Even Though I Loved You First

Chapter 10: Chapter 8 – ‘Different’ ❷

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At a Coffee Shop

Kei's POV~

After I finished recalling today's conversation with Riku and Sachi to Arisa, she looked pensative for a while.

Some minutes passed and then she spoke up.

"In that case, why don't you try both?" (Arisa)

"Try... both?" (Kei)

It must've been obvious as to what she was referring to. However, I wanted her to elaborate further.

"I mean, why don't you first look for something inside the school? Why don't look for a club, for starters? If there's no club which interests you, why not look for something outside?" (Arisa)

After that, she asked another question.

"Kei, what is it that you enjoy doing?" (Arisa)

"Well— ?" (Kei)

Areh...? What is it that I enjoy?

I only studied, because it will be easier for me to be accepted into a good university.

However, even if my goal was a good college, what would I even study once I actually entered a  good college?

I also played  videogames all night with Shizu, but I don't have a strong attachment towards videogames themselves.

Has my life always revolved around Shizu?

Did I... really lost my individuality due to my constant attempts on her?

I don't get it...

"I... Don't know..." (Kei)

What do I want? What is it that I want to do now?

I want to move on, that's for sure.

But I don't know, how am I supposed to do that?

"I see. I kind of expected something like that from you." (Arisa)

"Eh...?" (Kei)

"I mean, it hasn't even been a week since all that happened. So it's not like you can be hasty about this sort of thing. So for now, do this—" (Arisa)

She continued.

"—Forget we had this exchange." (Arisa)

"Eh? Why?" (Kei)

"Because if you constantly look back at this conversation, knowing how you are, you will feel a impulse on trying to move on by force; when that's something that happens little by little. So for now, just live the present. The future, can wait." (Arisa)

After her serious words. I frowned.

"Eww, gross..." (Kei)

"Wait, what!?" (Arisa)

"The fact that you can say such things like that, so seriously scares me..." (Kei)

"Hey! I'm doing my best as your senior here!" (Arisa)

"Ah right... you were older than me, huh?" (Kei)

"What's that supposed to mean!? And what's with that sympathetic look!?" (Arisa)

"Hahaha." (Kei)

"Don't just laugh!" (Arisa)

I decided to not think about it to much. At the end of the day, I don't want, our afterschool adventure mood, to turn sour.


After that we left the café en discussed on what to do next, as we walked side-by-side.

"Anyway, where are we going next?" (Kei)

"Let's see~ We already tried this café so, why don't we try the arcade?" (Arisa)

"It's been a while since I was there." (Kei)

"Eh, really?" (Arisa)

"Yup, I've been getting busy with all these 'class representative' thing." (Kei)

"So you are the representative for your class?" (Arisa)

"Yup. Ah, speaking of which." (Kei)

I look at Arisa, who was leisurely walking beside me.

"Who's the representative in your class?" (Kei)

"Kokoro." (Arisa)

"I see. That definetly suits her." (Kei)

"Right~?" (Arisa)

'Kokoro', full name Kokoro Shiina, is another person from my older sisters' friend circle. 

Even though she also comes by our house from time to time, I don't share the same friendly relationship with her, as I do with Arisa.

"Ah! Here we are!" (Arisa)


We entered the arcade, and were welcomed with a friendly yet noisy atmosphere.

"Where do we go first?" (Kei)

"Hmm~ Ah! Want to bet on a racing game?" (Arisa)

"I won't... let's just enjoy, okay?" (Kei)

"Of course you would decline... You just don't want to be crushed by me, huh?" (Arisa)

"Hah? Why would 'I' be afraid of losing to a sweets-eating midget like you?" (Kei)

"'Sweets-eating midget'!? Oh you are on..." (Arisa)

"Then, show me your worth." (Kei)

"Good... just... Don't forget I warned you." (Arisa)

A tense atmosphere enveloped the two of us, as sparks could almost be seen flying in the air.

She's gonna regret it.

I thought. 

Thinking there was no way I would lose...



"It's my win! Fufu, I told you didn't I!?" (Arisa)

"...what the f**k?" (Kei)

—it was a really crushing defeat.

"...have I really lost against a totally-unreliable senior...?" (Kei)

"'Totally-unreliable senior'!? Isn't that a bit too cruel!?" (Arisa)

"No... it was on point." (Kei)

"Hey!?" (Arisa)

"Anyhow~ Let's move on!" (Kei)

"Don't change the topic! Hey, Kei!? Wait for me!" (Arisa)

After a crushing defeat against Arisa, we decided to continue looking around.


