Everlasting Suffering: Heroes Awakening

Chapter 19: Unwanted Operation

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In a distant land far from the reach of the citizens and even the crows never dare to set flight. A beautiful queen with a mind as dark as a withered Rose. There she sat with her cup of tea glued to her left hand, Her devilish purple lips curving as she fixated her attention on the attractive snowflakes that befall her.

“Oh, right,” she covers her lips in disbelief. “I forgot to give her water.” She stares below, then to the left a little to witness sweat drip from another woman’s forehead.

“Hm, I suppose my weight is a bit much for you---“


She claps her hands to summon her servant. Within seconds, one arrives with a piece of paper and hands it to her majesty.

It reads. “Supplies from Sal. - ZERO -“

“How long has it been?” The queen said whilst her eyebrows twitched furiously.

“Approximately 5 seconds, your majesty.”

Her majesty shreds the paper immediately and then raises her right arm toward the servant. “5 seconds late? A valueless town, erase it!” She ordered, smiling as the church bells rang with the howls of the soon-to-be dead. Her majesty claps her hands with excitement as the servant sprinted off.

“Oh right, I forgot to ask for water.” Her majesty said before shortly standing up and locating a dog bowl. “Ah, yes, my favourite pup.” With the name engraved as Shira. Then her majesty unhurriedly turned back to the balcony.

Planting her bottom on the silver chair, then lifting her right black heel toward the dehydrated pup.

“Lick it!” At her majesty’s command, the woman shackled by chains gradually wriggled toward her heel. Slowly releasing her tongue and sliding her saliva over the bottom of her majesty’s heel.

“Good girl!” The queen smiled, throwing the bowl to the ground.


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“GOD! WHERE IS THAT RECRUIT?!” One of the four questionable individuals said whilst tapping her elbow violently.

Perhaps It’s just a weird meet-up spot for these people. I step one foot forward.


My foot has maliciously murdered a stick resulting in four girls gawking at me with disgust, slowly approaching me as if I’ma minor character in a zombie film about to taste dirt.

The first girl unmasked her hoody to reveal a pink ponytail with sinister red star eyes. Hmm, I wonder if it’s a full moon tonight? In a blink of an eye, they converted my uniform to an extremely tight full-body white suit.

“Eh?” Me and the three other girls stared dumbstruck.


“Welcome to the team! I’m Ai.” Ai offered a handshake whilst her right palm held my attire.

Holy-- that acceleration?! Was that some sort of magic? I hesitantly accept her handshake.

Dark hands oozing fluid materialises from the darkness and seizes Ai by her ears.

“YOU CAN’T JUST ASK STRANGERS TO BECOME A MEMBER!” A girl with green twin tails and black star eyes stretched Ai’s ears.

“G-GAH! LET GO HIMIKO!” Ai complained. “THAT RECRUIT HAS SURELY BEEN CAUGHT! GRR!” Ai continued her desperate struggle to break Himiko’s arms.

“SO WHAT?! YOU’RE JUST GONNA KIDNAP A RANDOM PERSON?!” Himiko used her teeth to claw Ai’s ears.

“OWEE!” Ai cried.

I collect my clothing that was innocently tossed during the skirmish. Fixated my gaze on the four in front of me with a narrow glare. Ai said something about being caught. But why? Are they accomplishing something forbidden? My senses are somewhat accurate but, I stare at my chest. Why such a tight outfit?

Himiko stared at me whilst biting Ai’s ears like a fish out of water.

“So, what’s happening?” I wave as Ai and Himiko postpone their brawl.

“We’re about to infiltrate--“



Oh, my gosh… wha-what a bunch of weirdos.

“Come on, Himiko, we at least require a temp.” Ai sighed before bowing in front of me and a second later returns to her position.

“P-pl-please join us, if only temporarily.” Ai’s puppy gaze is casting a spell on me.

Frankly, her spell is pissing me off, as this is the most ridiculous recruitment campaign I’ve ever witnessed. But if it’s only temporary, my introverted life isn’t entirely blown to pieces. Perhaps I can acquire something out of this, or be murdered.

“Well, what’s in it for me?”

“Uhm” Ai stares off to the side...



