
Chapter 123: Chapter 114

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- Farrah -


So, for several days now my daughter has been leading interspecies negotiations.
Honestly, that came unexpectedly.

I'd like to support her, but I'm stuck with Honiu below in the underground base.
The princess in question entrenched herself in here after the first day and didn't show any intention of coming back out.
I guess the excitement of the welcome party was simply a bit too much for her and now she's sprinting into the other extreme.

Yet this state of affairs shouldn't continue.
She has already made such great progress, so letting her fall back into old habits won't do.
Erys has Kyska and Miru at her side, so she won't need my help.
Instead, I'm going to hang out with my grumpy ward.


"Plop, plop"


Oh, and did I mention that I constantly have to deal with her laying?
Well, it might be a reason to be in awe, considering that every day so many lives are passing through my hands but after the thousandth, it starts losing its novelty and one begins to be a bit more businesslike about it.

After she finished the deed and I made sure that the eggs were brought to the improvised nursery I have to clean her.
As far as I understand it, Honiu isn't directly sweating from it, which would be understandable since it seems to be quite taxing.
Instead, some kind of pheromone mash and other insect liquids leak.
Well, now that she's at my mercy during cleaning it might be the best moment to start pestering her.


<So Honiu, what are your plans for today?> (F)

<My plans? I intended to rest for the remainder of the interval till it's time for my next laying> (H)


I feared as much.


<No, no. That won't do. Look, we are here in the maybe greatest human settlement in the world. Do you really want to spend your whole time here being cooped up below the earth?> (F)


To be honest, I always wanted to visit the capital.
There might be other fascinating places, but I'm a bit too realistic to think about making a trip to the capital of Koreso, or venturing out to see that artificial garden of that desert nation in the south.
Even though I heard so much about these.


<You seriously want me to leave the safety of this base and expose me to the threats of the surface? Once more you're showing how unbecoming you are for a personal nurse.> (H)


Fine, I'll admit there might be a slight difference to Kyska.
But that's just that.

In my opinion, Honiu needs a guiding hand to become more independent and active and no babysitter.


<Look, Erys is regularly up there and nothing happened yet. They obviously don't want anything to happen to us. And I'm not saying we'd go unprepared. You can surely bring an escort with you.> (F)

<You might not have noticed, but it's utterly revolting to me to rely on Uma's brood and those I brought aren't nearly enough.> (H)

<Well, if something happens it would be on them.> (F)

<...That's a convincing argument.> (H)


Sigh, one just has to know how to handle her.


<And actually I wanted to visit this human settlement.> (H)


If you say so.


<You did?> (F)

<I know what you're thinking, but I find this place to be quite fascinating. If not for the risk that comes with leaving my realm it might pose a good temporary distraction.> (H)


Well, her chronic boredom might be a thing.
She just needed some days to brood in it.
Pun intended.


<Great! Then I'll schedule something.> (F)

<That won't be necessary.> (H)

<Huh? What do you mean?> (F)

<I mean my laying just finished, which means that I have time.  So there's no reason for a delay.> (H)


This princess really has a foible for extremes.
For days she wouldn't leave her quarters and now she can't wait for even one more second.


<Well, who am I to question my princess?> (F)


I know that I started addressing her like this some time ago.
It's not entirely wrong since she is the princess I'm assigned to, but I'm also aware that it's weird how I gave in to using this title.
However, my reasoning is quite simple.
She's always extremely delighted whenever I refer to her like that.
Enough to overlook almost every little misconduct of mine.
And this made this job quite a bit more enjoyable.
I can treat her the way I want and she simply takes it.


<This coming from you. I almost believe you're messing with me.> (H)


Well, she says so but as I just said she's not really angry.
Rather, she got accustomed to my snarky comments by now and even retorts sometimes.


<Then we should go now or we won't arrive before your next laying session.> (F)

<Sure. But one more thing. Escort!!!> (H)


She emits this assembly signal and in mere seconds hundreds of workers, messengers, and guardians assemble.


<Now we can leave.> (H)


Yep, this army certainly won't be an issue while traversing the overworld.
First, we go to the palace.
While Honiu would like to forego this step I want to inform them first about our planned excursion.
They should at least have the chance to prepare.

So it comes about that we're giving those poor guards at the entrance quite the scare.
The upside is that someone immediately goes to inform our assigned tour guide.
It doesn't take long till the person in question arrives.
As anticipated, he seems to see some issues with the army we're leading into the palace courtyard.
Since it was my idea I'll do the initial talking and step forward.


"Ah, Miss..." (A)

"Farrah. Wee didn't have a chance to talk yEt. I'm thee personal nurse of PriencEss Honiu. I'm rEsponsible for handling her affairs." (F)


Might be better if I don't point out to them that I'm Erys' mother.
That would spell trouble.
And I didn't forget how that man screwed us over.


"Oh, well... You are... I mean, I wanted to ask what's the meaning of... Ahem, the cause of your visit." (A)

"Princess Honiu iez bored to say thee least. Wee wanted to visit the citye to help her so shee can have a nice time." (F)

"You want to walk through the city with... all of them?" (A)


Now if he says it like this it might be a recipe for disaster.


"You seee, a princEss is always reequired to have an Escort of their own for protection. Princess Erys has her eliete soldiers, but those are heers. Honiu brings her own." (F)

"Urgh, that will be difficult to arrange. I'll see if I can schedule a safe path for you to traverse. We'll have to move the traffic and inform the population." (A)

"That won't be necessary." (H)


Oh no.
Whenever she says something like this it means she has a plan of her own.
And this usually means that she's either going to brute force her agenda or has simply completely foreign ideas.
Either way, it spells more trouble than I thought we already have.


