Fallen Time

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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Fallen Time

Story by: Render.Leaf

Chapter 2


I thought about what Hiro said at night, it kept me wondering. I was on my way to school when I bumped into Yusa.

“Hey best friend of Hiro!”

She waves at me.

Oh please God I don’t want to deal with this girl now, it’s too early for this.

I sigh.

“My name is Kitaro, Ki-ta-ro! You got it?”

I irritatedly said.

“Yeah, yeah whatever, anyways where is Hiro? Does he not walk to school with you? I would assume he did since you guys are friends.”

She says as she looks around for any signs of Hiro.

“No he doesn’t, so can you please stop bothering me about Hiro, thank you and I need to head to class now, goodbye.”

“Before you go, here is my number.”

She hands me a sticky note.

“Huh? Why would I need your number?”

I doubtfully said.

“Huh, oh, just so I can keep track of Hiro since he blocked my phone number.”

She says as she fixes herself.

I just said I didn’t want to be bothered, what can’t she understand?

I let out another sigh.

“Who knows, maybe I’ll block it too.”

I said as I walked past her.

“Hey that’s mean!”

She exclaims.

*Ding* *Ding*

The first bell had rang, classes were in session. Soon after, lunch had came, I was walking around the school by myself.

I ran into Yusa again, but I acted like I didn’t see her.

“Hey! Kitaro! It’s me Yusa!”

She waves calling out to me.

I continued, whistling like I never heard anything, she then trips me.

“Hey! I was calling you!”

She steps on my back.

“What do you want now? If your gonna ask for H-“

She cuts me off before I can finish my sentence.

“No I only came here to talk, let’s go find a bench.”

She soberly said.

We head to a bench, I don’t know what she wanted to talk about, most likely about Hiro.

“So? What did you want to talk about, I need to head to class now.”

I said as I relax on the bench, staring off into the sky.

“I finally accept Hiro’s rejection towards my love, I realized that he really doesn’t love me. Please do tell him what I told you, thanks.”

She says as she gets up and walks away.

“Huh? That’s it?”

I said as I watch the sky.

For some reason, I felt relieved, like if something heavy on my chest has been lifted. Why? Why do I feel this way?

I told Hiro everything and he happily jumped in the air, an expected reaction of him.

School ended and our week off came, I stayed home playing games like always. Until I got a phone call.

*Ring!* *Ring!* *Ring!*

“Huh? Who’s calling me now-“

Yusa was calling me, I had forgot that she gave me her number, it gave me a little shock since this was the first time.


“Uh, hello-“

Yusa interrupts me like always.

“Kitaro! What are you doing for the week!”

She yells.

“Damn it stop yelling like that! I’m not doing anything why are you asking?”

There was really no reason for her to call me, she doesn’t like Hiro anymore so what is there to say?

“Meet me at the cafe in about thirty minutes, don’t be late.”


She hangs up.

I don’t know what her intentions are but I just went either way since I had nothing to do.

*Ding!* *Ding!*

The cafe’s entrance bell rang, I spotted Yusa in the corner of the cafe sitting by the window, I head over there and sat down.

“So what is it? You must have a reason that you want me here right?”

I curiously asked.

“Nope! I’ve noticed that you don’t have any other friends besides Hiro, so I decided to invite you out of..kindness I guess?”

She says as she drinks her coffee.

“Hm? And why would you want to hang out with someone like me? Your popular, out of everyone why choose me? I’m a nobody.”

I complained.

“Just shatup! Like I said, it was out of kindness gosh, also, stop getting cautious around people all the time, it makes you seem weird, just have fun!”

She rolls her eyes.

“Hey Yusa, do you know what love feels like?”

I asked out of the blue, everything went silent for a moment.

“L-Love? W-Why are you asking that all of a sudden?”

She nervously stutters.

I sigh.


“D-Don’t tell anyone! B-But, I’ve never had a ..boyfriend before..”