“You know people don’t work for free, right?” I exhale.

“UHM!” Ai’s mouth seeps out oil as if she is a malfunctioning robot.

A lengthy two minutes later...


Himiko whacks the back of her head, causing Ai to hit the snow before quickly lifting her head.

“UHM-- W-w-we a-about-- wha-what hotel ro-room and--food?” Ai stuttered, with sparks fleeing in all directions.

“What?” I said. She really is like a robot.

“Ai stated one hotel room and hmm meals?” Himiko seems puzzled, positioning her index finger in front of her lips.

“RAMEN STORE! - FREE!” Ai’s body leaned closer whilst her arms outstretched at the opposite end. “F-for the duration yo-you work for us.” Ai beamed to the side and then back at me with an awkward smile.

Ai just thought about this on the spot, hasn’t she... So basically I earn a free hotel room and meals as long as I work with this odd bunch. Hmm, I seal my eyes shut. No food, no energy and no energy equals diminished fighting capability. I kinda acted foolish just leaving the Hero Academy without a bunch of supplies. It’s only temp work, so...

Releasing my eyes from the darkness. “Alright fine.” Slapping my hands on my hips.

Ahh!” Everyone released a sigh whilst unmasking themselves.

“I’m Yuuko.” Yuuko smiled as her long dark blue hair impersonated the breeze and her light blue star eyes reflected the sky on a summer day.


What have I got myself into? At first, I thought perhaps they are planning to bully someone; you know? A group in a dark alleyway. Has to be suspicious or something, right?

“H-Hi!” A girl with long curly black hair and black star eyes burst with energy. “I’m Rei.” Rei shook my hand without hesitation, making me wonder if she was like Ai.

“Okay, as we’re running late on schedule, Ai give Otonashi the basic information,” Himiko stated, whilst Ai nodded in agreement.

Ai inhales as the icicles gently flow toward her lungs. “REINCARNATED AS A CARDBOARD BOX!---“ Ai flicked her arms past the horizon.

“SHUT UP” Himiko’s fist blasts toward Ai’s forehead, compelling her to the ground.

“EEK!” Ai tends to her forehead. “NOT AGAIN YOU SLUG!”

“SLUG?! WHY, I OUGHTA—” Himiko knees Ai in the stomach.

You are reading story Everlasting Suffering: Heroes Awakening at novel35.com

I’m dumbstruck, haven’t known these weirdos for less than a minute, and Ai and Himiko are already brawling. My eyes twitch furiously. JUST A BUNCH OF ODDBALLS!

Why do I feel so uneasy? Is it because anyone can wear a facade? I detach from the group and squat a little away. “Hex: Wings Of The Shield’s Desire.” Whispering as a small red pentagram forms around my palms and enlightens my body in a mist of blue before slowly fading away. This will allow me to dodge without thinking, but only once and the downside is that it’ll teleport me randomly so I can never plan properly with it. For example, if let’s say Dexis used a spell and was heading for a direct hit, My body will auto-dodge but I might end up in a different town or head first in the snow, though occasionally I get lucky and teleport above the enemy but rarely.

Two sharp hands pierce my shoulder as I shift slowly to expose Yuuko and Rei frowning at me.

“Traitors forbidden...” Rei’s unnerving presence sends shivers down my spine.

So it’s a trap?!

“~Teehee~ Just kidding!” Rei offered a kind smile and leapt backwards, resulting in an amazing bruise as she collided with the wall.

“YA-OUCHA!” Rei squats and covers her head with tears resisting.

Yuuko facepalmed. “She’s a moron.”

Ai’s stomach growls, notifying me, Himiko, Rei, and Yuuko.

“Ahh- Fuck it! We’ll do the mission later.” Ai grasped her chest. “TIME FOR A FEAST!”

“I knew this would happen.” Himiko falls to the ground head-first with Yuuko and Rei shrugging.

“Let’s go for RamallahWoo!” Ai lifted Himiko by the shoulder and the rest followed onward.

I’m allowed to take a quick detour on locating Diana, right?

Ai turned toward me. “COME ON SLOWPOKE!”



