Even Though I Loved You First

Chapter 12: Chapter 10 – Outing of the Ichinose Siblings ②

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"The young boy over there~"


Two women, who by looks alone looked like college students, approached me.


"?" (Kei)

"Yes, you!" 


"May I help you?" (Kei)


I asked them, as I left my phone on my pocket.


"Want to hang out with us?"


"Pardon?" (Kei)


What's this?


Don't tell me...





I'm being picked up... right?


"As. I. Said~ Want to grab some lunch with us?" 

What, I'm really being picked up!?

"N-no, I'm sorry but... I'm waiting for two people..." (Kei)

"Then why don't they join us~?" 

"No no, you're not getting my po—" (Kei)

"Sorry for the wait Ke— Areh? Friends of yours?" (Karane)

"Thanks for taking care of our little brother, we'll take it from here." (Kotone)

Karane and Kotone, who came at the worst or probably the best timing possible, asked me.

"N-no, they were just... keeping me company...? W-well as you can see I'm in an outing with my sisters soooo... we'll take our leave..." (Kei)

"That so? To bad..." 

"He was really cute too..."

Those were the last things I heard from them, before I couldn't make out their voices anymore.

"Hah~ You two saved me— w-what now...?" (Kei)

As I turned back towards my sisters, both of them were in an awkward mood, looking back at me with a blank stare. Then—

"Ooouch!? Swis wou gwonna twear my chweekws owff!?" (Kei)

—Kotone, started pinching my cheeks with great force.

Then after a while, she let me go.

"Geez~ Why was that for~?" (Kei)

""Haah~"" (Karane & Kotone)

"Why are you sighing!?" (Kei)

""Nothing."" (Karane & Kotone)

"No. There's definetly something!" (Kei)

My sisters, who seemed to a bit angry, sighed as they gave me my drink.

This is why I don't get women...


12:20 P.M.


In the blink of an eye, it was already time for lunch.

As we discussed where to eat, Karane, seemed to remember a place that was just established around here. 

So, we decided to check it out.

"The exterior looks nice." (Kei)

The exterior of the restaurant, gave some sort of 'rustic' style, which you could say gave the impression that it was easy to enter to. Emotionally speaking.

"Some girls from my class where talking about it~ So, I kind of wanted to check it out. However, the volleyball club kept me busy, so I never had time. I also didn't want to come alone." (Karane)

"I've also heard from this restaurant. They said it has some really good steak~" (Kotone)

"Hee~" (Kei)

As we continued chatting, we found ourselves a table and settled down. And not too short after, a waitress came and took our orders.

"One Roasted Braised beef, please." (Kei)

"Hm~ Quick Beef Stir-Fry, thank you very much!" (Karane)

"Brazilian-style beef with rice, please." (Kotone)

"Right away." 

After taking notes of our orders, and after the waitress left, we initiated some chit-chat.

"You got quite the exotic tastes, huh Kotone?" (Kei)

"Fufu~ Your choice doesn't sound bad neither, Kei~ Rather, Karane." (Kotone)

"Hm?" (Karane)

"Being an athlete, I actually expected you to go for something like that." (Kotone)

"I second that." (Kei)

"I mean~ Stir-Fry usually comes with quite the amount of vegetables, so it's only natural~" (Karane)

""Of course it is."" (Kei & Kotone)

"...?" (Karane)

A little after that, our respective meals arrive and we continued to chat while we ate.

Honestly, I wonder when was the last time I hung out with these two like this...

It's fun...

I thought



~Ichinose Residence

 12:45 P.M.

Third Person POV~

"Feels nice to be home~" (Touya)

"Feels nice to have you back~" (Kaho)

"I'm home, Kaho." (Touya)

"Welcome back, Touya." (Kaho)

At the entrance of the Ichinose Residence, a man with deep-violet hair and sparkling purple eyes, stood. As he interlocked his lips with those of a woman with long black hair and eyes of said color.

The gentleman's name, and also the head of the Ichinose household, was Touya Ichinose. Kei's father.

He was a well-known lawyer, who was known due to his ability to produce results. Not only that, but he also had he's handsome features, which along with his gentle demeanor, made him popular during his younger days.

He was previously on a bussiness trip, to which he finally returned to, one week later.

"You must be quite hungry, right? Let me whip up something for you." (Kaho)

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"I'll love that, thanks for the hardwork." (Touya)

"You're welcome!" (Kaho)

Seeing the blooming smile of his loving wife, Touya's lips, couldn't help but turn into a soft and gentle smile.

