
Chương 132: Chapter 123

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- Erys -


I guess I don't need to mention how hopelessly out of it I currently am.
And that while I'm supposed to continue the negotiation with the Tarsonian leadership.
With someone who trades children!
It probably won't be a good idea to dwell on this today.
However, I can't help but be slightly agitated about this thought.
The issue is that my royal guard feels this and has this problematic trait of reacting to my emotional state.
Let's say it like this, walking with a hundred agitated elite soldiers through the palace isn't making things calmer.


"Please, Miru. Can't you make them ease up a little? That last servant almost fainted when that squad rushed her." (E)

"You are, troubled, princess." (M)

"Well, I can't help it, but that doesn't mean I want you to freak out the same. Just be a bit less intense, please." (E)

"My princess, it's important to maintain the security measures. This is a dangerous environment." (Kyska)


Personally, I don't think so.
We’ve already been going in and out for several days here and nobody was even close to trying something.


"I'd rather you be more lenient. Then they won't become hostile and everything stays peaceful. Also, it's better to stay composed and deal with everything in a collected way." (E)

"If this, is, your wish, my princess." (M)


At least, it's not difficult to discuss things with them.
They're very open to everything I say.


So I'm moving through the corridors of the castle, till I walk around another corner and see someone I didn't expect.


"Temia!?" (E)

"You still have a foible for an excessive entourage, don't you?" (T)

"What are you doing here?!" (E)

"As thee only Formieceea expert,  a title which apparrEntly only requires to staye in your hive for a week, thEy called me as soon as thEy weere sure you'd come. The preeparations took me a little, but now I'm heere." (T)

"Your voice..." (E)

"Rieght, I took thies potion. My throat is still raspy as hEll. But for thee sake of the country and all thies shit!" (T)


Is it okay for her to speak like this, here of all places?
She doesn't seem to be too pleased at the moment.


"Ehk, I get it, you don't want to talk." (E)

"GrEeat that you notice. So Excuse mee, but I have an assiegnment." (T)


Fine, don't mind me.
Just thought we might talk at our first meeting after months.

Instead of voicing out my irritation, which doesn't matter as I realize that she probably simply smells it, I nod and am on my way.
My destination is like always a rather large council room.
It's still much smaller than the throne hall but has enough space for several people.
And god, did I meet many people recently.
Mostly nobles, which isn't making it any easier to calm down.
However, today I'm already a bit loaded because of a certain child trading incident, so I have no capacities to pay them any attention.


"Ah, Princess Erys. What a pleasant surprise that we meet each other on the way. I see your security is as sophisticated as ever." (G)


Oh no, not that guy again.
I don't even want to reminisce about my past interactions with this man.
Apparently, he's a permanent member of the council and his word holds some weight, but that won't stop me from personally disliking him.

The worst right now is that he apparently bathed in some extraordinarily strong perfume.
This stuff is so obtrusive it distresses my guard. It also makes it harder to exchange with pheromones.
At least I can't understand my guards' commands that well.
So I'd rather gain some distance from him.


"Yes... Sure. I was actually a bit in a hurry." (E)

"That's not a problem. I'm sure I'll be able to keep up with your pace and we both have the same destination." (G)


Damnit, get the hint!
However, I have to keep Miru from forcefully dislodging him from my side.


"I have to say the 'emergence', as some call your kind's appearance in our world, was quite a shock for many. Never would I have believed that giant insect creatures would suddenly propose to become our friends. And if I think about all the things that might've gone wrong I become almost nauseous." (G)

"I'm as well glad that things worked out as they did." (E)

"Yes, I need to say we were especially lucky. Alone, the status of a princess basically warrants a purge if said entity would be harmed. I can barely believe how close we were to such an event." (G)


Is he trying to say that I took too many risks?
I'm now getting kinda irritated.


"But it's gonna be worth it if we can now achieve lasting relationships on good terms, right?" (E)

"Naturally. It would be terrible if all those risks wouldn't bear results. If we win this war that is. Otherwise, you'd have only helped the loser and the winner decides on what is right." (G)


With those words, he smiles in a very likely fake way at me and then turns away till we arrive.

I move through the door after a squad of ten of my guards secured the room for me while the rest waits in the hallway.
Or rather they completely block it off.

