Frostborn: The Journey of an Immortal

Chapter 2: Chapter Two: The Labyrinth Caging Eternity

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During the great war of decent, it is said that the forbidden magic Trolldom was cast by the greatest mage of each nine races, including the race of immortals, to create Sisyphus's chamber, the labyrinth caging the immortals. The labyrinth is located at the far southern end of the greater kingdom, where the shores freeze and the sun never rises. Sisyphus's chamber consists of seven chambers, each bearing a curse stronger than the preceding one. Udødelig, the founder of the race of the immortals and the last remaining Risar is rumoured to be in the seventh chamber. 

“Halt!" Commanded Fryy as the 6th battalion of Asjbørn's army reached the gates of the southern end. “We have one task, to capture the immortal when they are on the brink of death. We are not allowed to let them die otherwise they will be reincarnated back at the labyrinth! We cannot let that happen! The curse of Sisyphus cannot be broken unless we reach the Town Square. Keep in mind; that these are immortals. If they wish a single one of them is enough to end our race. Yes, they might not be as powerful as us, but they have infinite reincarnation. No matter how many times you pierce their heart or decapitate their heads, they will come back again." The commander unmounted his horse and started walking towards the end of the south with his battalion. 

The commander of the sixth battalion was supposed to meet the great caster of south Anjir, who is capable enough to break the first four barriers of the labyrinth with his force. Anjir, along with Bon, Gunn, and Yonna was the disciple of Odin himself. Bon, the master of axes was the foreseer of the west, Gunn, wielder of sword and master blacksmith, was the foreseer of the north, Yonna, wielder of the bow and master potion maker, was the foreseer of the east, and Anjir, last of the foreseer, is the master of the staff and foreseer of the south. 

“There you are!" Exclaimed a man in robes of pure blue with laces of red all round. It was master mage gear, lightweight compact mage armour which increases protection while impacting agility at the minimum. 

“Master foreseer!" Said Fryy as he kneeled and bowed in respect. “Get up... I am half your age it doesn't feel alright." Said Anjir, who was indeed the youngest of all the foreseers, almost a fourth of their age. “I am humbled by your words gifted master." Said Fryy while getting up. “I heard all other foreseers and their apprentices were slaughtered by the army of Hel... Is it true?" Asked Anjir. Fryy looks at Anjir with sorrowful eyes and replies “Indeed, unfortunately. The first five battalions of the army of Asjbørn were obliterated along with the forces of the foreseers. East took the most damage with more than two hundred thousand civilian casualties.” “You know... Sova was a good friend of mine. He was the only other person around my age in the forces. Used to worship Yonna like she was a goddess. Once Yonna expressed her desire for smelling Wellspring flowers during winters, that fool used his amole potion for growing Wellspring flowers and gave them to Yonna the next day... What an idiot." Said Anjir while smiling in sorrow. “And now with the death of all of our beloved comrades, we are here. I can't help but think how this could have been prevented but we let fear take the better half of ourselves."

When the idea of freeing the immortals to aid in the battle against Hel's forces was first put forward, Anjir was the only one who supported freeing the immortals. He believed it was unjust that they were putting immortals through hell just because of the fear that they might turn evil and decide to take over the world. In fact, he was the first person to propose the idea to the Higher Court of Elders. He can't help but think “If only..." And “What if..." But it is all useless now. They are there, and the forces of Hel are advancing. “Alright, are you ready?" Asked Anjir as he prepared his staff for launching an anti-defence cast. “Yes, master," said Fryy as he prepared his sword and ordered his men to take position. 

Brann!" Exclaimed Anjir while pointing his staff at the labyrinth. As soon as Anjir spoke, a magnificent beam of bright and bold plasmic fire started flowing out from the tip of his staff. The energy of the atmosphere surged and it felt as though the cold embrace of the Southern shores was relinquished Instead of warmth. The bright molten amber engulfed the semi-translucent blue shield of the labyrinth. Before long, the first hemisphere of the labyrinth broke and reviled a dome structure, in which the immortals were captured.

“Remember, the first layer of the labyrinth is home to only the weakest of the immortals! It shouldn't be hard to fend them if the worst comes to happen. Forwards!" With these words, Fryy mounted his horse, raised his sword and led the army towards the dome. ”What a way to ask for dire help..." Mummred Anjir as he stayed back, thinking about foolery being committed. 

As the forces were advancing, Fryy took a sudden halt and told his men to stay down. He was terrified to see what was inside the dome. “Dear almighty..." The scenario that was before him shocked him. Paper-thin men, disfigured, blue and black, rotting, and chained to the ground. Fryy unmounted his horse and walked toward one of the rotting bodies. “One is difficult to distinguish from another..." What he saw unnerved him. “What have we done to them... May this fate not befall even on my enemies" He thought. “What happened?" Came a voice from behind. Fryy turned back to find it was Anjir calling him out. “My master... What is this?" “What did you expect otherwise? That they will be thriving? Planning on ambushing us? Of course not. They were chained to the ground, with curse that they won't die by any natural process. How did you think they would sustain themselves without food or water?” Implored Anjir.

“Are they even alive?" Asked Fryy. Anjir replied “Don't be silly. They are immortal. They don't die." He kicked one of the immortals lightly to show Fryy his face. It was pale and thinner than a slice of butter. “Look closely," Anjir told Fryy. Upon looking at the rotting body closely, Fryy noticed that the figure was still breathing. Very faintly and struggling, but still breathing. “They aren't struggling to breathe if that's what your thinking." Said Anjir. “They are struggling to not breathe. But the courtesy of the fruit of immortality, they have no choice but to suffer." 

“We will end it... We will end their suffering. We will free them." Said Fryy, with a look of resolve on his face. “Very well then. Beckon your forces, I will untie these magical bounds one by one and we will transport them back to the capital. I count there are around two hundred immortals in this chamber, we will first take them back and then come back to break the seal of the second one." Said Anjir. “As you say sir foreseer," replied Fryy. And so, one by one, they mounted these lifeless yet alive bodies of immortals on the carriages and left for the town centre. As they approached the huge walls of the city Fryy thought to himself “Is it really the right thing to do? Or are we inviting our doom by bringing in devil...” 

Only time will tell. 

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