Emperor Of The North: Rewrite

Chapter 33: Chapter 30: Human Town

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After the rangers confirmed that passengers were unharmed, we placed the death escorts into the carriage and began walking towards the human town. 


I asked the captain of the ranger what would happen to the bodies, and the room told me that he would send someone to take care of it when we got to town. He also added that deaths like these weren't uncommon, and they had people for the job.


Knowing that these bodies wouldn't be left out to rot, I erased them from my mind and turned all my focus on what I will do next. After all, even though I will be going toward a human city, I am still a stranger to this world. I don't know the value of money, social hierarchy, ethics, laws, and the list can go even more, but that's enough for now. In short, I must make connections in order to blend with people.


Things look good for now, rangers don't seem to be bad guys, and their captain looks like he liked me. I can ask him more while he's drunk. I suppose I won't take unnecessary attention this way. And those kids and the lady escorting them. All of them seem to have wearing lux clothes. Perhaps they are children or at least relatives of a noble. Having connections won't hurt. I know their tongue. After all, I got partly raised in the house of one.


Now, we are walking in a line. The ranger captain is in the front with two of his man on his back, passengers in the middle, and I and three other rangers are on the end of the line.

 I approached the ranger captain walking in the front but left Fluffy behind. "I have a couple of questions just appeared in my mind."


"Good, ask." 


First, I want to know if there are any possible dangers nearby. "Ruckus, brother, I am no stranger to the forest, and the wolf seems to be staying tame. Is there a reason for us to stay this alerted?"


"I know that too, but relaxation kills a man on the road. Those bandits you saw. They wouldn't dare to get this close to the town just two months ago. They usually hung around in safer zones of the dark forest and robbed every stupid who tried to shorten their roots without enough men to protect their ass. Now, they are moving closer and closer. I wish it were only them. Last week a guard spotted goblins around the end of the town sewer."


"I saw goblins on my way here too. A horde in very high numbers. I was lucky enough to avoid them, but a carriage was not. They ate every passenger alive and looted everything. But they ended up as a big bird's meal. I didn't know they escaped towards here." Now thinking again about that scenery, it was even more brutal than the worst I had seen in the war.


"Those poor souls, and about that big bird, was it gray?"


"I don't know. It was nighttime. I stumbled upon the little town goblins were living, and I was hiding in a tree, waiting for a moment to escape from there."


"Shit, if it attacked a goblin town, they must be hungry, and they are currently over the dark forest. Stoneeaters are two months early this year. Ballista refills didn't even arrive. I must report this to the mayor when we go back. But that's not so big of a problem. We will visit him regardless, so make sure to say those."


"I will. Things don't seem too good from your tone. Is there anything I can help with about it? I plan to stay in this town. I can dirty my hands on monster blood for a couple of coins."


"Good to hear that. But you will wait for some time. There will be paperwork for you to join the guild since no one likes illegals, you can hunt without a license, but you cannot sell your materials. Also, the news will be going to the capital. Douches there will think about sending extra money to the guild for reward, so you better have money for a month or two." Maybe not that much done.


"Do I need something to identify myself? I remember having something like that but lost it who knows how many winters ago." It is a medieval world. Why would they even have an ID card? But I better ask it.


"If you have ten silver to spare, then you can have a physical one, but unless you want to become a lord or something, your name, age, and maybe birthplace will be enough for the guild." The birthplace will be a problem, but I will find a lie to cover it.


And before I noticed, town walls showed themselves on the horizon. Made from stone and large logs (mostly stone,) they cover a large area. There are six guard towers looking at the front, compared ones I see in my world, too, but it could simply mean this place is a big town, which is even better for me.


When approached more, four men waiting at the front gate become much more visible. Each one of them is armored and looks like waiting for something.


I suppose they are on alert after seeing monsters nearby. I wonder which idiot's acts may be caused monsters to scatter around and cause problems to nearby settlements. I wish I knew the answer.


After a short walk, we finally arrived at the gates, where everyone except me (and my wolf) passed through without any problems. 


"Halt!" A soldier shouted the second I took a step toward the entrance. He grabbed me by the shoulder and tried to push me away.


I took a couple of steps back. I will go easy on this guy since it's my first time interacting with people in this world, but if he keeps acting like that, I might break an arm or two.


"You, stranger, state your business, or fuck off." And maybe a couple of teeth. 


"I have no business. I am looking for a place to stay and work to do. That's it."


"There are no places to stay in this town."