She twirls her fingers, is that what girls do when they get embarrassed or something?

“Huhh? Even though you are popular? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Though it doesn’t really matter now.”

I nodded my head in a disappointed way.

“S-Shatup! W-What about you! I know you must have a crush on someone in our school!”

She tries to come back at me.

“No, to be honest with you, I’ve never had the feeling of romance within me.”

“Huh? How can someone not have “romance” within them? That’s nonsense.”

She sighs.

“What did Hiro say again..”

—— Flashback ——

“If you want to compliment a girl, you gotta tell her that she is cute!”

He confidently says with a thumbs up.

—— Present —-

“Hey Yusa, you are cute.”

I blindly said.

“H-H-H-Huhhh?? W-W-What did you just say?”

She blushes.

“Hm? I said you are cute?”

I drink my coffee.

“Is that not how you compliment a female friend? I am certain that’s how you put it?”

I patently said.

“W-Well yes, b-but just saying that out of the blue c-can come out the wrong way..”

She nervously stutters again.

“Oh is that so? Well I apologize.”

Her cheeks were red, is that what they call “blushing”?

“Hey Yusa, are you blushing?”

I asked.

“A-Am not! I will be taking my leave now, goodbye!”

She quickly gathers her things and speed walks away. I noticed that she had left the check with me.

“Damn you Yusa, made me pay for everything.”

I irritatedly said.

The next day Hiro had invited me to an amusement park with a couple of his buddies, I decided to go since I was finally trying to make an effort in making some friends.

I arrived and seen Hiro with his buddies waiting for me at the entrance of the tickets.

“Hell yeah, who’s ready for Thunder Coasters!!!”

One of his buddies said.

“Oh, hey Kitaro over here!”

Hiro calls out to me.

This was my first time hanging out as a group, but I still couldn’t walk out my comfort zone. I feel awkward being here.

“Hey Ren, this is my other best friend Kitaro!”

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He introduces me.

“Wazzup dude, hope we can get along.”

He fist bumps me.

“Kitaro, this is Asamo.”

Hiro had about five friends with him, well actually six including me.

“Sup, I’m just here to pick some hot chicks up.”

He smirks.

“Rina, Taiko, Hime, this is Kitaro.”

Rina had Brown-lightish hair and hazel eyes, but the way she was looking at me seemed like I wasn’t welcomed at all. Taiko had blonde hair, he is tall and looked to be popular with girls as well. Hime, she had dark-violet hair and eyes, she looked very shy.

“Hey, nice to meet you Rin-“

She slaps my hand out of the way, causing a scene.

“I don’t like new people, they can’t be trusted.”

She gives me a cold look.

“What the hell Rina, I told you to be nice and he isn’t new, I’ve known him for years.”

Hiro defends me.

“Rina was it?”

I asked.

“Yeah, what about it? Ya got a problem or something?”

She says, trying to intimidate me.

“No, I just wanted to say that I’m glad that you don’t like me because I hate little runts that are arrogant like you.”

I smirked to piss her off, and it was successful.

“Why you son of a-“

Hiro interrupts her before she could do something.

“Hehe, w-why don’t we go get our tickets now? Wouldn’t want to be late right?”

He nervously chuckles.

We finally enter and explore the place, I rode a couple of rides and had a little fun, Hiro and Asamo threw up near the trash cans.

I took a little stroll by myself, admiring the sunset in the distance. I heard a familiar voice as I was walking, it was Yusa and what seems to be her friends. They were also here? What a coincidence.

“Oh my gawd we should go on that ride next then that one over there and then-“

She pauses and looks at me.

“K-Kitaro?! What are you doing here?”

She says with surprise.

“Hm? I was invited by Hiro and his buddies, I’m just taking a quick stroll.”

I said.

She had the same amount of friends as us, the boys behind her were probably their boyfriends.

“Oh~ Yusa is that your boyfriend~?”

