Former Neet VS Apocalyptic World

Chapter 5: 3: Back story

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A month has gone by peacefully and all Azriel did was raid stores when food supplies got low. All the zombies in the area have disappeared. It seemed like Nerd accidentally dragged the remaining zombies away. 


“How quiet and peaceful. A month has gone by and that Nerd still hasn’t bought some people over to annoy me? How strange…”


By right, a large group should have come over to kill him for the flamethrowers because of how valuable it is and how efficient it is in killing zombies. Since no one was coming over, Azriel would go over and pick them off since they would come sooner or later, not to mention that all the food supplies had been cleaned off by him.


“I have enough food for 2 months. I’ll go over to their place and check out what's going on. If they don’t intend to bother me, I’ll maybe leave them alone. If that leader dude is hell bent on getting my flamethrowers, he can go die. Since he is able to sustain so many people, food and water must be abundant there”


After muttering to himself, Azriel started packing for the trip. He shoved all the food on the left side of the van and water on the right by expiry date. After confirming he was done, he went back into the house and slept.




“I think he said there was a school zone 30 minutes away from here? According to his words, there seemed to be a lot of people there and considering that they are all well and alive with no thoughts of leaving must mean that there are good combatants there”


Azriel setted his GPS and started driving. He first drove to a gas station to refill his van. On his way to the school zone, more and more houses started appearing. It seemed like the area where he lived was a rural area. Maybe that was the reason why there were very few zombies compared to here. 




Inside a bush…


“Wow, that’s a really really big school. There are a lot of people going in and out. I wonder how they get electricity. But another question is how are they getting the food? It’s been like 3 or 4 months since I got out and explored plus the year I was in home training. Let’s assume that they just moved here recently then…”


Azriel circled around to the back of the school and was shocked speechless.


‘No wonder! With this, all they need to do is just get water. Since there is a ginormous lake about 8 miles away and the ocean is about 50-60 miles away from here.’


In front of Azriel’s eye was a giant farm. There were 20 acres of farmland, all filled with all sorts of vegetables and fruits. Next to the farmland were chicken coops. 


‘These guys are mad! With their man power, it is enough to manage this land and provide enough food for everyone! I wonder where they got the chicken though. Anyways, judging by the amount of chicken there is, it doesn’t seem like they can eat it or else it would be hard to get more chicken.’


After taking a few looks, Azriel circled around the school a few more times and went back to the main entrance. He found out that there were a total of 8 groups of students patrolling the farmland area; 4 groups of students patrolling the farm and 4 groups patrolling the chicken coops. 


There were also 4 groups of students stationed around the corner of the school, circling around the school every 15 minutes. The back entrance and front entrance were guarded by 4 people per side. 


Occasionally, there were students that come back with bags of food or water and others carrying garbage bags full of something. There were also groups of students carrying random things. 


After some time, Azriel saw a group of students leave and decided to follow them. This group of students consisted of 3 male students. They got into a car and Azriel hurriedly ran into his van and followed them. 


The car drove straight for about 5 minutes and they reached a convenience store. The 3 students got down and went into the store. Azriel parked his van a street down and went into the store. He found them to be in the storage room and hid out side the room. After settling down in a comfortable position, he peaked inside and took a look. It seemed like they were chatting so he leaned closer to hear what they were talking about.

Student 1: “Group leader, why do we have to keep carrying these broken parts of AC and what not?”


Student 2: “Yeah yeah. I agree with Tony. Everyday, we probably bring a few hundred pounds worth of these junk combined with another group and they just seem to disappear and nothing happens.”


Group leader: “Shut it Andy. All we need to do is follow orders and we get food and survive. Us laborers are ranked dead last. If the squad leader hears this, we’d be finished. Anyways, the reason is that I’ve heard there is a group of super geniuses that have transferred here worldwide before the zombie outbreak. They apparently can use these broken junks and create machinery out of them. Remember the large water purifier that came out recently? Yeah, that was their doing. 6 months ago, they started building it and this water purifier keeps 99% of the water, better than the ones made before which only keeps 90% of the water. With this, we can save a lot more water and get clean water. Not to mention that water purifier, the idea about the farming and chicken coop was all thought up of by them, otherwise we’d be starving and our Golden Dragon Group would not have existed.”


 Azriel, who was hiding nearby, cringed. ‘Seriously? Golden Dragon Group?’


Andy and Tony 'ooh'ed in understanding.


Group leader: “There is another school group nearby and I think their name is Savage Beast Group. They are small in number but are very strong. Back then, they would come rob us occasionally and we had to compromise and give them some food. They’ve become more and more daring nowadays.”


Tony: “Oh, I see. Then what about the other group that is hostile to us?”


Andy: “Yeah yeah. What’s up with them? We are both part of the Golden Dragon Group but why are they so hostile to us? If we had their strength, I’d bet we’d be able to drive out the Savage Beast Group.”


The group leader sighed and looked around. “When I tell you this, this better not leak out anywhere otherwise all 3 of us will be killed, you hear?”


Seeing the group leader become so serious for the first time, Andy and Tony both nodded seriously.


Group leader: “Let me tell you something before I tell you about ‘them’. Before you guys were picked up, back then there was this girl. She was pretty and Dalton picked her to be his sex slave.”


Andy interrupted. “Who is Dalton? His balls must be big to act like this under the Golden Dragon.”


The group leader glared at Andy and continued his story. 


“Anyways, Dalton AKA Golden Dragon back then had 2 harem members. With that pretty girl, it’d make 3. So during the first day, she was really reluctant. I mean super duper. After all, this is almost rape.”