"By the way, were are Kei, Karane & Kotone?" (Touya)

"Ah right! They went out. Kotone looked quite excited, since it has been a while since they headed out only the three of them." (Kaho)

At Kaho's words, he once again gave a gentle smile.

"They seem to be getting along." (Touya)

"Right? Anyway, food's ready!" (Kaho)

"Thanks for the food." (Touya)

As Touya digged in on the food prepared by his wife, he couldn't help but feel excited, as he counted the minutes until he sees his children, after quite some time.



~On The Way Home

4:15 P.M.

Kei's POV~

After we left the restaurant, which was absolutely worth it, we went window shopping for a while and ate some sweets while we are at it.

We were now currently on our way home, recalling everthing we did today.

"That was fun!" (Karane)

Karane said, as she stretched her arms.

"It really was. I also never expected to see Kei getting picked up." (Kotone)

Oi oi, please forget about that!

"Hah~ I also never expected that... Kei is something else..." (Karane)

"Again! What's that suppose to mean!?" (Kei)

"I wonder..." (Karane)

Karane's voice dropped down a bit, then she started talking.

"You know, what I mean is, that you rarely think about yourself." (Karane)

"Eh?" (Kei)

Karane's words took me off guard, however, Kotone continued—

"You always put other's before yourselves, when you get sick or when you are sad, you always put this facade to stop people from worrying about you..." (Kotone)

"And you still do, to be honest..." (Karane)

"Hah~ You still with that? Are you still worried due to the 'sudden change of routine'? I told you. I'm—!?" (Kei)

As I was about to finish my sentence, Karane grabbed my right arm. 

"Then why is it, that everytime you lie, you put your hands behind your neck?" (Karane)

I realized... it seemed that I uncounsciously had a habit, of putting my hands on the back of my neck, when lying.

"You know, Kei. We're not going to ask what happened. But still, it kind of hurts you know?" (Kotone)

"..." (Kei)

"As Kotone said, we won't interfere in your matters lightly. However, we're still your sisters, so at least, once in a while... don't hold anything to yourself." (Karane)

I see...

"For us, you're amazing, Kei. You may be younger than us. However, simply because of how reliable you are, you could easily pass as the older sibling." (Kotone)

"We have our disputes, sure. But we won't ever make fun of your despair, but rather, we want to celebrate your highest achievements." (Karane)

I'm stupid... aren't I?

These two were always there for me...

These two are people who I can't trust.

"...I...can't tell you everything now... because I want to gather the courage to do so... I know... I know that sooner or later you will find out. Be it from me, or from someone else." (Kei)

Yes, there was no guarantee that they will continue to be oblivious about the thing with Shizu.

They will either see Shizu with her boyfriend, or they will hear that from someone else...

Why didn't it happen already? I don't know...


"I mean it was obvious."

Thanks to Arisa, I learned, that I was easy to read. So at least...

"However... can I... make a request? From a little and cute younger brother... to his beautiful older sisters?" (Kei)

Throwing in a joke, I asked them.

"Sure." (Kotone)

"Speak up, bud." (Karane)

After they gave me the 'okay'—

"Will you—" (Kei)

—I voiced my request.

"—Wait for me? At least... for a little longer? There is something I want to do first." (Kei)

After I gave them my request. They looked at each other, turned their attention to me again, and kindly smiled.

""Sure."" (Karane & Kotone)

They both easily agreed. 

As to 'wait a little' it wouldn't be too long. Rather, my limit will be one week from now.

As to what I want to do first...

Is simple, I have some bussiness, with someone...

And that bussiness?

Well, I—


Days Until Family Meeting:

7 Days (One Week)


I really loved writing the latter part.

Now then, Kei finally learned something about himself.

  • He's easy to read.

Next chapter, will be mostly Kei & Arisa eating lunch together, and playing around.

About Kei's bussiness, it will be revealed in one of the chapters of next week or probably the week after that? Anyway, pretty soon.

I also have a three-day weekend. Since my school gave us Monday off. So I may be able to write ahead some chapters and maybe post a double Monday?

Also... for the info.


Karane Ichinose

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Affiliations: Volleyball Club


Kotone Ichinose

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Affiliations: Student Council (Treasurer)


(By the way, Karane is the younger sister, while Kotone is the older sister. They both only have a difference of 3 minutes since birth.)

Anyway that's mostly it! Adios!

Coming Next: Chapter 11 - Mirage

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