Everlasting Suffering: Heroes Awakening

Chapter 18: Town Of Sal

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2 hours and 30 minutes elapse since I left Sakura and followed a road up north.

I spread my arms to embrace the snowflakes that drum against me, as if passing a baton during an Olympic race. “~Ahh!~ Alone, just the way it was supposed to be!” exposing a sinister smile as I continue down the road.

~Hmm~ What’s my aim for necessities like food and water? Do I steal? Do I hunt wild animals? My god, obviously I’m not organised as I gradually seal my eyes shut shortly before shrugging. Ah, who cares? That's future me problem.

I feel my legs dive into shallow water as if milk leaping into a bowl of cereal. Where am I? Another void? A burst from my heart releases clouds around my eyes.

The shadow seeks me, awaiting the howls of the past to wrap its claws around my throat. I feel my hands drenched in a dark liquid.

As soon as I arrived at the Hero Academy, all they greeted me was with people throwing rocks camouflaged as words toward either me or someone else, laughing, mocking and worst of all, belittling for their benefit.

At the time my memories were locked and my true self confined, I ignored them as if I was some generic Hero NPC. But now, anyone who belittles will face dirt and breaking an arm or leg would suffice as payback, perhaps even their life.

Shira said don’t glue to negativity, but what if that’s all there is? I don’t understand why people act like that. To please others? Attention?! I just don’t get it or maybe I refuse to understand.

A light beams in front of me, exposing Shira a little in front of me as she kneels, wailing in terror shortly before a knife joins in as if seducing her.

“Everyone betrayed you, right? Heed my offering.”

D-did the knife just speak?! I gaze at Shira, my whole body twitching.

Shira smiles with tears over her face, “offer you say?”


“DON’T LISTEN TO IT!” I yell as I reach my hand toward the traumatised Shira. Despite my call, she gradually advances toward the knife.

“A captivating world full of magic. You desire paradise, don’t you?” The knife twirls Shira’s eyes as if spraying a web on her.

“DON’T DO IT!” My eyes extended beyond the stars shortly before Diana cackled behind her.

“Too bad not even Otonashi would lend a hand.”

“Not even the one person who you loved rescued you.” Diana smacked Shira’s shoulder whilst the other girls hold her down and use scissors to disorder her majestic long purple hair into an unrecognisable monster.

“W-WAIT!” I felt a shadow’s hand holding me captive.

I clench my fists until they bleed. AHAHA! SO YOU’VE CHANGED DIANA! HUH?! I CAN’T! I CAN’T DO THIS ANY LONGER?! I aim for my sword’s handle and then thrust my long sword into my stomach.

G-gah! My throat detonated with blood as it trickled out of my mouth. It h-h-hurts. I-It’s u-unmeasurable.

A flash of light beams above me as if I’m on a stage. My stomach wound heals almost immediately as my long sword tears out of me. THAT STUPID CURSE! I CAN’T EVEN END IT!

“Sensei, remember the deal?” Diana licks her lips.

“No matter how many times your dad pays me, I can’t cover you three forever.” A deep voice with a grin stated as sensei walks away.

Wh-what?! Diana’s dad wa---

The teacher---

I slam my fists into the shallow water, resulting in my hair being drenched. CORRUPTION?! I wasn’t there for her! I w-wasn’t! S-s-Shira! The blood seeps past my fingertips and explodes my heart, revealing my eyes engulfed in mist.


At that moment I couldn’t contain my laughter, of course! Of damn course fucking corruption.

“So, the flames of regret have engulfed you, Otonashi.” Diana smirked, continuing to lick as her saliva slowly flies down her fingers.


Yeah, that’s right, If I prevailed, no doubt Felix and Diana did as well. I gaze at my uniform that’s gradually reverting to my butler uniform as I stare at the corpse of Shira with Diana seemly vanished.

Shortly after a woman with lengthy purple hair in the style of a knot, perhaps a half-up, half-down hairstyle? Her uniform is as if she’s a queen. No sleeves with a purple skull in the middle of her chest. Her chest reveals mostly black from neck to skirt, and a sprinkle of dark purple dominates her over-the-knee socks. Her lips lingered.

“I order you to eliminate Diana,” Shira said as she offers her hand.

T-t-that sounds like Shira but m-more m-mature?! N-NO! I clutch onto my sword’s handle. This has to be some trick!

“YOU MORON! IT’S ME SHIRA!” Shira lifted her left arm into the air and summoned an Uchiwa.

My face auto-directs to the side as her dark purple Uchiwa fan gave me a beating.

With my cheeks burning like an overnight left-on lightbulb., I bow my head in return with my left hand positioned in the middle of my chest.

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“I will heed my call.”

“Your majesty.” I smirk. “Diana MUST repent!”

Shira smiled at my response. Her fingers seem older.

“Please help me.” Shira groaned before lazily melting away.