Her friend says.

“Huh? Oh no, she’s just a friend of-“

Yusa quickly covers my mouth and coldly stares into my eyes, did I say something wrong? She quickly turns back around.

“Y-Y-Yes he is my boyfriend, ya got a problem?”

She blushes.

Hm? Since when was I her “boyfriend”? She must have some kind of reason behind this.

Her friend giggles.

“I can’t believe you did it~! Yusa the boyfriend-less has a boyfriend~? Hilarious~!”

She laughs, Yusa seemed downed about it, is that how her friends treat her? I wouldn’t call that a friend. More like a bully, hold on, is Yusa being bullied at this moment?

Something stirred up in me.

“Shut the f*ck up and pick on someone your own size brat.”

I let off a cold stare.

“What did you just say to my girl? Ya wanna fight?

Her boyfriend steps up.

“Hey you, you better get your boyfriend before I kick his a**.”

I pointed at the girl.

“Hah! My Daiko can’t be beaten by the likes of you!”

She hysterically laughs.

He charges towards me with a punch but I dodge and tackle him to the floor, beating him to a pulp.

“H-Huh?! W-Wait!”

“Y-Yusa! Get your boyfriend!”

She freaks out.

I don’t know what was happening with me, I don’t know why I felt the need to protect.

“Kitaro let him go!”

Yusa yells.

I got off of him, the guy was out cold.

“You, I told you I would beat his a**.”

I pointed at the brat as she is scared sh*tless.

What? Did I just defend Yusa? Since when did I care about her? Were just friends is all? Nothing more right?

“K-Kitaro, let’s get out of here.”

She grabs my hand and runs, her hands were soft and smooth, they made me feel at ease.

We sat at a bench somewhere in the amusement park, I’m pretty sure Hiro is concerned for me right now.

“H-Hey, sorry I got you caught up in that mess..and thank you for standing up for me. Also, about the boyfriend part I am very sorry-“

“You don’t need to explain yourself, it’s cool. I just don’t like it when people get picked on.”

I smile.

“U-Um Kitaro, aren’t your friends concerned for you?”

She asks.

“No, I think they’ll manage without me.”

“Then shall we?”

She gets up reaching her hand out.


I densely said.

“Dummy, I’m asking if you want to go on the rides with me.”

She smiles.

I accepted her invitation and we got on a few rides, before you know it, it was night and fireworks were shooting up into the dark sky. Me and Yusa took a couple of pictures together, I felt comfortable, like I could be myself when I’m around her. 

In that split-second a faint memory came back to me.


Where was I again? My mind felt foggy, I heard a girl’s voice in the distance.

“C’mon! You’ll love this spot over here!”

“I love you ______”

I couldn’t hear the name she mentioned.


The beeps were slow, was I in a hospital?

“Sorry miss, but I’m afraid he has some major head injuries. The chances of him losing his memories when he wakes up is at a 99.9 percent.”

A doctor says.

“No! No! This can’t be! _______ please wake up, please don’t forget about me.”

The name was too foggy to remember.


“Kitaro? Kitaro? Are you alright? Hey are you..”

Yusa’s voice started coming back to me.

“Huh? Yeah..I’m fine don’t worry about me.”

I smiled. 


What was that?




I can’t describe this feeling, I never experienced it before. I feel warm, my body feels at ease.

“There you are Kitaro! We’ve been looking for you!”

Hiro jogs to me.

“Yusa?! What are you doing here?!”

He backs away.

“Huhh? What do you mean? I’m out with friends, is that a problem!”

She leans towards him.

“N-No, ma’am..”

He cowers.

“Wait a minute, since when do you hang out with Kitaro?!”

“That’s none of your business.”

She crosses her arms.


RenderLeaf -

Sorry if it sounded a little bit rushed, I’m still new to this whole LN thing. I still have a lot of room to improve. I hope that in the future my storyline and writing skills become much more better.

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