Even after reincarnating, I still get hated.

Chapter 10: Chap 10 – Maids revolt

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Elysia was in a tough situation, she had just started her job and already there was a worker's strike.

"I will take care of this!" Hyde announced.

He walked over to the maids and told them to stop.

"What are you doing?" Hyde asked.

"We need equality! We're no longer willing to work under these conditions!" Elly shouted.

"I cannot allow you to do this," Hyde said.

"Since she was little, Amanda has always been treated better than other people. We all want equal rights!" Elly proclaimed.

"This is ridiculous. You will work as usual and leave me alone. If you continue to cause trouble, I'll make it, so you can never see your master again," Hyde threatened.

"Oh, we wouldn't do that," Elly joked.

"That isn't funny. Now get back to work," Hyde ordered.

"We will not work until we have equal rights," Elly said.

"That's impossible, go back to work now and I'll talk to you later," Hyde warned.


The maids blocked the road with their brooms.

"Do you know how much money I've spent on those brooms? You better start working right now or I'll do something terrible to you all," Hyde threatened.

"We will not work until we have the same rights," Elly shouted.

"I told you to shut up! Now hurry up and clean my house," Hyde demanded.

Elysia was watching from a distance.

She didn't know what to do.

The maids were right to demand equal rights, but Elysia was afraid she would lose her privilege.

How could she convince them to stop the strike?

For hours, Elysia thought about it, but there was nothing she could do.

All the maids want to spend some time with Albert.

Elysia was happy that they all loved Albert, and she couldn't blame them for wanting to be close to him.

Elysia felt bad that she was selfish in getting her way.

Elysia was thinking when she finally saw Hyde coming out of his mansion.

Hyde looked angry as he marched past the maids blocking the street.

"Albert will be home from school in a few minutes," said Hyde.

"So we will wait here until then," Elly explained. "We will not move unless we are given our demands."

"Fine, whatever," Hyde muttered.

"We will not move until we have equal rights," Elly shouted.





-Albert's POV-



After a stressful day, I finally got home.

I couldn't stand Alice asking for simulated combat anymore.

I hoped things might change someday, but I was still worried.

Elysia was waiting at the entrance to greet me.

"Hey, Elysia. What happened today?" I asked.

"The maids went on strike," Elysia replied.


"They didn't want to work until they had equal rights."

"I'll talk to them."

I decided to meet with the maids outside the mansion.

"Master," said one of the maids.


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"We would like to talk to you."

"Go ahead."

"We have served you for many years without any demand."

"Yes, I know."

Even though Amanda was the person who helped me the most, all the other employees played their part as well.

Because my parents were always busy, they all helped me in some way.

"We would like to be treated equally."

"Do you want equal rights?"

Maybe they got tired of me and wanted to leave?

No, it can't be. I've always treated them well, even before I got my memory back.

"We want the same rights as Amanda."

"Why is that?"

"We want to spend more time with you."

"I agree, but why did you ask for equal rights now?"

"Because we think it is fair that we should share the same privileges."

"Fair enough."

"I want to go to school," said Elysia.

I can pay her school fees thanks to my economic thinking.

It will cost me some money, but I'm sure it will be worth it.

It'll be nice to have another friend at school.

"Well, if that's all you want, I agree," I said.

"Thank you, Master."

"I'd like to go to school with the master, too", said a maid.

Then others followed her.

"I would like to study as well."

Soon everyone joined in.

I will not have money for everyone.

I'm going to have to ask my parents for money.

Maybe I can find a way to make more money.

I'll try to think of something.

"We can pay for the tuition for all the teenage maids," Elly said.

"Then I agree."

We headed inside after everything was settled.

In the end, everything worked out.

I was proud of myself, and I didn't make a new enemy.

It wasn't hard to negotiate, even though it took longer than expected.

I guess I've become quite good at dealing with people.

I wish I could get along with Alice as well.

I don't want to have her as an enemy forever.

I wish she would accept my friendship.

But that weird attitude of hers of always wanting to fight gets in the way of everything.






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