Frostborn: The Journey of an Immortal

Chapter 1: Chapter One: The Batle of The East

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“NO!” shouted Sova as he saw blood dripping from the chest of Yonna, an arrow piercing through her armour, the armour that her father gave her in his last breath, the armour she cared so much about, that she would die for it, she died with it. “why?” Sova asked, crying. “WHY? WHY ODIN WHY?!?!” he said, not getting over the fact that she was gone. He was in pain, he was afraid of what was going to happen to him now, that, the person he cared most about, the person who taught him the arts of potion-making, the person that literally grew him up, made him into what he is, was gone forever. He felt empty. But the void of emptiness soon vanished, as the anger replaced fear, warth replaced the pain, he looked forward to see who's arrow responsible for his sorrow. His eyes having blood lust, his hands trembling, he saw the entire battlefield in front of his bloody eyes, he used all the power he had to lift his axe and charged towards the rows of enemies that were ahead of him, killing anything and everything that came in the way, blood everywhere, answer nowhere. 

“AHH!” Sova shouted as he felt a very strong bolt of pain zipping across his spine, then felt nothing at all. He collapsed. He tried moving his neck, but it was useless. He has been shot in the back, failing his body. He tried to move his lips, but they didn't stride. He understood that it was it, his time has come. “I will reunite with Yonna” he thought to himself. As he was thinking, an unexpected bolt of rainbow coloured lighting struck him, he was sucked into the lighting, he understood it was a portal bridge.

He woke up in a quiet comfortable toom, there were many figures around him, but he couldn't tell one from the other. Judging from the shade if the room, it was still night, but he didn't know if it was the same night or not. He was lying on a bed. He tried moving his hands, but they were restrained. “Hello?” he asked, louder then he wanted to. “There is no one here.” said a voice, very deep and solemn, “you would not be bothered here.” said the voice again. Sova tried to search for the origin of the voice. He turned his neck towards the right side of the room, it was pitch black at that corner of the room. there he saw a great black figure, holding something that looked like a cauldron. He knew it was the man who saved him. “Why? Why did you save me?” said Sova. “ What do you want from me?” he asked. The great black figure moved into some light to reveal that he was holding brewing alchemy, Sova knew how hard it was to use this device, Yonna taught him... “No...” he murmured as he remembered what had happened. “I don't want anything from you.” said the man, interrupting his thoughts. “I will go away from here once I give you the potions. I mean no harm.” said the voice, still hiding its face in the darkness. “ I don't need your help. Free me at once, let me go. I have the battle to fight.” “The East?” the dark figure interpreted. “Yes,” Sova replied firmly. “All of the people at the East are dead.” the man told Sova in a cold, monotonous voice. “that can't be true! We were a lot more than the Draugers!” “Is that what you call them?” the man interpreted again. “yes,” Sova said. “They are the servant of Hel herself, they came from the Rift.” Sova told the man. “ Everyone who fought in the battle was dead, the city was overrun with the dead, what did you call them? Drauger am I right?” “yes.” said Sova. The man continued “ The king was killed, the kingdom fell. Gorm the undying took over the city and everyone there was butchered like sheep.  

“What happened to the almighty Balder?” asked Sova. “We don't know.” said the great voice. “He escaped towards his hill, that's when we last time saw him.” said the great voice. “That is impossible! Almighty Blader can never retrieve!” said Sova. “What he did was wise.” said the man. “My name is Birger.” said the great voice, loosening Sova's restraints. “Sova.” said Sova. Birger poured the potion he was brewing into a glass made up of Orichalcum. Sova knew the anti-caster properties of Orichalcum and he knew how rare these ores were. But he didn't cast his doubts. Partly because he didn't want to, partly because he knew that would alert the man. “Drink.” said the man and thrust the cup into the hands of Sova. “Birger" Said the man. “Sova," said Sova as he took a sip and felt the world around him spinning. “What is happening?” he asked the man. “You are being relieved of your pain, my child.” said the man. “What was the potion made out of?” asked Sova, sweating. “Blood mushrooms.” replied the man. “Ho- Wh-” Sova was trying to speak, but he was running out of breath. “This was for your own good.” the old man said. Sova collapsed in the bed again, unconscious, not breathing, “Yonna, I am coming my master.” he thought in his final moments. Just before his final breath, he saw a crow sitting high above at a window. 

“Pity. I thought it would be completely painless.” said the old man. He poured what was remaining of the blood mushroom potion into a second orichalcum glass. “Hopefully this will be painless for me.” he thought to himself and drank the whole fluid in one go. “May Odin bless all those who are alive, and I thank him for that I won't suffer anymore, neither will Sova.” said the man, looking at the cold corpse of Sova and collapsed, just like Sova. They both were dead now.

