Dýr-A giant fantasy adventure

Chapter 3: Chap 2: Rage

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Isn't it funny how quickly one person could get bored ? Esspacialy when they are put in a dark and silent, pitch-black place without being able to move or to see. With the person being there is all alone and the only possible thing they can do is think.

That is what Edward is experiencing After months and months of sheer boredome with Edward starting to lose himself.

In this place there are no window, there are no clock. No way for Edward to know what's going on or how long has passed. At one point Edward though he might have reincarnated as a rock. Quite a funny idea.

To kill some time, (and avoid going insane) Edward though about doing something efficent. Like learning magic.

Magic circle, spell, alchemist, all that jazz. Almost any Fantasy worlds have at least one of them and right now Edward is trying to learn it too. Learning something that can only be seen in fiction though imposiple for him before now become a possibility. Just the idea of being able to use magic, makes his heart jump in excitiment.

One tiny problem, he can't do magic circle since he can't move, no spell incantation because he can't talk and he doesn't even know how alchesmist even work. So how can one such as Edward use magic ? He then turn to his 'sight' for answers. 

'Maybe the strings i saw from before is relate some way.......like mana, yes just like mana.' Just as he though, images of those floating strings came across his mind. 

As almost all fantasy story have a magic system, Edward has read enough of those story to know that this strings of energy is something that is similar to mana or the equivalent of it. For now, he don't know what they are exactly so he just call them strings to be simple. And if he want to learn magic he'll deffinaly have to find it again.

So began his search to learn magic, He started by using his sight and focusing his mind to find it, he look at everything from the biggest object to the smallest of things, down to the minue detail, seemingly trying to analyse them. 

The first month since Edward started, things got off pretty well, he got a bit better at using his sight but nothing with the mana strings. Sometime glimes of it would appear, flickering in and out of his vision. Before dissapear into nothingness. 

But a couple of months after that, things head to a dead end. He din't have anyone to teach him or any book to learn from, he's was learning things from scratch so this was to be expected. He though it would not take too long for him to learn but as time went on, all of the fail atemp was getting on his nerve.

Times go by, and Edward is really geting frustrated. Because he still haven't gotten any closer finding the energy again. Edward was clueless and he hated it. No mater how hard he tried to do, it did not work. Still, he kept on trying even with no result.

'Ugh....Why can't i find it, what am I MISSING!!'

He mentaly shouted, Anger rising inside of him. Anytime Edward felt like he could see the energy it would dissapear leaving him with more frustration.

He'll spent an entier day thinking about this, coming with no anwser. He's getting angrier and angrier to the point where he can feel his chest burning.


He felt hot, very hot, not in a metaphor way. for a second, he could feel felt a searing hot sensation inside his chest, burning inside of him.

*ba-thump* *ba-thump*

 And that's when he see it, tiny little red strings floating around his chest. Thats when he realise what was it that he is missing. 

'This is coming from me?' 

Edward was suprise to say the least, he din't ever seen the strings with such clarity not to mention with color. He was starting to feel excited, just then it disapear, again. leaving Edward speachless, again. 

That's when something click in his head, he's been trying too hard to look at things in a physical way. 

'Godamnit i should have realise this earlier. I'll been trying to see it in the physical world all this time.'

Mana is usually associated with the spiritual life force energy, an invisible force of the universe. No wonder why Edward can't see it, simply put he is just too focus with his sight. 

Now knowing what to do, this time Edward relaxes his mind instead of focusing it, almost meditading as he digs into his memories to find that warm feelling again.  

He tried to call it, remembering the warm sensasion he had in his chest. Soon enough he saw something glowing in his subconsious mind, like a light at the end of a tunnel.

A faint voice of something called to him, it invite him to come closer. It felt so new yet familiar at the same time, Edward follow it as he was instantly drawn into it. At first, it was nothing but a small whisper, the light was no bigger than a tiny Firefly. But as he got closer, both the voice and the light grew. 

When he reach toward the end of the tunnel, the light was almost blinding, and he could hear the voice as clear as day. A influx of infomation was going into his mind. He knew what this is instanly. Voices, these are the voice of the mana strings. 

Edward reach forward, It sounded like someone, or something was talking. It voices, smoothing and calm, Edward felt at peace hearing it.

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'Is this magic ?' He inwardly mumbled, still fascinated by the first ever act with this mysterious energy. 

"~Maaagiiic~?" The sphere question, like a child. Having no clue about what he just asked. 

A warm pleasant feeling encompassed his entire body, a strange wave of energy flow from his heart, it flow like tiny river spreading throughout his entire body, embracing him. He could feel it moving throughout his limbs. Not only could he did see it, he was able to feel it. 

The strings of mana was kind, energetic, full of vitality. Like that of a child, and just like one, he can sense wild, untame, rebellious, chaos. It kinda have a balance to it.

 Despite that, Edward was fine with the strings. He accepts it as a part of him. 

While all of that was happening in Edward mind, in the stone prison. Edward body started glowing hot red, his body moved unconsciously against the blue energy of the stone cage. 

Then blue engergy started to radiate from it, covering Edward body in an atemp to stop whatever is happening.

The sensation of floating in the endless black space, with the energy flowing through his body was oddly serene and pleasant, to say the least. A part of him even wished to remain like this forever, perhaps it wasn't such a bad thing after all.

When Edward return, he could see the mana strings. This time much easier and much clearer, the different is like day and night. It was moving around, floating in the air.

'Wow...it's beautiful.' Edward is in awe at the beauty in front of him.

Edward called to the power, it follow as if it were a part of him. It constantly moved about excitedly, almost as if it was sentient, Edward smile as it danced around him like an excited child. Although invisible to normal eye, in Edward sight. A bright glowing sphere made of red strings could be seen floating around. 

Just as Edwrad was about to call the mana to him, something seemed to block it. Edward was suprise when the mana did not return his call, then he saw it, the mana was getting pulled away. The sarcophagus radiates a blue energy grabing him and his mana, locking him in place. Gone are the feeling of warmth and instead, the dark and cold feelling return. 

'No no no no no.....wait wait wait.' 

Fear and suprise filled his heart, it has found his active movement and now was trying to put him back in stasis. 

"~Rage.....fire~" a voice echo in his ear. Trying to tell him something. To rage


Rage, uncontrolable rage. It been building ever since he got here, rage at not being able to move, at not being in control, so much rage.

Unable to stand this anymore, Edward was furious at the stone prison, how dare it try to take away what belong to him. What did he do to desever this ? Why was he locked in here ? robbed of his freedom. Is this what he have to endure forever ? Living inside this rock for eternity. What kind of sick joke is this ? 

*ba-thump* *ba-thump* his heart beat rise as a new instinck kicks in but Edward right now is too loss in rage to notice it.

'I won't be trap in this cage any longer.'

He don't know why, he doesn't need to know why. Right now, there's only one thing that he absoluty have to do. All of his anger have pent up until this point was transfer into energy and concentreted to his chest, making it glowed a bright golden red. 

*ba-thump* *ba-thump* the sound of Edward heart beat pounding like a hammer in his chest intensely glowing with red, glowing brighter with each beat.

 "ᛒᚢᚱᚾ" (burn)

With one worb, raging fire engulfed Edward whole as a wave of red flame burst out from the stone prison in a huge explosion. One that was so big it shook the entire cavern. Pieces of rock flies every where, everything close by was turn to ash.

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