Even after reincarnating, I still get hated.

Chapter 12: Chap 12 – Why do they hate me so much? Part 2

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Once in my room, I sat down on my bed and took a deep sigh.
What should I do?

Should I tell my parents about this?

Maybe I should just forget about this school.

No, I shouldn't.

I want to continue living happily like normal.

Sooner or later everyone will forget about this incident, all I have to do is move on with my life.

I've been worrying too much about this.

Even though this isn't my fault...

My thoughts were interrupted when Elly knocked on my door.

"Master Albert! There's someone here to see you!"


"Your mom."

"Alright. I'm coming."

I quickly changed into something more presentable and opened the door.

Mom looked worried but calmed down once she knew I wasn't hurt.

"Who dares to spread this news about my son?!"

"I'm sorry, Mother. I didn't know anything about this."

"Don't worry, it's not your fault. This is just a misunderstanding."

"Thank you."

"But I have to teach whoever did this a lesson."

"Mother, please calm down."

"I can't, I think that this is too much..."

She left my room after saying that.

"I wanted to say we passed the interview, Master, but I don't know if the timing is right," said Elly.

"Congratulations Elly, that makes me very happy."

"Also, I have something to ask you."


"Do you have any idea who spread that news in the newspaper?"

"Uh... No, I don't. I haven't seen anyone suspicious today."

"I guess I'll just have to punish them myself," said Elly with a wicked smile.

"Elly, are you okay?"

"Haha, of course, I am perfectly fine. It's just that I really want to teach whoever did this a good lesson. They need to learn never to mess with the Tonhaed."

Elly's words gave me fear and a good feeling at the same time.

It's good to have someone who cares about me.

However, I also had to wonder... How would she do that?

I wouldn't like to imagine what might happen if Elly found out who was behind this.

"Thank you, Elly, for everything. You, and Amanda, are the best maid I could ever ask for."

"I'm glad to hear that, Master."

"Please take care of yourself as well."

I left my room and headed to the dining hall.

I decided to look for Amanda.

She was sitting alone, reading something with a troubled expression.

"Hey there, how are you doing?"

Amanda glanced up at me, "I-I'm fine. Just thinking about something."

"Oh really? What are you reading?"

"It's called 'The Witch of the North.' It's about a girl who's cursed by an evil witch and has to escape. The main character is pretty cool."

"Ah, I've read it too actually. I thought it was a good book."

We started talking about the story while eating our food.

Afterward, I went back to my room.

"Goodnight, Master," said Amanda.

"Goodnight Amanda. Thank you again for helping me out."

Now I know that I cannot let these people get away with their actions.

They're going to regret this.

That night I slept soundly.

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The next morning, I got ready and walked outside to meet Elly.

As soon as she saw me, she rushed towards me with a big grin on her face.

"Finally, you came, Master! Let us go to school together now!"


"Wait, where are Amanda and Elysia?"

"They went earlier today and asked me to accompany you."

"Well, alright then."

Elly took hold of my hand and led me to school.

When we arrived, everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at me.

This must be because of the news that was written in yesterday's newspaper.

I felt bad seeing them staring at me, but Elly tried to cheer me up.

"Everyone is looking at you because you're so handsome! Don't be sad!"

"Really? Thanks, Elly."

It was clear that Elly was lying to try to cheer me up.

I'm happy that she did.

"Of course, Master."

We entered the school building and I went to the classroom.

While walking through the halls, students kept glancing at me with curious looks.

Once I reached my class, I sat down next to Elly.

The teacher began explaining some stuff about the history of the kingdom and its rulers.

I couldn't focus on anything other than the fact that everyone was looking at me.

And it wasn't only students either; even the teachers were staring at me.

At lunchtime, Elly brought me to a special area where I could eat without being bothered by anyone else.

"You should try this, Master."

She handed me a piece of bread from her own plate.

"What's it made of?"

"A lot of different things."

"Is it tasty?"


It tasted like normal bread but had a bit of spice mixed into it.

It was delicious.

"So, Master, can I call you 'Albert' now?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Then I shall call you 'Albert'."


Elly walked me to school alone because Amanda was busy with something.

It was nice having Elly around, she made my day at school less boring after what happened.









There was a group of people gathered in the room below Albert's house.

"This is unforgivable," shouted Elysia.

"Calm yourselves. We will have him punished for his crimes," the head maid said.

"When we know who does this with Albert, he'll regret being born," shouted Amanda.





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