations to everyone who succeeded in this trial!
All of you will now become official players! Welcome to the Doomsday Game!]

After Rei heard that, an immense pain suddenly racked his
whole body.

A/N: Hello, this is Tyramisu. We're finally on the 10th chapter. Yey! Thank you to everyone who kept on reading the story.  (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ This is my first time writing in this kind of genre (and also posting it on this site). I hope that my writing wouldn't seem like a work of a total novice. (⌒_⌒;)

PS. English is not my first language. So, if you see any grammatically incorrect sentence or phrase, please feel free to correct me. („• ᴗ •„)

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