Dýr-A giant fantasy adventure

Chapter 5: Chap 4: fight

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Edward was taking an enthusiactic walk in the wood. The air was clear and unpolluted unlike back in the city. The sky was some what shinning, he could see some birds with four wing chirping on branches of some trees, rabbits with horn on their head were jumping in the snow, every creatue he saw was exotic. Creating a peachfull and quiet atmostphere. 

Even more so when all of them ran away as soon as Edward enter the forest. He did try to get closer to one of the animal but it seem like they are actively trying to avoid him out of fear. whenever he walks in the direction to one of the animals, they would immediately run away, which made much sense since he was a stranger in their lands.

Not that it matter much, he came in search of food but he doubt any of these animal would satisfy his hunger. Every single one of them is just too small. The biggest animal he caught was smaller than his hand, it was a deer with shinning white antler.

It get itself stuck on some tree branches while trying to run away from Edward. Helping the deer, he gently held it in his hand. the deer was scared to death in front of him, all four of its legs were shaking so much that it couldn't even stand. After checking the scared creature for a moment, he set the animal back on the ground and continued walking.


This is obviously not Edward old world, although it does have some simirlarity. He take his time strolling through here. After 10 minute of walking, a sweet scent of something in the air got to his nose, following it lead him to an area full of apple trees.

'Apple trees ? In this weather ?'

The apple trees is tall and gives off a lot of luxuriant branches. The stump is brown and rough, and in some places it is even wormed into a small cave like a nest for what he assume is bird or chipmunk. Apple branches spread around the trunk, each branch is large enough to overshadow the stump.

While he made a mental note of this location so he may return later. He notice as he got closer, the trees is very large, it is big as or bigger than himself even. Same thing could be said about the fruits of the trees, he pick a apple down from one of the branches. The apple he pick have a round and colorfull mix between bright yellow and light red, making it look like a tiny sun in the palm of his hand.  

Holding the apple close to his nose, Edward felt excited when he smelled the fragrance from it. Without hesitation he opened his mouth wide and bit into the apple. The sweet and sour juice gushed into his mouth and spread across his tongue. Overwhelming his sense with bliss

'Oh god, it's so good. This's the best thing i ever tasted.'

When was the last time he eaten something that is this good. Maybe it's just his mind playing tricks on his brain since he hadn't eat anything since he came to this world but he did not care. All of his focus right now is on the wonderfull feeling in his mouth. He took another bite with a crunch, letting the juice of the fruit melting on his tonge. 

Suddenly, He picked up on something aproching closer behind him. He throught it might be some small animal walking by, but judging from the sound it was no small animal. They are moving very slowly toward him, like how a pretedor stalking it's prey, he could even sense killing intent coming from them.

Focusing on his vision, he could pinpoint two moving creatue clearly. Two white furry bears from behind the trees, blending in with the snow, they would have worked if not for his eyes.

They both have a yellow honey iris surround by black pupil, which would make them quite cute and cuddlely if not for the menacing stare and killing intent. Their forelegs are long and have sharp spikes made out of what he assume is ice that grow from the front paws and extend all the way to the back. From what he could see, they are easily the biggest animals in this place beside himself, with the first bear being half his size follow by a second bear that was only slightly smaller.

Both seem to be agitated and wanted to quite literally tear him to pieces, Edward can't think of any reason why they were so aggressive toward him exactly, maybe they were hunting and found him, maybe he accidently got in to their territory. Regardless of the reason, he doesn't want to be a meal for any monsters at all.


'Ya i can see that, don't have to tell me about it.' 

The two hiding seemed to notice his gaze on them. Seeing that, they rushed out and charged straight at him.

With two beasts coming to maul him, Edward chose to do what anyone would do in that sittuation. Charge back at them and fight back, he don't know why he did it but it feels right doing so. Any normal human person would chose to run for their lives but then again Edward isn't a normal human, not anymore. 

Both sides rush in with Edward taking the initiate, kicked one of the bear, sending it flying through some trees. Then proceed to throw a punch into the other bear face. 

Being much bigger then the two, he held the size advantage, making him very hard to take down.

Problem was, the duo is also fast and very coopertive, they move fluently like they had done this a thousan time before. By the way they are moving, he could tell that these beasts were intelligent, while the big bear would tank most of his attack so that the other smaller bear would deal a faltal blown by biting or slashing with it's sharp claw aiming for Edward face or throat. But everytime Edward was able see the coming attack and evade before it hits him, thank to his vision. 

Out of the conner of his eyes, the small bear start to moved weirdly. He saw white strings of mana moving closer into it's body. 


Then bits of ice started to fly toward him, this bear can shoot out ice from it's body. The shard of ice was fast, even when he saw it coming, his body couldn't react fast enough to dodge all in time. As a result some shards managed to hit him, one in the left thigh and one behind his right shoulder. 

'The fuck ? They can use magic too ?!' He internly yell in his head.