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Andy and Tony’s eyes widened in disbelief. They both dropped what they were doing and screamed. 


“But that’s rape! Where’s the cops?”


Azriel, who was sitting just outside nearly smacked his head against the wall. 


Group leader chopped Andy’s head and continued his story.


“Cops are all dead. After the first day, the girl changed. I mean a humongous change. The second day, she started acting like a bitch. A big fat bitch. I mean, it’s reasonable considering the fact that she got raped but what happened next was shocking. She went back for more. Who would have guessed that a shy girl was broken to this extent by Dalton? Does he have a nine inch magnum down there? Anyways, after that week, she acted all high and haughty and would bitch about every little thing. Eventually, I heard that she went overboard and over abused her authority over something and she was stripped naked by Dalton and paraded around. That girl felt so much shame that she committed suicide with a letter next to her written in blood cursing Dalton.”


Andy and Tony trembled. They looked at each other and nodded as if agreeing on something. In a split second, their face turned back to normal as if they hadn’t even heard the story. 


Andy: “So leader, why did you tell us that story? That was pretty meaningless.”


Tony smacked Andy in the head and looked at the leader. 


“This is a warning for us right? That if we act out of line or expose some dark past, this is what will happen to us right?”


Group leader nodded. “Yes, as expected of you. Now I’ll tell you about the other group.”


In the other room, Azriel took a deep breath. ‘Finally the important parts.’


Andy, Tony, and Group leader sat down and spread a sheet. They took out some food and started eating. 


“As I’ve already said, there is another group inside our school group that vehemently opposes us. Guess who it is led by.”


Andy: “How would I know? That’s the reason why we asked you in the first place.”


Tony thought about it for a second and replied, “Is it by a female? Since I’ve been here, I’ve noticed that having sex is pretty common and I feel like that basically all the females are slaves. If there is another group opposing us, it should be a female.”


Group leader nodded. 


“Yes you are correct. That person’s name is Andrea. She is skilled in combat and I heard from rumors that she was previously a delinquent that ruled a school year before. She is really beautiful too btw. Red hair, big chest, nice ass… *Kek* *Kek* Anyways, back to the point. She named her group ‘Heavenly Demonic Dragon Group’ to go against ours. I’ve gotta say, the names are cool but super cringey. *Cough* Her group is smaller than ours but they are all elites. If our group is just made up of numbers, then her group is made up of small elites. Each person in her group can easily take on 2-3 of our best fighters. If it were just this then it would be fine as the 6 geniuses could just make some pistols.”


‘Holy shit! Pistols?! Good thing I didn’t just charge in blindly. Actually, I’m a fool for thinking they won’t be picking up pistols just because it doesn’t work against zombies’ Next door, Azriel sighed in relief.


"Armed with pistols, the Golden Dragon Group could easily overpower the Heavenly Demonic Dragon Group. However, there were 3 big issues. 

  1. The Golden Dragon Group needed the Heavenly Demonic Dragon Group’s power to deter the Savage Beast Group.
  2. They have all the medics
  3. Half of the geniuses are sided in their camp.
  4. Not much of a reason but Dalton is lusting after Andrea’s beauty.


Tony thought about it for a while and frowned. This didn’t make sense. Normally, medics are very important and you would want to win them over and same with geniuses. How did such massive loss occur?


Group leader looked at Tony and guessed what he was thinking. 


“The medics were originally sided with Dalton as they didn’t believe a girl could lead them in this apocalypse and Dalton had some sort of charisma so the medic obviously sided with Dalton. However, not long after Dalton’s reign, pregnancies occurred one after another and the women started dying. This caused the medics to be worried that there might not be enough women to make more children. The medics gave warning after warning but Dalton brushed it off with the excuse of saying that it would lower morale. Eventually, ⅕ of the population died, men and women because the women couldn’t stand it and fought back. 


This caused mass rage amongst the medics and Andrea saw this as a chance to rise. She rose so fast, shocking Dalton and before he realized it, it was too late. With the medics on her side, Dalton couldn’t do shit or else when they fall sick, there would be no one to cure them. Within the time bought by the medics, Andrea somehow trained her minions and they became fighters capable of dealing with humans and zombies.”


‘Hmm? Dealing with zombies? CQC experts? Maybe I could take this chance to infiltrate and see what's up? This makes life a lot more interesting.’


Tony cut in and asked another question. “Since they had guns, why not threaten the medics?”


“They did. And you know what the medics said? ‘Try it. We’re not afraid of death. If we die, there will be no one left to help you pitiful fools when you fall sick.’ That set them into a deadlock but it was broken soon as Dalton’s group couldn’t afford the consequences. As for the 3 geniuses that were on Andrea’s side, no one really knows what they were promised with. As time passed, eventually things became as it is right now. They eventually made an agreement.

Andrea would get 1/4 of the school ground as her base and Dalton's people would provide food for them.

Dalton would be able to use their medics and geniuses.

When the Savage Beast Group came to attack, Andrea and Dalton would work together to drive them away. ”


After this line, the group just ate in silence. Awkwardness filled the room. Andy couldn’t take it anymore and stood up. “Hey when are we going back? We finished our food and our stuff is there. Let’s just go back and chill.”


Group leader looked at his watch and nodded. “Indeed, we’ve stayed for too long. Let’s head back. Andy, Tony, go sort the parts.”


In the other room, Azriel stood up, dusted himself and started walking to their group pretending to meet by accident. 


Group leader heard footsteps and became vigilant. He pulled out a handgun and pointed it at the door. Tony saw this and hid himself behind the door while Andy just sat there organizing the parts and humming.


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