In there, everyone is already waiting.
At this point, everyone is used to the, in my opinion, far too excessive security procedures I have to maintain to be allowed to attend here.
By now I've grown somewhat used to this.

I have a designated seat, back-free naturally.
I guess it's somewhat of a place of honor.
While I still feel somewhat uncomfortable with such an official event it got better.
Ironically, it helps that I have a squad of my royal guard behind me while talking.
For the others, it would be too cramped.
Yet having those super strong fighters behind me, ready to do my bidding, reminds me that I'm someone who's kinda important and not completely out of place here.
Also, by now they’ve banned everyone who couldn't stay polite during the former talks.

The king is naturally still present.
After all, these negotiations can mean quite much to his nation.


"I'd like to open this round. Last time we discussed several areas of questionable ownership, between what one could call our respective borders, and tried to get started on the things we'd like to trade. I'm especially grateful for the promised food deliveries. Those will make a difference for the hungry populace. And let's not forget the ore deliveries. I'll be honest, the war didn't look too great in the long run, but with your support, we can certainly put something up against the enemy's advantage in numbers. Quality over quantity makes a difference." (K)


Not one word about sold children?
But it's not like my side didn't partake in this deal.
Even if it's Honiu, I'm responsible for her actions.
Or rather the Formicea as a whole will be held responsible.
So I'd rather keep my mouth shut before I sabotage the negotiations.


"Ehk, I'd like to make another offer." (E)

"Another? That's very generous from your side." (K)

"Ehk, I hope it's a good one. You may have heard about our nurses. They have a particularly interesting ability." (E)

"Please, don't leave us hanging here." (G)

"Yes, It's that they can produce a certain liquid. Usually it's used to clean the bodies of other drones. They often perform menial tasks in the swarm." (E)

"Are you seriously offering cleaning services in the current situation?!" (noble)


Huh, if I remember right, that guy was an important member of a hardliner faction.
Quite apprehensive but not openly hostile.


"Deltas, don't shut our esteemed guest down. I'm sure she was trying to get somewhere with this explanation." (G)


The other man, apparently Deltas, instantly quiets down.


"Yes, what I was trying to say was that it also has another ability. Applied on a wound it stops the bleeding and prevents blood poisoning. While I'm aware that you have healers I'm sure those have their limits. So I'd like to offer their services. Under the condition that they won't be deployed too close to the front. They aren't fighters and as we said we don't wish to actively partake in this war." (E)

"This is very generous from your side. You'd simply offer such an effort? Is there anything you want in return?" (K)

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My hidden agenda here is that I'd like to curry some favorability.
People should be less inclined to be hostile if they were treated by a nurse.
And especially soldiers are a group I want to be on good terms with.
Yet I should also pursue my other goals.


"We didn't talk about the Galanas yet. My people hold a secured food supply in high regard, but our mycelium fields warrant certain conditions. One is a significant supply of water. So it would be great if you would allow us to tap a part of the river. This would also require some facilities on the surface, so we'd like to claim some smaller pastures. Naturally, this isn't only for the nurses. Rather it's part of our agreement regarding food deliveries. Naturally, we need to produce more if we're going to give a part of it away." (E)

"My king, you can't seriously be considering relinquishing our land. Then we could directly give it to the Koresos!" (Deltas)

"Quiet, Deltas! Princess Erys, while I understand your point you need to admit that you demand much from us." (K)

"We don't want the whole river. Only enough for our fields. I'd suggest an area close to the sea, so you can have almost all the advantages it offers. We'd just establish a structure to drain the water. For the land, you're not required to formally give up on it. Rather we would simply farm it. A similar relationship as with peasants. Naturally, we'd also appreciate a standing position on the surface if there's any land you could part with that has no value but this might be part of a later deal." (E)


In the long run, it would be nice to have a surface base.
Just enough to give people a place they could interact with us without having to enter dark and gloomy tunnels.


"To be honest, this will require some convincing of the involved parties but I'm sure we can arrange this. You already offer sufficient compensation." (K)

"I'm glad we could come to an agreement." (E)

"Good that we could make some progress today. Has anyone else something he wants to add." (K)

"Actually, I wanted to talk about certain aspects of the last round, respectively about granting usage rights of the underground system below Tarsona?" (G)

"What exactly was open about this?" (K)

"As I understood it, even frequently traveled passages would always stay under the jurisdiction of your side." (G)

"Is there any problem with that?" (E)


He's not going to tell me they want to control our territory, right?