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With another warning, this time Edward was able to react and dodge from another attack, a huge claw swipe pass his back. The big bear, had just swung it's already giant paw of it now grown even bigger with blue spike all over it. 

But that's not what caught his atention, Edward frown as an odd glow could be seen on the bear paw, the bear front limb had grow bigger with an glowing aura around it, the aura envelope the huge paw of the big ice bear like some sort of coating then as the paw srunk back he could see it dissipate. 

'I'll be crushed if i rely too much on my sight to fight.' He thought to himself.

The big bear try to slash at him again, edward instictly shield it with his forearm, the slash didn't hurt, too much. As blood started to flow from a wound on his arm, in return he send a straight punch to the face of the big bear. Knocking it's head into a rocky wall of a nearby mountain.

He then ducked and roll over to the side dodging another barrage of ice shards. The trees behind where he was standing were pierced by dozens of blue shards of ice.

If Edward want to come out alive then he need to take one out first. Looking at the attacker, Edward got an idea when he saw the ice shard attack, he moved the red mana in his chest into the palm of his right hand and imagined a fireball in it. 

"ᛏᚹᛟ ᚲᛟᚢᛚᛞ ᛈᛚᚨᚤ ᛚᛁᚴᛖ ᛏᚺᛁᛋ." (Two could play like this.) He said before calling to his little friend.

"~burn~" the little red sphere said as few red mana strings move into his left hand.

Soon a ball of flame apear in his palm, he can feel it's heat radiating from it but he din't feel any pain or feeling of being burn. Familiarising himself, he cock his hand back. Edward took a pose of a pitch thrower aiming for the bear's head, he put all his strength into his left hand before throwing. The bear, surprised by the sudden return attack, couldn't react fast enough as the fire ball hit it square on the face.


An explosion sound rang across the forest as the fire ball connected with the Beast head, it's head exploded with brain matter and blood painted the snow in red. Some small fire still linger on it's corpse.

Edward feel a wave of tiredness coming over him, making him knelt down. Before he had time to catch a breath, the big bear jump at him. Without any time to properly prepare, he could only raise his arms. 

Both of them struggle on the ground, rolling around on the snow with the big bear on top trying to bite Edward face off and him barely holding it back with both his hands on each of the bear's jaw. 

The two keep going at it, untill during the struggle Edward manage to slip his leg under the bear's stomach kicked the bear away from him. As they got up, the big bear look at the now recently decease friend of it before turning to look at Edward with rage filled eyes. Seeing his friend's dead body, the big bear let out a roar to the skies. 

"ᚨᚺᚺ ᚤᛟᚢ ᚷᛟᛏᛏᚨ ᛒᛖ ᛋᚺᛁᛏᛏᛁᚾᚷ ᛗᛖ" (ahh you gotta be shitting me).

Edward curse under his breath, he watched as the bear stand up on its hind legs, with the strange glow appearing again but this time the glow covered the bear's entire body instead of just his hands as before. In a few short moment it's body growing rapitly, it's size now only smaller than Edward himself.

Both opponents glared at each other, silently assessing each other's strength. The silent was broken when the two shouted loudly before crashing into each other, starting a one-on-one brawl. 

While Edward attacks with quick punches and jabs, the bear attacks by biting and slashes with its sharp claws.

The ceaseless noise of fighting and crashing echoed throughout the forest, frightening every other life form. Their battle destroys parts of the forest as they go. Rocks were thrown, land were destroyed, rows of trees were shattered with each and every clash between the two. 

From the outside, Edward seems to be losing ground with bleeding cuts all over his body but in actually the bear is the one losing. From inside it's body, wounds such as broken bones or internal bleeding begin to cause damage. serious damage.

His fist isn't that fast, but if a truck size fist coming at you and it hit then you are screwed. That's what happened to the bear, with consecutive punches hitting the bear, it could feel the broken bones crushed under the tremendous force of Edward hand was dealing. with an uppercut, the bear was stunned and fell to the ground.

'A opening.'

With some manuver, he quickly put the bear in a tight chokehold, it tried thrashing and slashing around with it's claws. The ice spikes on it body jab into Edward, but he pushed through the sharp pain.

As the animal struggle for it's life, Edward kept both his hand in the choke hold and increasing as much force as posible untill a loud sound of bone being broken could be heard. 


The bear's neck broken, it's head twisted in a disfigure way. It's body went limp as he drop it down on the cold floor of snow.

"ᚹᛖᛚᛚ ᚨᛏ ᛚᛖᚨᛋᛏ ᛁ ᛞᛟᚾ'ᛏ ᚺᚨᚡᛖ ᛏᛟ ᚹᛟᚱᚱᚤ ᚨᛒᛟᚢᛏ ᚠᛟᛟᛞ ᚨᚾᚤ ᛚᛟᚾᚷᛖᚱ." (Well at least i don't have to worry about food any longer.) Edward said, gasped for breath as he stared at the corpses of the beast.


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