Even Though I Loved You First

Chapter 11: Chapter 9 – Outing of the Ichinose Siblings ①

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Tell the truth but tell it slant —

Success in Circuit lies

Too bright for our infirm delight

The Truth's superb surprise


As Lightning to the Children eased

With explanation kind

The Truth must dazzle gradually

Or every man blind —

-Emily Dickinson


~Elementary School

"Don't be afraid no— MUGGYAAHH?!" (Kei)

In a alleway,  a little boy with black hair and purple eyes could be seen, playing with what it seemed to be, a cat.

"Ah, there you— K-Kei!? You're bleeding!" (Karane)

"Ah... s-sis. I-I was just trying to chase a cat... but... it ran away..." (Kei)

The little boy, rather than crying, felt depressed because the cat he was playing with, escaped.

"Geez... let me tie your hand with a handkerchief, I'll ask mama to heal you once we get home." (Karane)

"Sorry, sis..." (Kei)

"As long as you are not hurt... just, don't make mama worry..." (Karane)

"Unn." (Kei)

As the young Kei nodded his head; his older sister, Karane, gave him a warm smile while tying his hand with her hankerchief.

He was grateful for having such kind and caring older sisters, even if they fought, none of them will stay with ill thoughts towards the others.

That's just how close, the Ichinose siblibgs, are.

However, in present.

You could say that Kei felt guilty, because even though he has such kind sisters, he's lying to them.

Telling them everything was alright, when in truth, for him—

—It wasn't.


~Present Time

Ichinose Residence 

(Saturday 8:00 A.M.)

Kei's POV~

"Truth, huh...?" (Kei)

I stared quitely, at my English book, for a while. As I was studying; I came across a poem, written inside a collection, which the book possessed.

A whole week passed in a blink of an eye, since my afterschool adventure with Arisa. Through the week, I hung out with Riku and Sachi. 

I also went out with my classmates.

And of course, I adventured with Arisa.

Yet it felt lonely, because during the week, I rarely spoke to Shizu.

For how long will I keep lying to them? Even though I know I can trust them.

I was currently in a really sour mood.

Thinking back, currently the only ones who know about the whole thing with Shizu, are:

- My Classmates

- Shizu's Classmates (Which I somehow convinced, to not get any sort of word out.)


- Arisa

However, neither my parents nor my sisters know about it.

Something that was also bothering me was–

Has Shizu told her family?

If she did. How did they react?

Not only the other members of the Ichinose household knew, but even those of the Sakurajima household also knew about my feelings towards Shizu... and all of them supported me wholeheartedly.

All right. I've made up my mind.


As I confirmed my resolve inside my head—


"!?" (Kei)

"Kei! Let's go out today!" (Karane)

"Was it necessary to slam my door open with brute force, sis!?" (Kei)

—my sister suddenly one-punched my door...

"No? What are you talking about...?" (Karane)

"Oi." (Kei)

"Oh, come on! Kotone and I will go shopping! And it won't be the same with our luggage ca– I mean, our beloved younger brother!" (Karane)

"You were just about to say 'luggage carrier' weren't you!?" (Kei)

"Don't be salty, Kei~ Come on! Ven Conmigo!" (Karane)

"She suddenly started speaking spanish... great..." (Kei)

As I stared dumbfounded at Karane, I sighed and told her.

"No thanks... sounds bothersome..." (Kei)

However, it seemed that I was weak...

Weak to what? To—

"Kei... you don't want to go with us? It'll be lonely without you..." (Kotone)

—Kotone, an angel that descended upon us.

"I'm going." (Kei)

"What's with difference in treatment!?" (Karane)

"Hm? Watcha talkin' 'bout?" (Kei)

"What's with that tone of speech!?" (Karane)

"Now now~ Don't sweat the details! Get out, I'll change." (Kei)

"You..." (Karane)

"Unn!" (Kotone)

After both my sister got out of my room, I headed to the bathroom in my room, and got changed after a shower.




"So. What are we buying?" (Kei)

"Well, I need some new clothes, I'm finally growing!" (Karane)

""...sure..."" (Kei & Kotone)

"What's with that reaction!?" (Karane)

"Haha... Well, what about you Kotone?" (Kei)

"Oi." (Karane)

"Well~ As for me, I have to buy some things for the Student Council. I may buy some clothes while I'm here though..." (Kotone)

We were currently on a shopping mall, it seems both my sisters have their own bussiness to do, while I...



Why did I come again...?

I came along on the spurr of the moment but, thinking about it, I have no bussiness to do...

Whatever... I will just follow along...

"So, since you two are doing different things first. What are you going to do? Split up, or...?" (Kei)

I asked them, to which Karane responded.