"Well, I thought about a troubling aspect to this offer." (G)


Not sure if I like where this is going.


"What do you mean?" (E)

"As it is, those tunnels would offer the perfect opportunity to use them for military purposes. Not only to transport provisions to the front. Also, to send orders or reports. And not to forget to secretly dispatch troops. All of this while they undoubtedly belong to you. You understand what I'm trying to say?" (G)


I thought about the usage for civil matters, like trade and maybe also to allow refugees to safely escape from their pursuers.
Which probably would already influence this conflict.


"That you'd plan to use the tunnels like this?" (E)

"Oh, they would certainly be used in this way. With or without consent. It only needs one stray noble to lead his troops into the enemy's back when the situation becomes dire. Also, if you'd deny the transport of goods, not only weapons but also provisions for the front, your offer becomes far less valuable. Not much would remain on that list, don't you think so as well?" (G)


If I think about this, he's right.
If I deny the transport of food there would barely be any point to this.
Weapons might be a thing but I doubt the workers' abilities to perform good controls, and soldiers might not be easy to distinguish if they're looking like civilians.
I'd either have to severely restrict the access or allow it.


"Your point?" (E)

"Well, it's only a question of time till Koreso becomes aware of these tunnels and naturally of you and your... people. If that time comes I doubt they will care or even believe that this support was not intended to interfere with this war. In fact, they will probably assume that you took our side. This and the fact that some of your soldiers joined our forces shortly ago won't be appreciated, to say it mildly." (G)


Shit, he's well-informed and has a point.
Most of my plans can be interpreted as forming an alliance from an outer perspective.


"What is this about soldiers?" (D)

"Ahem, yes, it is true that we were able to obtain a small troop from them to reinforce our troops. Yet they were sufficiently compensated." (K)

"Compensated? How?" (D)

"Children. We agreed to send them the residents of a local orphanage." (G)

"You did what!? The-these monsters will eat them!" (D)

"Nothing of this sort is going to happen." (E)


Well, I shouldn't mention Honiu's mutation experiments.


"Deltas, this isn't the time for unfounded accusations." (G)

"How can we know? They are outside of our reach now!" (D)


Are we really going to talk about this?


"Well, to put it mildly: How could you sell little children to Honiu? They were forced there and terrified! Do you have any idea how this princess can be?!" (E)

"Were they harmed?" (K)

"N-no. They're still healthy. She's... invested in their wellbeing." (E)

"The truth is, it was convenient. We are short of everything. Not only food, we also lack manpower since most able men were conscripted, and each day the number of refugees increases. It was no easy decision, but it's solely on me if you want to blame someone. However, I hope you have a good reason for bringing this up, Gioras." (K)


The man in question seems completely unfazed by the implications.


"I have. My point is we already receive plenty of support from their side and now we learn that they're willing to give us their soldiers. Since it came so far we could just drop the excuse of not getting involved and agree that they might just send us their troops. If it's necessary we give them all the refugees they want. What matters more is the nation as a whole." (G)

"No. I'm sorry, but we can't offer troops on a larger scale. Honiu acted rogue when she made this deal but it's not our official position." (E)

"If you'd just stop insisting on this pseudo-neutral stance and just send your troops this war might be over in a week, maybe two. Their armies would be overrun without any chance and our forces could directly march to their capital and take Koresa without greater struggle. All the lives that could be saved through one decisive strike! If it would just end a bit sooner!" (G)


I get it, I really do, but whenever I think about accepting, the queen's words come to my mind.
How she spoke full of fervor that she won't sacrifice her children.
And I don't want to be worse than her in this regard.
It can only end badly to allow this.


"Sorry... No." (E)

"But..." (G)

"Gioras, she made her point clear. We can't expect more from them than they want to share after they’ve already shown so much goodwill." (K)


It's nice to have some support.
Though it might be a tactic to make me feel more favorable toward the king.
This Gioras guy is now rather upset but stays silent.


"Fine, I guess this concludes today's negotiations. We'll use the time to calm down and tomorrow meet up under better terms." (K)


Sigh, I'm not sure if it works that way.


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