 A crow, well-above both of them was watching the unfolding events and flew as he heard some unknown heavy footsteps approaching. The bird flew for a few miles, it saw great flames rising from the distant East and saw black smoke touching the Heavens above. It kept flying into the night, and before it knew it was daytime. There was a great town visible on the horizon, and great walls were blocking the pathway towards it. A man was sitting on a great black watchtower just outside the district gates, eagerly waiting for the black crow. “Bishirm!” He cried out loud to call the crow and the crow obediently followed the voice of his master and landed on one of the arms of the man. The crow told everything that he had seen in the villages. The man, upon hearing the news got panicked and claimed downstairs, mounted his horse and commanded the horse to run. They kept running until they reached the centre of the town, where there was a great dome structure. 

“Elder!” Cried the man on the horse. He was blocked by two guards wearing very heavy steel armour. “What businesses do you have with thy guardian?” asked the first guard. “I have some urgent news for him, let me in please.” begged the man. “No! We have commands that none shall pass through these gates unless they have been beckoned!” exclaimed the second guard.

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“What is all this disturbance about?” came a voice, from inside the dome. An elderly man with a very long white beard was coming out through the stairways. His beared, voice and way of conversing was enough to show the knowledge he possessed and the wisdom he spread. “Thy holiness!” exclaimed the two guards and sat down on their knees to pay respects. The man followed them. “I have grave news for you my lord.” said the man. “I am not worthy enough of all the respects that you all give me. The Almighty Creator is the only worthy being of the kind of respect you are giving me.” said the elder to all three. “Marid, proceed. What's the news?” asked the elder. Marid replied “Elder the wise, my crow just came back from the shores of Valheim. The East, West and North districts have fallen and Yonna, Bon and Gunn all are dead along with there apprentice. The King of the east was the last one standing. All the people possessing the royal blood were killed, only Balder is remaining. He evacuated to his cliffs where no one can kill him and has been hiding there since. Gorm has set a curse on all three districts using, or rather, misusing the power that God gave him.” 

“Hmmm...” said the Elder, clutching on his long cane made up of fine oak. “These are dark times. We don't know who we can trust and who can't be trusted. We will have to take some dangerous steps to overcome this hurdle. We will have to walk in the darkness to prevent the darkness from coming to us.

We will have to face our worst fears and make them our best allies. Fear brings out the worst in everyone, but it also brings new opportunities. We will have to do it.” 

“Your majesty, you are not talking about doing... It right?” asked Marid. “We are but left with no options, my dear boy. We will have to release, we will have to.” said the Elder. “As you will your honour,” said Marid. 

Elder nodded and walked in a rather jogging pace towards the central hall of the dome. There was a huge circle table in the centre and around it were some 20-22 people discussing something. As the Elder approached the centre, everyone stood and bowed in respect. “At ease, said the Elder. “We will have to release the immortal for our help. All of our neighbouring districts have fallen and Yonna, Bon and Gunn have become part of the elements. All the royal blood has been eliminated and an attack is coming towards us, and we need to be ready.” a short elf-like elder stood up and said “But what if—”

 “No, we have to. We have no choices, I don't want to lose this kingdom in the name of Odin.” Interuptted The Elder before the man spoke. “Which Odin are you praising? The one who abandoned us in the times of need?” asked a man, without standing. “I am sure there must have been a reason, a motive, for his disappearance. He must be taking our test.”Replied the Elder “Our test?! We are dying, what kind of sick joke is this?!” asked the same man, this time standing. “He cares fir us.” said the Elder. “Oh, I don't think so. If he didn't run away, then surely he is dead, the almighty wasn't so strong after all.” 

“WHO DARED TO SAY ALMIGHTY ODIN IS A COWARD?” came a voice from the stairs leading towards the dome. A Gaint hammer with brilliant silver colour came smashing through the doors like a bolt of lightning and landed in front of the man with tremendous force, knocking him off on the ground. “Mjolnir! Come back to me!” order the son of the Odin himself, The great God of thunder, Thor was here. “The almighty, my father, the ruler and guardian of Asguard is still living and is making a plan for us, for all of us, for our better future, call it blind hope or naive wisdom. But he will come back and save us.” Thor moved toward the Elder and kneeled “Greeting the Elder. He  said. “Live long the son of Almighty.” said the Elder. “We will have to take the help of immortals in this battle.” Thor looks up directly in the eyes of the Elder, he realises what he just did and put his head down. “We shall do as your will,” said Thor. “Good. Free the Immortals, one at a time and send them to the district. I will brief and evaluate each of them myself.” “As you say,” said the person sitting in the middle. “Guards, go to the valleys of the Eternals and fetch the Vikings cursed with immortality at once!” The guards rushed out of the building to get the immortals. The battle of the East was over; the battle of eternity was about to be changed... 

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