Eastwynne (The Consequence of Gods: Book 1)

Chapter 4: (Part 1) Chapter 4: Princess

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Before we get to the good part let’s rewind a bit.


“What’s your name?” I ask the kid.

“It’s Reese, ma’am.” Ma’am? Ew, I feel waaaaaaaaay too young for that. Makes me feel momish, sends shivers down my spine.

“I don’t think I’m old enough for ma’am yet... The name’s Ester.”

“My mom told me to always have good manners.” He replies.

“I think mine failed at teaching me that.” Speaking of moms…

“Hey isn’t your mom worried about you?”

There’s another smile, or should I say it’s more of a smirk? We have a troublemaker on our hands.


“She doesn’t know I’m out here. She’s asleep.” He says.

“Ah, so you’re a sneaky troublemaker with manners.” Kids, man.


Well, I obviously can’t leave him here, especially after, you know, him almost meeting a very bad end.

I look to the ocean…

I really just wanted to relax a bit. Why do I need to be a good Samaritan?


“Show me where you live, I’m taking you home.” I look back at him.


Oh, great.

Do I sense the waterworks?


“Aweeee, whhyyyy?” Please kid, don’t.

“I can’t let you stay out here it’s getting dark.” I explain. And besides, I’m sure if I leave him, he’s gonna be breaking news.

“Come on-”



Now back to where we left off.


My eyes shoot in the direction of the forest, where I just was.

A branch breaks, we aren’t alone.


Oh great, I shouldn’t be surprised of course weirdos hang out on this island…


I try to get a better look at whoever is there-


Reese takes off. Why?

Now, I’m chasing after him. What happened to stranger danger?



I catch up to him, we’re pretty close to the weird-


“She’s pretty!” He says.

Pretty? I never really got a chance to look since Reese became Sonic the Hedgehog.

I move my head slowly, I don’t know who we’re dealing with-


Red hair like crimson. Green eyes like emeralds. A ring that shines brighter than the sun. Something about her is-




Who is she?


“Hi, miss. My name is Reese!”

“You kinda look like-” He continues.

Snap out of it, Ester.

“Hey chill out a bit!” Does he have no fear?

I look back at her.

“Sorry if he scared you.”



Pretty is an understatement.



“Uh- Do you need help getting back to the ferry? I think I mesmerized the path.” I ask. I don’t know why I assumed she was lost. Well, I guess the paths are kinda confusing.

“I-I would appreciate your help…” She replies with a bow.

She bowed?

“I-It’s really no problem.” Really who is she?

“Is she a princess?!” Reese asks. No way-


Is she? Does Eastwynne even have princesses?


You know, when I think about it, her and that guy from earlier… They’re like, from a different world… I don’t know how to explain it. They just feel like they’re important or something.


“I’m not a princess.” She answers. I guess that settles that.

“But you’re so fancy, you gotta be!” Reese isn’t accepting that, can’t say I completely am either.

“Alright, alright, Let’s get you home.” I try to calm him down.

“I hope you don’t mind a slight detour.” I look at her and she shakes her head.


She probably thinks we’re weirdos.


“I’m Ester by the way.” Is it even worth introducing myself? She’ll probably just-

“My name is Sye.”



We’ve been walking along a path for a while now. Reese is showing Sye a bunch of bugs and talking up a storm. I zoned out after he pointed out the thousandth spider.

I honestly feel like a third wheel…



Wait am I getting jealous of a kid?


I speed up a bit, they were a few feet ahead of me.


“Hey, so uh. Are you in college?” Better than asking about the weather right?

And she looks about my age, so I really do wonder.

“Not currently.” She replies.

“Damn, aren’t you lucky? What about high school? Which one did you go to?” I ask.

“I was homeschooled.” Home school? I should’ve figured.

“Wow, I never meant a homeschooler before. Was it something you decided or your parents?”

“My family thinks it’s the best form of education. No distractions from anyone else, just learning in solitude.” She answers.

Solitude, huh? They have a point I guess.

“Maybe it is better? You don’t have to show up for class, can take unlimited naps, and play video games til morning. What a dream.” That does sound super nice… A girl can dream.

“I didn’t have those luxuries... My tutors were very strict.” Now that doesn’t sound so nice.

“Jeez, that sucks. Well hey, if you ever want to experience average college life there’s East U-”




“Uh- I heard it’s a really good school. Top in the city or something.”


I sound totally desperate.


“I don’t know if I could handle being around all those people.” She says.

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“I know the feel... I like to hide out in the shadows.” Could I sound any creepier?

“Not like a creep or anything! Just to get away from the crowds, you know?” Please don’t think I’m a creep.

“I would probably do the same.” She says nodding.




“We could be loner buddies. Wait that sounds lame…” I’m doomed.

Sye looks down at Reese. I forgot he was here and I can see he obviously doesn’t like feeling left out.

“Heeeeeeeeeeeeey, why isn’t anyone talking to meee?” He’s pouting now.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to leave you out buddy.” I tell him.



Honestly, this is taking a while… How big is this island anyway? It feels like we’ve been-



Reese lets go of Sye’s hand. He runs forward to a clearing.


“Bye!” He waves. What is going on- there’s nothing there.


He takes a few steps backward, totally disappearing.


“Did he just disappear?” I mean he did just vanish.

I go further into the clearing. He's completely gone, it's only the trees.



What’s going on with my eyes?

I see something. Like a shimmer?


“You see that?” I ask Sye. Something is off about this area.


I put my hand forward, slowly. Now it’s gone too.


“That’s some serious magic.” Wow, that’s cool.

“It must be a barrier concealing what’s actually here. Whoever did this is a very skilled mage.” She’s not wrong. I mean yeah anyone can hide stuff, small stuff. But this- this is a huge area.

“To put this much effort into hiding something... What kind of life does Reese live?” I say.

What if there’s a castle here or something?

“Should we take a peak?” I ask, I know we probably shouldn't... But my body moves on its own-


A pull on my arm. I can barely feel it, but still- why do I feel like I can’t move forward?


“Sorry-” Sye lets go of me.


Was that really her?



Must be the shroom spores getting to me again…


“I just- I don’t think we should... We shouldn’t invade their privacy.” Sye says.

“You’re right, but damn am I curious.” I really am.



Me and Sye are back on the mainland, at the port.


“Thank you for leading me back.” She bows again.

“Seriously, it was nothing- If you keep doing that I’ll really think you’re a princess.” Seriously.


“I-I have to go.” She replies, but obviously, something’s wrong.




“Sorry, did I say something wrong?”

“No, not at all. it’s just I shouldn’t be staying out late.” She starts to walk away.


I must’ve said something wrong.


“Thank you again.” She turns around.

“Don’t mention it.”


She smiles at me, even with the sun setting, those eyes…



Then just like that, she’s gone. Make that 2 failed interactions for the day.



Okay, here we go.

Again, just go through the front door and straight to my room.






I open the front door, and the area is clear. Okay, this is gonna be easy. I make it to the stairs, I’m walking up-


“You’re back late. I can only hope you were doing something productive.” My lovely mother… I grip the railing hard as I turn around to face her.

Man, I was this close!

“Yes, yes I was. In fact, I took your advice and joined a club.” Well, I did. I was sorta productive.

“Oh? What club?” Mom’s eyes light up. I can’t tell her it’s a fighting club. Right?



Yeah, I can’t.


“The mathletes.”



That was bad.



“Yeah, you know, Y equals M C cubed.”


Really really bad.



“Goodnight.” I go back up the stairs faster than a bullet.


“Hey- Wait!” No mom I am not staying around.

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