Dýr-A giant fantasy adventure

Chapter 4: Chap 3: get up and get out

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Edward opened his eyes and woke up in a tired state. Looking around, he found himself lying on a cold stone floor but now he was not trapped any more.

His body is sore all over, he can feel his throat and lung burning like he just ran a marathon. Slowy sitting up, he could see small area surrounded him was black mark of burnt ashes, memories of what happened rushed back through Edward mind. 

He try to flex his hand, it moved freely to his command, then he tried to moved his legs, they also moved to his will. He could feel the waves of happiness rising in him. The feeling of finally being free to move again was joyfull to say the least. He was locked in there for so long, not in control, now being finally freed. He's so happy he might start to cry.

Edward just sat there for a few moment until he felt a warm feeling surround him, like the feelling of being hug.

"~hou~hou~" A lightly glowing red sphere apeared, floating circle around him.

'Hey there little guy.' The sphere float happily around at his call.

'Hey i just notice that i haven't gotten you a name yet, hm.......how about i just call you Howl for now. Sound good?'

Little red sphere now named Howl bounced up and down happily, it seemed to really love the new given name.

Edward change his atention to the enviroment he's now in. Currently he is in a dark cavern, a normal person would have very much trouble seeing down here but not for Edward, as he could see everything as clear as day. Edward have no trouble looking and navigating in the dark as he could see very well with his vision, the veil of darkness that covered the cave disappeared in front of Edward eyes, allowing him to see the cave clearly.

This place is a big underground cavern, probably as big as a stadium. There was crystals glowing on the wall and ceilling, providing small iluminating light in the dark place. To the far end of one conner of the place was a underground lake where vine and flora were growing near it. 

'I could use some water right now.' 

As he drag himself up toward the lake, he feel odd. His body felt heavier and taller, everything around just feel smaller to him. When he got closer to it, some floating blue strings are visible. He cup some water with his hand to taste the water. As soon as he know the water was safe to drink, he immediately drop his face into the water. He stuck his face in the water for a whole minute before pulling his head up in satisfaction.

'Ahhh man that sure is refreshing, it's a good thing this is drinkable water or i am so screw otherwise.' (A/N:You can't drink cave water btw)

He brought his stare down to the reflective mirror like surface of the lake as he take a good look at himself for the first time since he came into this world. 

When looked upon his own reflexion, A slightly pale skin young man could be seen reflected on the water surface. With a well rounded face, it look identical to Edward face before he came to this world. But now he bare a pair of bright blue crystal eyes and silky, shoulder length jet-black hair. the two mix perfectly together to create a picture of a bright star twinkling in the dark night sky.

Edward just stare at his face, seemingly in a daze. Looking over his buttnaked self, Although he look like a human, something told him that he's no longer one.

Aside from the pale rock-like skin and with weird feeling in his chest. It just feels like he has grown bigger. 

"ᚹᚺᚨᛏ ᚨᛗ ᛁ ?" (What am i?)

The moment Edward mutered those word, he quickly realize something changed about his voice just as he said it. 

'Wait..is that.'

"ᛗᚤ ᚡᛟᛁᚲᛖ" (my voice) 


'Well this is...new.'

Not even 5 minute after he was being free, Edward found out that his voice has somehow changed while Edward was in the stone prison, his voice or rather his language has changed. Into runic to be specific. 

It was silvery smooth to hear and even though he was talking normaly, the sounds coming out of his throat is still carry much power in them.

"ᛗᚤ ᛏᚺᛁᛋ ᛁᛋ ᛩᚢᛁᛏᛖ ᚹᛖᛁᚱᛞ" (my...my this is quite weird)

He don't know how ro feel about all of this, everything in him told him he was fine, but he know he's not human, not anymore. Still, it's going to take a while for him to adjust to all of this change. 

'The pale rock like skin, the heavy feeling, the runic language, the huge giant long meaty excalibur in between my leg. Yep, i'm definaly a giant.'

 That was his conculsion, he don't know which type of giant he might be, just that he is.

Snaping back to reallity, Edward turn back to the water and cupped some water with his hand and take another drink. As the cool liquid fell through his throat, Edward focus on what he should do next.