“Don’t worry, my queen, Diana WILL repent!” My sword twinkled as if heeding my call.

The lights gently disperse.

-Gah!- I feel the hostile snow surround me. Did I black out? No matter, my number one target right now is no longer Dexis. It’s Diana. Actually, right now is jumping out of this cold ass snow.

I stroll down the road for around 15-30 minutes and PFF! “Wooden fences?! I’d expected some out-of-this-world security. Did I go back in time?” I chuckle.

Snow regularly assaults the lake. Nothing new... the trail from the lake seems to pass through the entire town with wooden spiked walls threatening any outside force.

Y-yeah, this feels like I’m thrown back in time, or maybe the leaders are stuck-up asses.

Nothing really caught my eye. This is just a small town, after all. The closer I travel, I catch a sign saying “Town Of Sal”

I see, scanning around and acquiring some information about this “FUTURE” world. The only difference right now is the magic system.

“No MagicID, NO ENTRY!”

Oh... I shrug, whatever that means. I wander toward the gated area, almost like a mouth of a menacing beast. Almost immediately a guard whose appearance resembles a spartan helmet masking his facade and being completely consumed by his dark armour from head to toe, with his bunny ears sticking out the top. Is he trying to be intimidating to visitors?

“MagicID?” He stated in an unnerving manner as he erupts his red cape across the moon.

I noticed something odd. His neck has some sort of ring around it. Now I don’t know the fashion trend of this world, but with this intense aura, I don’t feel good.

Its reddish crystal from hell emitted an unstable sense within me that if once connected, I’d lose myself or anyone who wears it. Its metallic iron ring engulfs his neck like a prisoner shackled by the weight of remorse.

“Uhm,” I said as he gazes at my tailcoat and discovered my Hero Academy badge.

“Oh, you’re one of those, huh?” As he hones toward my Hero badge like a stray bullet.

A one of who now? Upon realising what he meant. “Aha, yeah,” I slap myself inside my thoughts.

“Yeah, on a mission.” I arrange my hands to the back of my head. Ah, I guess some things never change, ey.

The guard stares at me intently before casually backing off. “CLEAR!” He says to his other comrades, flashing his red cape.

“Thanks,” I respond with a manufactured smile. After all, my only ambition is to kill Diana. One thing that concerns me, though, is his weapon. His magical enchantments release an alarming aura. For example, if mine and his swords clashed, my sword would be completely obliterated, as if I was never wielding one in the first place, but I can’t quite explain the details if it hit someone. In fact, I’m too curious!

“Hey, excuse me.” I stroll up to the guard. “What sword is that? I’m kinda curious, since I’m considering investing in a new one.”

“Oh,” the guard faces me with an ominous smile. “This is my friend, I call it, the sword of a hundred punches.” He unleashes his blade to expose a dragon’s fire breath emblem from the bottom and ends near the middle with multiple punch icons near the tip.

Wh-what?! I was mistaken! This sword he wields is a threat if he actually hits anyone.

“Not anyone can get this, it’s only awarded to the captains.” He chuckled.

“Oh, I see. That’s kinda disappointing.” I exhale.

“Just work up the ranks and you’ll get there in no time, kiddo!” He patted my back before returning to his post, flashing his red cape one last time before I continued walking onward.

Is he trying to show off? And I don’t work as a guard. He did end the conversation really quick though. 

I’m confused, Weren’t swords shunned at the Hero Academy? I rest my left arm over my forehead. Grr! I can’t fully remember. That sword only worries me. The bunny person, on the other hand, is less of a threat. I guess I’m being overconfident. After all, this new magic I might have to dive more into as I glance back at the guard’s neck, that ring... No, all the guards have it. T-This world... Just what is happening?!

Gazing at the woo-- MODERN HOUSES?! I twirl around in a heartbeat! THE WOODEN WALLS?! GONE?! I stumble a little. Gazing at the concrete wall that expands for miles. I-is th-the outside like a deception for invaders? Thinking they’re weak. So when they invade it’s a death sentence! I cover my mouth. That’s m-madness! Like, the dome of the Hero Academy, but this one is a hallucination.

The entrance I came in from uncovering a gigantic skull’s mouth. Now, ain’t that giving death flags? I look around me to see the miserable faces of others. I shrug. I’m not a hero, just some person in an isekai world. Diana is out there. I refuse to acknowledge she’s dead until I’ve seen her decade-old corpse myself.

“Hey, you wanna watch MagicTube tutorials?” A long black hair girl in a blazer said.

“Hmm, maybe.” As they sprinted away, reminding me of when Shira forced me downstairs.

What? MagicTube? Is that a ripoff of-- nevermind. They have the internet here, that’s pretty cool. Not really surprising given the time. I sigh, still thinking I’d get spaceships.

As I walk past an alleyway, I notice four girls dressed in all white. TOTALLY NOT QUESTIONABLE!

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