After playing some more, we were just about to leave the arcade when—

"Unn? Arisa?" (Kei)

—Arisa stopped walking and stared at something on her left.

As I followed her line of sight, I saw a claw machine, in which there was a little cat plushie.

Speaking of which, Arisa likes cats, doesn't she?

"Do you want it?" (Kei)

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"I mean... I do but... I've never been good at claw games myself..." (Arisa)

As she said that, I crouched and—

"Wait!? Kei!?" (Arisa)

—I dumped, the last token we had, on the claw machine.

"Let's see... a bit to the right... now to the left... and it should be about... now, I guess?" (Kei)

As I played with the claw, I gently swayed it to the sides, looking for a go-ahead in my head. Then—

"Ah! There it is." (Kei)

"!?" (Arisa)

—I was able to grab the cat plushie, and then it came out of the machine.

"Here you go, Arisa." (Kei)

I grabbed the soft cat plushie and handed it to Arisa, who after receiving it, squished it.

"...thank you..." (Arisa)

She said, in a really child-like way.

"Hm? Is something the matter Arisa? Your face is red." (Kei)

"It's nothing! A-anyway... there's one last place I want to go, so let's keep moving!" (Arisa)

Arisa, who turned her face away from me, said in a flustered voice. 

What happened to her? Maybe she suddenly got sick?

"Sure...?" (Kei)

After that, I followed her, wondering what happened to her sudden attitude.


"By the way Arisa, I forgot to ask but..." (Kei)

I decided to ask Arisa, who was sitting next to me.

"What's wrong?" (Arisa)

"Are you okay with the time? You told me you had a curfew, right?" (Kei)

"Ah that. It's not necessarily a curfew. It's just that I usually hang out with people until about 3:45? After that, I just buy something quick at the mini market and go home."

"I see." (Kei)

"However, I already told them I'll be arriving home later than usual. So don't worry~" (Arisa)

Said Arisa, in a aloof voice.

"By the way... where are we going now?" (Kei)

We were currently on a train, which was headed towards the next town over. However, I didn't know where especially we were going.

"You will see when we get there~" (Arisa)

"Huh..." (Kei)

Arisa, who appeared to be in a better mood than before, answered me.



~At The Next Town Over

5:10 P.M.

"It's so beautiful..." (Kei)

"Gorgeous. Isn't it?" (Arisa)

"Unn." (Kei)

The place, Arisa brought me to, was a hill located within the next town over.

The place was, to put it simply, beautiful.

The path towards the place itself, was really quiet, which kind of threw me off.

However, it was worth it. The place had a old-looking bench, and a fence which prevented anyone overlooking to fall.

The place looked deserted, and I wondered.

Did people come here?

"I know what you are thinking, but no, this place never has any people around." (Arisa)

Arisa, who seemed to have read my thoughts, answered.

"I see... but, how did you find this place?" (Kei)

"I found it on a trip I did with my family back when I was little. Back then, I lived quite far from where we are now." (Arisa)

"For reference... how long?" (Kei)

"If I had to measure it with a car ride... I'll say... from my old house to where I'm living know. 1 hour north?" (Arisa)

"Heh~" (Kei)

"I had to move, due to my father's line of work, so..." (Arisa)

"I see." (Kei)

After that, a silence remained. However, it wasn't uncomfortable.

"Kei... did you have fun today? I invited you on a whim but..." (Arisa)

Then Arisa spoke up.

"I did. To be honest. It felt refreshing, many places I haven't been for a while, even places i never thought I'll visit. Thank you. Arisa." (Kei)

"Then... did it help ease your mind a little?" (Arisa)

"So you knew, huh...?" (Kei)

"I mean it was obvious." (Arisa)

To be honest. During the whole day, there were instances, where I suddenly got depressed. Simply because there were things which reminded me of Shizu.

"It's true that I tried to hide it... However, it really helped me... Thank you, Arisa. Truly." (Kei)

"Unn." (Arisa)

After that we chatted for a little and went home.

By the way, it was about 6:10 P.M. when we got out of the station. So I properly escorted her home.


With today's 'adventure'. I could say it gave me high spirits, which would probably help me go through the week.

However, there was something I didn't understand.

It was that due to the advice I received from Riku, Sachi, and even Arisa.

I thought to myself.

That something felt weird.

Well... not 'weird' but—








Last part was kinda romantic huh?

I just want to clarify, that at this point, Kei was barely over Shizuka.

Of course, it was to be expected, since the incident took place barely a week ago.

Next up, is a chapter focused on the relationship Kei has with his sisters, Karane & Kotone Ichinose.

So, see you!

~Coming Next: Chapter 9 - Outing of the Ichinose Siblings

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