End Omega

Chapter 23: Nueleth’s dream

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“He has been reborn…?” Ryushi replied.

“It has to be. I had this dream a few days ago, it was about you, Ryushi.”

“What did you see?”

“I saw your progress in life until the day of today, you grew up, and ended up starting an orphanage, as so happened.”

“I also saw your future, you will lead a long life, however, there will be a certain person who will unfortunately drastically suck in your life energy.”

“I saw a silhouette of a young man knocking on your door. You ended up projecting through his mind. But I looked alongside you.”

“In his mind, I saw a young child, his whole body was unrecognizable, even his face.”

“His body was glowing on his right side, a magnificent glow of pure white and gold, while the left side of his body emitted pure darkness. A darkness that seemed like it could swallow everything in its path. Black flames surrounded that side of its body.”

“Behind the child laid a sight of green grass. And again, on the right side of the child, I saw a swarm of gigantic humans, of both genders. They wore no cloth, and were all expressing pure joy in their faces and their postures, it was as if they were in heaven. I know the exact amount of how many humans stood at that side, it was 372 humans.”

“It was an incredible amount. But that was not the only thing about that side. That place seemed like an ordinary field, there were mountains surrounding it, and there was light, yet I saw no sun.”

“I looked around myself for a few seconds until I saw an enormous Ankh in the sky, the brightness of this Ankh was so powerful it made me fall onto my knees, and cry my heart out.”

“You cried your heart out?” Ryushi replied.

“I did, and not only in the dream as well, after I had this dream, I also noticed that my face was moist from the tears I gave off.”

“I’ve never cried this much in all times of my existence, that Ankh was the sun that illuminated the entire place, it symbolized life. And that was also the reason the right side of the child's body illuminated.”

“The last thing I could remember while I was looking at that side was that the child was holding a severed head of a young man, that head was bigger than his entire body.”

“The child was holding a head?” Ryushi asked.

“He was. I should have been frightened, but upon seeing that face, it gave me the most pleasant feeling I have ever felt, nothing from this world’s happiness comes close to what I was feeling at that moment, as much as I hate to admit it.”

“Its face was a face of a young man, he held a long set of beautifully golden hair, that slightly covered a symbol on his forehead, it was a symbol of glowing golden scales. I believe that this symbol symbolized justice.”

“The face’s eyes were covered with a grey cloth, it gave a very beautiful smile towards the human-like creatures. Who were all smiling back."

“What about the left side?” Ryushi asked.

“The left side…” Nueleth replied with a frightened tone.

“Even talking about it gives me a frightening feeling…”

“As I gazed at the left side of the child’s body, there appeared an eye, this eye seemed so sharp, it had a dark red color, it stared me down… It looked at me with such a gaze, it felt as if it was staring into my soul.”

“The child also held another head with his left hand, it held a face of a decaying lady, her hair was long and black, and she wore grey skin. She also had a symbol on her forehead. It was a pitch-black inverted Ankh.”

“The disturbing part of her features was that her eyes were literal black holes that poured out a black liquid, I could see her mouth, but also that was pouring out this black liquid.”

“As soon as the liquids touched the ground, statues started forming, a total of 372 statues were formed that surrounded the left side.”

“The statues could move, unlike the human creatures on the right side, they all sat on their knees and faced their heads downwards, a few seconds passed, and I saw someone else walking through the field on that side.”

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“I thought that I was not alone, it made me feel relieved because I felt so afraid! He somehow stood ahead of me, and for some reason, I felt the need to run towards him.

“His body was very slender, and his skin was paler than a dying star. He had fiery orange eyes and short white hair, he wore no cloth, but I saw no body features on his body, whatsoever!”

“He slowly walked through the fields, all 372 statues started crying out, they all led out the same liquid the face led out, but their black tears created nothing.”

“I assume that they tried becoming like the lady?”

“Not quite. That lady’s head gained her powers through the left side of the child’s body. It was because of that side that she was able to create those statues.”

“Right…” Ryushi softly said.

“I had the impression that those statues also wanted to become like the lady, but they failed.”

“They afterwards started slowly crawling towards the man that was walking towards the head of the lady, including me, yet I ran. I ran as fast as I could towards him, and as soon as I was about to make contact with his right arm, his face turned towards me, and started saying,”

“I am Qelena, I am the Goddess of life and creation. Do not worry, I have spared your soul.”

“It was at that point when I woke up. With tears moistening my face.”

“This might have been the cause of why that boy sucked in your life energy, it was my fault…”

“What do you mean?” Ryushi asked.

“It is obvious that the left side was a domain filled with death, with each step I took towards Qelena, a bit of life force was taken away. Not from me, but from you. Because you held your hand on the head of the boy. I simply entered his mind through yours.”

“That makes sense in some way since you would not be there with me and the boy, correct?”

“Indeed. If it wasn’t for Qelena, you would have died right on that spot.”

“On the moment when Qelena said those words to me, he pointed at the other side, and there, I saw another person.”

“That person looked very familiar to Qelena, yet his short hair was black colored, he had pure red eyes, and had a serious expression on his face. His skin was of a dark brown color, he too was completely undressed.”

“It must have been Ilnir.”

“He stood at the other side, gazing with his eyes towards me, he wanted to kill you because you tried entering his domain without permission, but Qelena had saved your soul.”

“I believe that I lost my connection with this realm as soon as you let go of that boy. Ilnir’s gaze caused you to be overwhelmed. You would be seeing other things, Ilnir’s anger would manifest into the prophecy you would be seeing through that boy, making you feel overwhelmed, and ending up losing yourself.”

“That’s… Incredible… What could this possibly mean?” Ryushi asked.

“I’ve speculated many things, I cannot come up with a proper answer without meeting the boy myself…”

“But what I can tell you, Ryushi, is that you will have to be aware that someone will pay you a visit, and that person, will be the Child of Balance. You will have to tell him about me.”

“I am certain that you will be seeing something entirely different, please, whatever it might be, tell him everything you know about what you saw, Ryushi.”

“Chances are that the future of existence will depend on what you will tell that boy.”

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