"ᚹᚺᚨᛏ ᛋᚺᛟᚢᛚᛞ ᛁ ᛞᛟ ᚾᛟᚹ?" (what should i do now?) Trying out the new voice, he still find it to be very interesting. He spoke with such ease and comfortable that of a native, sure he as if the language was his mother tonge.

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"~Voice~nice~" Howl seem to relax when hearing his voice.

"ᚤᛟᚢ ᛚᛁᚴᛖ ᛗᚤ ᚡᛟᛁᚲᛖ?"(You like my voice?)

Howl bop up and down slightly, that seem like a 'yes' to his question. 

"ᚹᛖᛚᛚ ᛁᚠ ᚤᛟᚢ ᛋᚨᚤ ᛋᛟ" ("Well if you say so.") Edward respond nonchalantly.


While the subject of his voice is most interesting, it'll have to wait for later, right now he probaly should focus on finding something to sate the hunger in his belly first. As Edward find himself a way out of the cavern. The turnal that he go through was relatively big to accommodate him and it din't took him long to navigate his way out from of his vision. As he make his way out, Edward stoped right at the exit. 

navigating through the cave, the first thing that greeted him when he got out of cavern was the cold wind and snowy landscape of freezing blizzard weather. 


"ᚷᛟᛞ ᛞᚨᛗᚾ ᛁᛏ'ᛋ ᚲᛟᛚᛞ." (God Damn it's cold) cursing the weather under his breath, Edward look to the world outside.

It was day, or so he think. There wasn't much sunlight shinning because of the cloud had covered the sky gray. Mountain range far and long as the eyes can see, with the cold land covered in white snow was the only thing he could see for hundred of miles, even with his vision it din't get much better. 

Thinking about how he can travel in this weather, he wonder if his magic can aid him in this problem.

'A that's right, i can use my magic.'

Edward closed his eyes, rememberering the feelling of warmth flowed through him. He feel the warm fire inside of him, he then tried to push it throughout his body. Slowly, his chest glowed a light red and heat started to emit, spreading through his entirer body. It wasn't much against the cold but it'll have to do.

Opening his eyes revealling red tint in it, he feel warmer. Releasing a hot stream breath into the cold air, he began going into the cold snowing biome. 

After walking for half an hour, the blizzard had died down as he encounter a nearby forest a few kilometers away from the cavern entrance.

Edward hadn't noticed this before but he's a huge walking giant. At first he thought he only grown a little bigger. But only when he arrive at the edge of the forest did edward have a grasp on how big he was.

Before he was pretty tall standing at 199 cm ( 78 inches), could have gone pro if it weren't for him dying. Now his height has reach as tall as 19 meters tall (62 ft). His bicept alone was bigger than a car, his legs is thicker than a elephant. Edward body is a hulking beast, no Edward was no beast. He is a giant, a huge walking giant.

Every step he take, a loud thump could be heard throughout the forest. Leaving a huge steaming footpring behind, it caused allmost the animals that is nearby to ran away in a hurry. Almost.


Two huge bear were apraching Edward carefully from behind the treeline. Their white fur blending them completly with the enviroment.

These two are the ruler of the forest, the apex. So imagine the suprise when they picked up a new scent. It belong to a very strong creatue as their sense tell them.

And it was an animal that they're not familiar with, and this newcomer was something very strong as sugested from the smaller animal that ran as soon as he entered the forest and the huge footprint that they discover. now this can mean one of two thing.

One, a new animal is coming through. Which is rather normal, new animals come through the forest all the time. Stronger creatue exist outside here too. There are beast that are much stronger than these two, but such beast usually don't come here to hunt in this part of the forest where where they lived and if they do come they only seek pasage not to fight.

Two, this new creatue is going to claim this land as their own in which case threaten their place as top of the food chain. So naturaly, they feel threaten and so have decide to rid this new beast off their teritory.

Seeing the newcomer beast to the forset, a giant grey walking beast with doupple, no triple the time their sizes. Unlike any other animal they have fight before, they do not feel confident in winning agasnt this newcomer in a face to face confrontation. So, by using nature to their advantge, the snow to camaflauge and crouching down on all four, sneaking from a distant. They wait for the right moment to strike. Not knowing that they has already been deteced from a mile away.


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