
Chapter 122: Chapter 113

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God, I'm so finished!

Not that it wasn't exciting, it was.
But not everything about it was pleasant.
While I could enjoy the food and atmosphere to a degree, the kind of attention I got was... difficult.

I wouldn't say it was generally hostile, although I noticed how some of the nobles looked at me.
I'm sure there are all kinds of factions and opinions regarding how to deal with the threat from below.
On that matter, the ones trying to take advantage of me might actually be favorable.
At least they try to butter me up to get what they want.

The hostiles, on the other side, might attack me to provoke a reaction.
So I'm quite glad that I can finally leave the premises and get back into safety below the earth.
It's weird how my perspective on this has changed.


"And Erye? Was your first ball like you imagiened it?" (F)

"The part where I'm leading a diplomatic mission for an insect species was not such a present factor in my dreams. That slightly changed the experience. But I guess it went fine. I mean who else can say they danced with the king?" (E)

<Mother, you were far too exposed. I'm not sure if I could have eradicated all the entities you interacted with in time. This was far too reckless!> (M)


As always, the pheromones tell me how upset Miru truly is.
In one word, extremely!

I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have found issues with decapitating the king in front of the whole court if she deemed it necessary.
And I vividly felt the whole dance just how close she was to mutilating this other guy.
Yep, it was a tense atmosphere.
And Kyska wasn't much better.
She always emanates her discontent with me if she thinks that I'm doing wrong.
So I was also very aware that she thought I shouldn't be so exposed to humans and behave like a princess.


"Do you have anything to add, Honiu?" (E)

<Nothing of importance. The human customs are bizarre to me, but the reverse has likewise to be the case for them. However, I do believe that you were too accommodating to them. You're showing weakness and are giving in when it isn't necessary. We have the position of strength here. It's them who are threatened in their existence, not us. So we can declare our demands and see if they accept. There's no need to play along with their games. Truly, this event was a nightmare. Yet I had to move along with your given direction to show unity.> (H)


That's kinda what is to be expected from a shut-in.
I should've been more aware that she wouldn't like such an event.

However, since she didn't call an all-out attack to get out of this situation it's not so concerning now.


<And the worst part is that now I'm due for an irregular laying! This is going to mess up my intervals and might be detrimental to their development. And considering the general situation, it won't settle anytime soon.> (H)

<Scruh, scria!/Sigh, this means overtime for me.> (F)

<Uh, I'm sorry. But I mean, it was to be expected that this was going to become a bit more exciting.> (E)


Maybe that was a mistake.
Honiu doesn't seem to take the downplaying of her situation too well.


<Don't start with this. You're not the slightest bit better off than I am!> (H)

<What do you mean?> (E)

<Naturally I paid attention to you. Not only were you tense the whole time, but you also moved in those odd erratic patterns. You were basically in battle mode. So as tense as I was, your body will react much more violently as soon as it registers that the threat is gone.> (H)


... Shit.

Yep, I remember something along the lines of that this tension is thought to prevent a princess from having a session in a dangerous situation when she cannot afford it.
And if I'm honest with myself, the dancing wasn't too far away from this.
I felt tense, afraid to make mistakes, and every moment the party might turn into a bloodbath.
So it was truly a dangerous situation. And now comes the payoff.

I could ignore the tension but now my stomach slowly starts to cramp up.


"My princess, you certainly will require our attendance now." (K)


Yes, yes, I know.
Just more of the same.

Fortunately, I can reach my quarters in time before it gets really bad.

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Okay, forget that, it's bad.

God, I feel like I'm dying!
Well, maybe not directly, but it's bad enough!

The last time I felt so bad was with my royal guard.
And those eggs were considerably bigger.
But now it's more like they're bursting out of me as if I'd have a severe case of diarrhea that got me at an all-time low.
And it might have just triggered the actual thing.
And yes, I'm aware that the respective drones can never know how I was just referring to the moment they came into existence.

But I feel horrible!!!

However, like all bad things, this as well comes to an end.
And unsurprisingly, I dive into sleep directly afterwards.
I probably won't lay any eggs in my sleep, as I've just spilled all I could possibly have had in me.
But I hope that this won't be bad for my brood and they'll still be healthy.

The next morning dawns and I feel like I have a hangover.
If the part throbbing would be my hip and ovipositor.
Afflicted like this it takes a while till I can manage to stand up.


"Ah, do you feel well, my princess? We had to clean you a bit more during your sleep, due to last interval's event. I hope this didn't disturb your rest." (K)


I honestly slept like a log, but since my mood is gone I utter something unintelligible.


"You seem to require some rest, my princess. If it's like this I'll notify a messenger that you're indisposed to attend any further meetings with humans." (K)


I deeply worry that she didn't restrict this to today.


"Sorry Kyska, but this has to happen. I simply have to show up. It's important that I'm leading those negotiations." (E)

"More important than your own brood?!" (K)

"Kyska, we had this discussion several times now. I want to negotiate a peace treaty. This won't only save my brood but will assure their safety in the long run. Also, it might be the first step towards setting up my own hive. And I don't intend to produce unhealthy brood." (E)


I believe this is good enough for me to pursue.


"I know you well enough to know you will stay stubborn on this" (K)


Well, as long as I win I don't care how she's calling it.

After my escort has formed I go on my way back to the palace.
But while I'm going I’ll first visit Honiu's quarters to check on her.
If my session was any indicator it's warranted to do so.

At least I find mum.
And she looks pretty tired.


<Skreoh, scric, scroh!/Oh, Erys. Sorry, I can't accompany you. I had a tough night and need some rest. Honiu isn't any better. Seems like you have to go there on your own.> (F)


Can't really tell her anything else.
It was hard yesterday and she deserves a rest.

Now it's time for round two of the human-Formicea negotiations.


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