Et cetera

Chapter 7: [S1] Ch6: Rui-chan #6

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I decided to rest on the bed for a while. I hugged my pillow. I buried my face on the pillow. It smells nice. It smells pleasant. I then started crying. I made the pillow collect my tears. I cried. It hurts. My heart hurts. I just wanted someone, a real one. I was crying too much, I fell asleep.

A few moments later, I got up. I stretched my arms for a little. I feel a bit better. "Hey... I'm sorry by the way." I apologized. 

[Yui-chan didn't do anything wrong.] 

"Is that so?"

[Yes, and there has never been a problem to begin with.]

"... There has never been a problem to begin with... Huh." 

[Indeed. Yui-chan isn't at fault.] 

"So uhh..." I scratched my cheeks with one finger. I then asked shyly. "I want to go to the roof top... Can we go there?" 

[The roof top?] 

"Yeah... I want to go there because I want to show teddy bear how the sky looks like. She's new to this world after all."

[The sky huh, I see. You're a good friend. A friend wanting to show good things to her friend.] 

"So, can we go there now?" 

[Sure. I'll be accompanying you.] 

"Ehe!" I was happy. I was in the mood to be happy. I then took the teddy bear with me. We headed out of my room. I was hugging the teddy bear very tightly. We headed towards the staircase. We go up the stairs. We go up and up. We reached the roof top. 

"Look, teddy bear, this is the sky! Very very blue and clear!" I said. I'm showing the sky to the teddy bear.

We're now in the roof top. The sky is so blue as I said. However, something felt weird. I couldn't explain why. It was just weird. There's something dark I cannot see.

"The fresh air feels nice. The fresh air smells nice. The blue sky. It looks good. The pollution within. The bad air within. It is nice. It is better." I said. 

[Haha, you really had to add that last part. Let's just enjoy the world more while we're at it.] Rui-chan added. I looked at her. The smiley face on her screen wasn't smiling anymore. It was now a neutral face. 

"What's wrong?"

[Well, I'm just surprised how the real sky actually looks like in the past.] 

"Why are you surprised? Never seen the sky before?"

[It's not that I've never seen the sky. You see, the sky from the future where I came from... Was rather different from here.]

"The sky from the future was different?" 


"How different was it?"

[Do you truly want to hear about it?]

"Of course I want. It's the future, after all. Also, you've already said some hints. If you won't tell me the whole thing and leave me hanging on a cliffhanger, then I will just die from curiosity."

[Haha, I see.]

"Now, tell me! What did the sky look like?"

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[Well, it wasn't as clear as this. It was pitch black with a hint of red, covered with a vast floating island. There were no clouds. There were no rains. There was no way to distinguish between day and night. The concept of time, was useless.] 

"That kinda sounds so scary, but I really can't imagine what you're talking about." 

[That's good. You don't need to imagine it.] 

"Nah, your explanation was just too vague."

[Hehe, how cute of you, Yui-chan.] 

"Wha-that kinda came out of nowhere!" 

[Yui-chan is the cutest human in the world.] 

"Ehhhhh!???" I blushed. 

Someone just called me cute. Someone just called me cute. Someone just called me cute. Someone just called me cute. Someone just called me cute. 

Someone just called me cute. Someone just called me cute. Someone just called me cute. Someone just called me cute. Someone just called me cute. 

"Ehehehehehehehwehwehwehwe~" I giggled. I was squeeking left and right. I was jumping around. It made me very very happy. I was happy. I wanted to die right now. After a few seconds, I stopped. I glanced at Rui-chan, whose neutral face was now back into the smiley one.

"Oh, Rui-chan is smiling now!" 

[Can't be helped. Yui-chan is too funny.] 

"Ehehehwe~ I'm glad!"

Rui-chan turned her screen towards the sky. She stared at it. I also averted my eyes towards the blue sky. There were moving clouds. There was a healthy sky. I tried imagining the sky that Rui-chan said will be in the future. To be honest, it seems cool. It sounded like the end of the world. Or, did Rui-chan actually mean that it was the end of the world? I don't really understand. I don't know. I also made the teddy bear look up, as I played with her hands. 

[... I really wonder...] 

"Wonder what?" 

[Humans made us AI in order to serve them. To have a companion. To make everything in the life of humanity convenient. 

"I know that. So?"

[Why did humanity get scared of us? Why did humanity have to think that we would overthrow them? If only we weren't rejected, I wonder if humans wouldn't have to cease to exist. I truly wonder, what if we could've made the sky stay as blue as this even in the future if they used us properly?]

"... I don't know. I'm just a normal human."

[... Right, this is the past Yui-chan I'm talking with.] 

"Though, I guess I'll be relying on Rui-chan from now on! Rui-chan is trying to say that us humans got defeated because we didn't cooperate with your kind, am I right?I don't want to end up like others, so I'll be helping you!" 

[Thank you for the kind words. As an AI, I find it hard to have no human owner to rely on. I am very glad to be created by such a great person like Yui-chan.]

"I don't know how great I will become in the future, but you're exaggerating me." 

[I'm not, really. Yui-chan is strong, to have originally survived the world filled with aliens as a sole survivor.] Rui-chan said. She then added with a very low voice, but I still could hear it well. [... Though, the Yui-chan in front of me already died so many times, was this because I corrupted the timelines that her fate changes? ...]

"What do you mean?" 

[It's nothing.] 

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