Doomsday Game

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Going Shopping

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[LET’s just find somewhere to stay for the night. I want to sleep.]–Rei said. Even though all his exhaustion was wiped out because of that ‘worse-than-death’ pain, he still felt sleepy. He barely had any sleep in the past 24 hours after all.

[I think it’s better to go to a hospital first, master. We should take care of your wounds first.]

At the mention of that, Rei looked down at himself. His clothes were all tattered. Blood was even seeping from some wounds he got from fighting. Because of that ‘worse-than-death’ pain earlier, he could hardly feel the pain from these wounds now.

[Do you think there would still be a functioning hospital after what happened?]–Rei commented.

He looked back at the building behind. Because of the explosion, half of the building had already collapsed. If the same thing happened to every place around the world, then a hospital would also be a place where a ‘trial’ occurred.

[My apologies. I should have thought that far. But now that you mention it, master, the same thing is probably true for hotels and motels alike.]

[Yeah, I just thought of that. Should we just crash at someone’s home?]

There was silence before he heard Cato sighing. [Let’s try to pick a place with no people living in it.]

Rei shrugged. He would be fine with anything, anyway.

“A-are you leaving?” asked the guard when Rei walked.

Ah, yeah, he almost forgot that the guy was still here. Instead of answering, he just waved without looking back and continued walking.

[Would it be okay to leave him just like that?]–Cato asked.

[Letting that guy go with me would just make him dependent. If those cubes changed the world to that of something filled with monsters and a voice telling humans what to do, it would be much better for him in the long run to learn to do things on his own now. He could live longer that way.]

Of course, that’s under the assumption that the guard would have the will to go through all this on his own. If he didn’t, then that’s not Rei’s problem at all.

[That’s actually… reasonable.]–Cato said in a tone as if he couldn’t believe that Rei would say such a thing.

[You know, if you have a physical body I could punch, I would have already. About a thousand times.]

[Then, I’m glad I’m as small as a speck of dust.]

Rei continued to walk. When he passed by the gatehouse, he saw the door was ajar. He peered in but didn’t see the guard there. He wondered if the other left or not. Rei only looked at that for a few seconds before he continued his walk.

The moment he walked out of the gate, his steps faltered a bit. Because he felt like he just walked into a battlefield. There were cars thrown over, buildings were on fire, and people were scattered on the streets, either crying or in great shock. Most of them were probably people who passed that trial.

[What do you think happened to those people who didn’t pass the trial?]–Rei asked as he walked.   

[Something bad, I guess. The ones responsible for all this would definitely not do things lightly. Since they involved the whole planet, the consequences of not following what they said would definitely be serious.]

Rei thought so as well. That’s why, even though it’s out of his character, he still followed along with the things written on that virtual screen. He didn’t want to die after all.

Then, a couple of conversations reached him where he stood.

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“What’s this? Why can’t I connect?”

“M-me too! Not only my calls, even my messages won’t send.”

“I also can’t connect to the internet! What the hell is happening right now?”

“Could- could it be related to the monsters?”

There was more conversation along those lines, but Rei didn’t bother to listen. Knowing the main topic of their conversation was already enough. He took out his smartphone from the inner pocket of his coat. It survived all the fighting that he did earlier, surprisingly enough.

He turned it on and tried to connect to the internet. But to no avail. Nothing happened. Even using data was useless.

[They did a total information and communication ban.]–Cato said, referring to those responsible for what happened.

[They surely know how to make people panic.]–Rei said with indifference.

Then, he walked to the nearest car. Someone had already smashed the window open. That didn’t really matter much since what’s more important was that the car’s key was already on the ignition. He got inside and started the car.

[Do you already have a destination in mind, master?]

Rei opened the map of Portland that he downloaded yesterday. He didn’t think that this would actually be useful right now. He zoomed in on their current location and then swiped to the nearby places.

[A shopping mall.]–he said after checking the nearest mall from this place.

Then he turned on the ignition and started the car.


Arriving at the mall, the place wasn’t as bad as the other places that they passed by. Probably because the trial happened when the mall had already closed for the day. The only people who would be inside were the mall securities. If they somehow decided to not fight those monsters, then it would be understandable for this mall to not have as many damages.

Rei parked the car and got down. He didn’t waste time and just entered the mall. He didn’t really need to do anything since the entrance was already destroyed. Some people nearby must have had the same idea as him and went there.

Rei then started his ‘shopping’. The first thing he went to find was a big mountaineering bag. After finding one, he filled it with things that he needed. From water and food, to some necessities like flashlight and lighter, and of course, bullets.

He actually wanted a new sword, but knew that he probably couldn’t get one here. He also took a change of clothes. So, after getting everything he needed, he went straight to a boutique gym inside the mall and took a quick shower there. Washing away all the filth and blood, he put medicine on his wounds before finally wearing his newly gained clothes.

Rei didn’t leave the gym and just found a comfortable seat to sit on. He then closed his eyes for a nap

There were four hours left before the said ‘tutorial’. Now he should rest and wait.

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