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A fresh aroma of all sorts tightly suffocates my nostrils before a brawl assaulted my ears with echoes of inaudible fury between Ai and Himiko, whilst Rei and Yuuko chuckled.

Gazing at my dish consumed in a watery soup whilst the noodles narrowly brush against two islands that are slowly oozing yellow in the middle, as if a volcano erupting and finalising with green onions as if trees scattering throughout the lands of this beautiful dish.

I felt as if my mind exhale as I clutch my chopsticks. The persistent struggle within my skull. How do I correct the departed wires in the right socket? Who knows, only time will tell.

My inner dialogue interrupted by Ai whacking my left shoulder.

“Come on, you can sit beside us, you know.” Ai extended an empty seat beside the group. Staring at me and grinning.

I don’t have to steal yet, considering I’m receiving free meals.

“~Ugh~ Fine.” I move positions, one seat to the left, to sit beside them.

“~YAW!~” Ai returned to her seat next to mine and planted her bottom on it.

“You know, do you think when people die they’ll be twisted into a box or a chair?” Yuuko stated randomly, her dead serious expression.

Is she just trying to resume that odd outburst from Ai earlier? Cringe. As the others continue their weird reincarnation theories. I feel a slight pull on my white suit. My attention drifts to a small girl with two black horns and short hair.

“May I help you?”

What? She’s covered in a dirty rag and is wearing no shoes.

“-u-uhm.” She stares at me and then zooms over to my dish.

It’s rather noticeable she desires my dish as I slide my bowl to the right where an empty seat lays.

“Enjoy.” I smile, handing the little girl my chopsticks as I’ve not used them.

The girl jumps onto the barren seat and gobbles my dish in seconds. Her black tail wiggled with every mouthful. She places the dish back onto the table, grinning.

“-y-you thank.” She smiled.

“LARA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” A right arm connects to the girl’s left arm.

“IM SO SORRY!” the presumably father figure apologised as he bowed, with the mother following him shortly after.

“Come on, Lara! We’re leaving town, remember?” The mother smiled with two black horns on her head.

Like saying good morning to a stranger passing by. I don’t remember their face. So no point in even analysing. They are poor since they were all dressed in rags, making me kinda feel bad for them since I don’t own money and just survive by using others.

I swing my hands back and forth. “Nah, it’s fine.”

They continued to bow before leaving.

“~AWW~” Ai wrapped her right arm around my neck. “SO CUTE!” she continued to choke me.

“Ugh! Get off!”

“Is there a restroom nearby?” I added.

“Yep” Ai points toward a massive sign saying restroom.

I leave my station to enter the boy’s restroom. Blue flickering lights partially blink at me. Jeez, I’m I in a nightclub? Or a restroom? My bladder screams as I spray the toilet door open and do my business.

Quickly, I leave the restroom and greeted by a man holding a ticket.

The ticket reads “BILL” My eyebrows twitched as I know what this meant. Those bastards! They bailed!

“Oh, the girls said that are paying for it.”

“So, where are they?” He tapped his elbow repeatedly with sinister intent.

I point towards the girl’s restroom. “They followed each other in.” Laughing awkwardly.

The man grunted. “GRR I CAN’T BE BOTHERED TO WAIT!” he storms into the girl’s restroom.

Isn’t that illegal? Well, I mean, so is stealing. I'M OUT OF HERE! I turn my legs into turbo speed as I bolt out of the Ramallahwoo. and return to the back alley to witness the girls huddled together.

“That recruit was brave.” Rei wiped the tears from her eyes.

“He failed the test.” Ai hit the snow.

“He fought to the bitter end.” Himiko cried.

“WHAT THE HELL!” I clutch at my fists. Is this what they do? Go around recruiting throwaway characters?

They all shifted toward me, looking all emotional with tears. “HE’S ALIVE!”

“HE PASSED!” Yuuko blows her nose on Ai’s head, then Ai’s sunk her teeth into Yuuko’s ear.

“YACK- UCK YUUKO!” Ai screamed.


Ai is brawling with someone else this time as Himiko smiled toward me.

“Now, It’s the proper mission.”

I have no clue what that's about. Honestly, I don’t really care if they steal, but an actual mission? My curiosity has peaked.

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