"Maybe we should split?" (Karane)

"That's no good, Karane! It's been a while since the three of us could be together like this! Hmph." (Kotone)

"B-but w-we have different things to do!" (Karane)

"Hmph." (Kotone)

"You monster... how dare make Kotone pout! Although is kind of cute..." (Kei)

"Again, aren't you spoiling her to much!? It's hard to believe she older, you know!?" (Karane)

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"Anyway~ You said that you also planned on buying clothes right Kotone? Why don't we go along with Karane first?" (Kei)

"That ok?" (Karane)

"It's decided then." (Kotone)

Kotone, who looked like she was sulking, gave us a kind and caring smile.

""...angel..."" (Kei & Karane)

"What was that?" (Kotone)

""Nothing."" (Kei & Karane)

"...?" (Kotone)

And so, we decided to buy clothes for them first.



~Cloth Store

9:45 A.M.

"What do you think?" (Karane)

"Hmm... I think that... something more mature will suit you... here try this." (Kei)

Karane, who wore a black cardigan with a white shirt beneath, along with black pants, asked me.

To which I, gave her my honest opinion.

"Kei. What about this?" (Kotone)

Then, Kotone, who wore something similar to Karane but with a skirt, asked me.

"Unn. That suits you!" (Kei)

"Isn't that the same!?" (Karane)

"Looks aren't everything sis~ The piece of clothing must also resemble it's owner!" (Kei)

After that, I motioned my sister to get changed.

Due to me, usually getting dragged around by mom, when shopping. I've come to get a good grasp of women's clothing. 

Of course, must of my knowledge also comes from the outfits I wear.

"Is that the reason for your usual outfit?" (Kotone)

"Bingo!" (Kei)

I, who was currently wearing a navy blue shirt, along with a pair of jeans. Also had my black sweater, which I take almost every where with me, tied around my waist. As for my shoes, I went with beige boots, which gave me a sense of friendliness.

"You sure are something, Kei..." (Kotone)

"What do you mean?" (Kei)

"Nothing at all~" (Kotone)

"?" (Kei)

As we were playing around—

"I'm done changing." (Karane)

—Karane, seemed to have finished changing.

"So? What do you think?" (Karane)

"...Kei... are you genius...?" (Kotone)

"...I'm asking myself the same thing..." (Kei)

Karane, appeared through the curtain, wearing a one-piece casual black dress, which had a white cardigan on top.

""It... really suits you!"" (Kei & Kotone)

"T-thank you... then I'll buy it." (Karane)

"So it seems that with that. We are done with clothes, right?" (Kei)

""We are not done yet."" (Karane & Kotone)

"...eh?" (Kei)

"It's your turn now, Kei." (Karane)

"Wait, what!?" (Kei)

"Don't worry~ Leave it to your older sisters!" (Kotone)

"N-no I..." (Kei)

As i tried to escape. Both of them grabbed me by both arms and dragged me away...

Wait... why is that clerk giving me a salute like I'm about to die!?

And so... for the next hour or so, I was the dress-up doll for Karane & Kotone.


11:00 A.M.

"...I want to go home..." (Kei)

"Stop exaggerating. It wasn't that bad." (Kotone)

"...Sis... look at me and say it again..." (Kei)

"Fufu~" (Kotone) 

"Don't laugh!" (Kei)

I was, needless to say, exhausted.

Both Kotone and Karane continued to endlessly made me wear different attires, at the end, I settled with three different ones.

"..." (Kei)

"He's sulking..." (Kotone)

"You look like a child..." (Karane)

"Shut up." (Kei)

"Haa~ Well, since there's still time before lunch, Kotone and I, will go buy some drinks. So, Kei—" (Karane)

"Watch over these? Roger." (Kei)

"—We are on the same page. I'm glad." (Karane)

"Unn." (Kei)

After biding my farewell to them, I stared motionlessly towards nowhere in particular.

This week was hectic...

I thought. The week went by so fast... It felt like it was barely Monday... Like it was yesterday, when Arisa showed me that place in the next town over.

I should thank her...

Thanks to her, I was able to enjoy that adventure. Due to everything happening with Shizu, my head was a mess... However, she helped me ease my mind.

Speaking of which... should I call Shizu? I haven't talk to her much this week... maybe a quick chat will do the trick!

As I was about take out my phone and message Shizu—

"The young boy over there~"

Two women, who by looks alone looked like college students, approached me.

"?" (Kei)

"Yes, you!" 

"May I help you?" (Kei)

I asked them, as I left my phone on my pocket.

"Want to hang out with us?"

"Pardon?" (Kei)


What's this?

Don't tell me...



I'm being picked up... right?




Kei being picked up, huh?

Anyway, as expected. The chapter was longer than expected so I separated it in two parts.

Anyway, if you are asking about the poem at the start.

I learned about it during my English class last week, and it seemed to fit in the theme of this (now) two chapters.

Which is basically, 'Truth'.

Anyway, last chapter is the continuation and both of Kei's sisters thoughts on him. As a person and as a brother.

Also, I was planning on finishing Chapter 10 and upload it along side this one, however I was barely 500 words in. I also have two tests schedule for tomorrow... So I have to study...

Well then!

See you soon!

~Coming Next: Chapter 10 - Outing of the Ichinose Siblings ②

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