"Ahem, Princess Honiu, it seems you have other intentions?" (A)


At least this man still tries to be formally polite.


"I wish to see specific facilities of this settlement and only those. Traversing your most basic established paths isn't required for this since we have our own. I only need you to mark the location and we can emerge there." (H)

"Oh, yes. More tunnels..." (A)

You are reading story Formicea at


I can understand that he isn't thrilled but it's not like they couldn't open the tunnels anyway.
Or rather, the complete underground below Valera is already a vast expanse of an insect base.
Now fretting about another opening up won't change much.


"Well, there are alreeady so many. What'z one more? And isn't this preferable to thee commotion you would have wieth a parade through thee inner city? And if anythieng we can always fill iet again." (F)

"Which would be quite a waste of effort." (H)

"Just... this won't compromise the structural integrity of the city, right?" (A)

"Naturally not! Our structures are more than stable! Just claiming such a thing is bordering an offense." (H)

"Sorry. Since I doubt I can talk you out of this endeavor I'd like to know the places you want to visit. Maybe the harbor? The great lighthouse of Valera is one of our greatest constructions. Then the Grand Market, filled with wondrous artifacts from all over the world. I'm sure you'll find something of interest there." (A)


This sounds truly intriguing.
Given that this is a unique chance it might be very enjoyable to visit such places.


"None of those. I already decided on the first destination. Or rather will, once I know where it's located." (H)


Once again she's acting rogue.
It sounds like she's thinking to gain something from this trip.
So maybe a library, or the military training grounds?


"And what would that be?" (A)

"Simple. I wish to see where humans tend to their brood." (H)

"You mean... a school?" (A)

"A school?" (H)

"Oh, well, yeah. Our country is quite proud of the royal academy." (A)


Right. I've heard as well about this concept.


"I thienk it's a place where childrEn of nobles and rich familiees attend to learn about various topics but espEcially about leading people. Though, that doesn't concern thee lower ranks." (F)

"This isn't precisely what I intended to see." (H)

"I'm sorry, but I don't think a visit will be possible in the first place. Only the elite of the country attends there and I cannot see the nobles agreeing to such a thing. Already asking for permission might become a political nightmare." (A)

"As I said, this isn't what I had in mind. Rather I want to see the human equivalent of a nursery. Since the nursery is my domain it only makes sense that I inform myself about other concepts." (H)

"A... nursery?" (A)


Oh god, this princess.


"I reeally wish you would've told me earlier. You seee, humans don't have somethieng like a nursery. Instead, thee parents tend to their respEctive children." (F)


Shouldn't she know this? At least it shouldn't be a secret in the swarm regarding our family.


"Yes, exactly. I wouldn't know how to grant your request. I can't show you something that doesn't exist." (A)

"Can this truly be the case? Two units always tending to individual offspring? How oddly inefficient. I can barely believe this. How would they stay functional over longer periods?" (H)


That's what so many parents ask themselves.


"Ehk, usually thee parents share the task. One looks after thee kids while the other works to make a livieng." (F)

"What a foreign concept. And for how long?" (H)

"WEll, when they beecome older they get gradually more indeependent. At fourteeen they're considered adults, and at the latest at eighteeen they'll be fully indepEndent." (F)

"Eighteen what?" (H)


I should answer this in her terms.


"Cycles." (F)

"Cycles!?!" (H)

"Yes. Humanz live longer. So theey need more time to beecome adults." (F)

"Ahem, if this is all, may I leave?" (A)

"No, I have further questions. How does human brood receive their roles? I noticed that they all share the same physique, but there are different roles. How does that work?" (H)

"Usually, the parentz teach what they know about their profEssion to the next generation." (F)

"And what happens if those 'parents' are unable to attend to their brood? Maybe due to an accident? If they have to tend to their brood for such a long time this should be an issue." (H)


Wow, that got quite dark.


"Usuallye they might ask their ExtEnded family. Those who have tiees to their group." (F)

"And if there are none?" (H)


Honiu is quite relentless about this.
Is she maybe searching for something?


"Then... Ehk, then..." (F)

"If there is no one else then they're on their own. They either survive on the street or simply don't. Happens all the time." (A)

"You're letting your brood die?! Your future? What a terribly inefficient system." (H)


Now I have to think what would've been Toris' fate if the soldiers would've got us back then.
He'd be orphaned at such a young age.
Wait orphans?!


"Waieet!! What about an orphanage? Isn't theere one? EspEcially with the war going on?" (F)


I'm sure there are many who have to deal with the sudden death of family members.
Especially in families of soldiers.


"Well, yes. There are some provisional ones for the orphans of war. His majesty wanted to gather them before they might disturb civil life." (A)


God, those poor children.
It doesn't sound like they're getting treated well at those places.


"Perfect! I wish to see how your kind is handling such a task. This promises to be very enlightening." (H)

"Ehm, I'm not sure if such a place would be fitting. They are..." (A)

"I want to visit one!" (H)


She's already totally into it.
There's no way to keep her contained.


"Then at least grant me a bit of time to prepare." (A)

"As you wish. But I'll send a messenger with you. As soon as you arrive at the location show him where the exit is permitted to be located. It will then produce a signal for the workers to dig in that direction. I'll arrive through this passage." (H)

"Right. Then please stay ready. I'll do as you've said as soon as possible." (A)

"As you wish. But not for too long. I'm very interested in this experience." (H)


Sigh, and I just wanted to see the town.
Maybe I should next time think a little bit closer about calling Honiu to action.


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