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"Really? I just saw three people who are not from here get inside. Look, I've been traveling for months, and I am tired. I need a place to stay, eat, and possibly a bath. You want some coins for passage price, good, I have some with me, but be fast."


The soldier grabbed the sword hanging on his belt and began walking towards me. "You look arrogant, offering a bribe to me? This town guard captain? You made a mistake. I will not let you go free from this crime. You will pay it with either your life or money." So you were after money, you cheap bastard.


"Crime, my ass, don't I have the right to enter a settlement, I have no bounty on my head, and I have not wronged any laws."


"I will take care of that." He began drawing his sword. That passes the line. I grabbed the soldier by the shoulder with one hand and prepared my other hand to land a mean hook to his face, but someone acted before me.


Ruckus suddenly appeared from the side and landed a sucker punch to the soldier's face. That punch was quite strong. Its victim flew for a meter before kissing the ground. "You fucker, when did Arthur die, and you became captain? This man saved our precious cargo's asses. The cargo got into danger because you neglected your duties and let a couple of thieves slide out."


Solider raised his head and looked at Ruckus. He was holding the part he got punched. "You fucker. I am doing my job here!"


"I am doing my job here? Cut your shit before I cut your tongue." Ruckus turned towards me. "I'll handle this later. Let's move now. I suppose the mayor like to have a chat with you."


I began following Ruckus towards the town but didn't forget to shine my sword toward the soldier sitting on the ground as a friendly warning. Of course, I have no intention of killing somebody.




When we entered, Ruckus said that we should wait a bit. So, I had the time to inspect around. The town was more vivid than I expected. Just the size alone of this place can match some medieval cities, but there seem to be countless people living inside. I suppose this world has more population. Of course, for similar time frames, Medieval Europe, to be more precise.


"Surprised by the size? This place is a big town, there are only two larger than ours in the entire North, so it's simple to understand how you feel. We don't farm much, but no man can become rich by selling raw potatoes. We produce here. Many guilds and trade roads are connecting here." 


"You don't see a town this big very often. The place seems lively too. When you run around in a damned forest for months with no humans except dead ones who somehow walk and try to kill you, it is natural that one misses a place like this." People are roaming the streets. There are performers, musicians, and countless stands. Children seem to be running around, playing with wooden weapons. 


"Good for you then. Now, come on, don't be dazed off. We still have business here. After that, you can look at our lively streets much as you want." Ruckus began walking once again.


I followed him until we reached a large manor. A servant was waiting at the door. Weirdly, the place didn't have a garden in the front.


Butler greeted us with a nod. He was holding a silver plate with a cloche hiding its inside with one hand and holding the door with the other. "Mister Ruckus, I am glad you finally arrived and are the visitor, and his friend young lady talking about, is here." 


"Of course." Ruckus pointed at me. "But your city guard was making a fuss, despite him coming with a kids' escort team. Gotta discipline them, you know."


"Ugh." Butler shook his head. "This old man can only repeat this so many times. Tell your complaints to the mayor. You know that I don't run the town, just this manor. Now follow me, wolf included."


We followed the butler through several corridors and two staircases till we reached the end of a hall with a large wooden door. "Please be careful, the mayor doesn't feel too good right now, but he still wants to see you two."


I nodded, and we got into the room after the butler. The mayor they were talking about was lying on a bed. The children were nowhere to see, but the lady in the carriage was there. She is mixing something on a table. Mayor looks old and sick. I suppose the lady is a doctor or a similar medical master.

After noticing us, the mayor forced himself to straighten up a bit, but the butler rushed to his aid the second he moved. "You are not in good shape, don't move till lady Jade finishes your medicine."


"No, no, I at least do that. You, you must be Erwin, right? I heard from lady Jade. Thank you for helping them. We weren't expecting bandits to appear." Mayor turned towards the butler.


The old servant nodded and opened the silver plate he was carrying. There was a small pouch in it. "Mayor offers this small gift of gratitude to you. Lady Jade already stated that you didn't want a prize, but we are scared that the mayor may cause a fuss if we leave you empty-handed, so I want you to take this for the good of my sanity."


I waited a bit, then took the pouch. "Thank you for it."


"No need for thanks. It has two gold coins, more than enough to handle basic necessities for some time, but if you want more, you may visit us in two days, and the mayor will help you find a job suitable for a man with a sword." 


I thanked them for the money and took my leave of the room. Ruckus existed with me. "I forgot about the monster news."


"Don't worry about that. The mayor doesn't look good. You can give bad news after he rests a bit, for now, come, brother, I know a good inn for you to eat, drink, and sleep."

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