Doomsday Game

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: The Next Target

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THEIR next target was Dr. Mark Davis, the current head of
Falcon Pharmaceuticals. It’s a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company in

Rei raised his head and looked at the building at a
distance. It only took him about an hour via car to arrive here from Forest

[Master, it’s already near midnight. I don’t think the
target would be here.]–Cato said. [I think it’s better to continue this

[Why wait? Didn’t you say that the signal being produced
by those cubes is getting stronger and stronger? What if it’s already the end
of the world tomorrow? Wouldn’t it be a shame if we didn’t get the information
we wanted?]

Cato was silent for a second before letting out a small
sigh. Because he couldn’t completely deny what the other just said.

He could hear the signals coming from those cubes. Which
shouldn’t be possible with his current state and ability. And yet, since these
cubes appeared in the Earth’s atmosphere almost six months ago, he heard these
signals. It was weak at first. But gradually, it became stronger and stronger.
If it stared at first as a buzzing of a mosquito, now, it’s like a steady drum.
The sound was even louder these past few days.

Cato never tried to interfere with these signals nor to
investigate it. Somehow, his gut-feeling was telling him not to let these cubes
know about his existence. Because not only would he risk endangering himself,
he would also put this master of his at risk. And he’d rather not have that

A sigh again escaped his imaginary lips. [If the target
is not here, then master shouldn’t argue with me and just rest for the night.]

[Then, you can connect to the building’s computers and
search for that Davis.]–Rei replied, unable to hide the excitement in his

Cato could invade any computers or anything that had a
processor in it. He could take every data inside whatever object he invaded and
absorbed any information he wanted from it. Cato could also manipulate the data
or simply just destroy it. He could do a lot more of other things. But Rei was
too lazy to explain every one of them.

It’s a shame that Cato was in his weakest state when the
two of them met. The things that he could do then were too limited. So, when
leaving the laboratory, the best they could do was to leave a virus in the main
computer that would slowly destroy the data those doctors had collected
throughout the years.

Sadly, it wasn’t all the data. Cato could only destroy
some of it. The really important data he couldn’t even touch. Because they were
safely locked in the very core of the lab’s main computer. If Cato was as
strong as he was right now when they left the laboratory, he could have done

Truly, what a pity. It would have been quite thrilling if
he saw that person’s face contorted in anger after knowing that all his
precious data were gone.

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[Then, please, Master, look for a device I could connect
to.]–Cato’s voice interrupted his thoughts.

Rei stared at the building once again. Before one could
enter the building, they should pass the security gatehouse first. There, a
guard would most likely check the identity of those who would enter before they
allowed them inside.

He crossed the road. When he was near the gatehouse, he
hurried to the blind side of the surveillance camera. He continued to move in
that way until he reached the gatehouse.

He tried to turn the knob on the door. Surprisingly
enough, it was open. He was actually planning to just knock and once the guard
opened the door, he would immediately sock him to the chin. Well, this was good

He carefully opened the door, making sure that there
wouldn’t be any sound. Once he did, he first looked inside through the gap. He
saw a security guard with his back to him. With only one guard inside, he
didn’t hesitate and ran inside.

Before the guard could even turn his head, Rei had
already hand chopped the other’s nape. Making the guard faint and his head and
upper body fell on the desk in front of him.

[This computer should be enough, right?]–he said,
referring to the computer inside the gatehouse.

Rei put his hand on the computer’s monitor screen. He
then felt a slight tingling travelling from his brain to his arm, then finally
to his hand. This familiar feeling was proof that Cato had left him and was now
invading the computer system of this building.

[I found the target. He’s at his office on the fourth
floor.]–Cato said after a minute. [I will now put a fake image in the
surveillance system to not alarm any of the guards inside. As well as
deactivate all the locks in the door.] It didn’t even take a minute before Cato
did what he just said. [You can now enter the building with no problem. I will
guide you to the target’s office.]

[Nice work.]–Rei said in his mind with a smirk.

He left the gatehouse and walked towards the building,

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