Frozen Memories: Forgotten Requiem

Chapter 10: FIRST DIVE: Aftermath.

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Three weeks. That's what it took to wrap up the investigation, and cut through all the red tape. After talking with the others, elissa decided to keep Gauges involvement out of the report, Their official statement being that someone had broken in, Took The gun from The locker, Shot Hiram and unplugged the pod... then left the gun and ran. Dave created false security Footage Showing the Face he had once used as a mask, made a bit older, escaping the building. Why?

Because Hiram Gauge was being blackmailed. His ex-wife and Daughter didn't need to know the truth. It was best kept secret, so they still received his pension.  That was six months ago. Elias turned in his resignation, then left his old apartment. His co-workers were worried, and one, Police Chief John Harris, decided to look into some things... 

[Interior police Office, East City block C, Dec 25th 2125.]

John Harris was Shocked... he never saw it coming.

"You guys... Aren't gonna believe this." He said to his Co-workers, All of whom were equally worried about Elias... thinking he'd quit to Commit Suicide or something.

"Elias is, technically, Dead." This brought gasps, outcries of shock, And demands to know what happened.

"Easy, folks, easy. This is  Video from the Laboratory of a Certain Doctor."

He activated a Holo of a young woman with Vibrant eyes, her Red-Streaked Black Hair and lovely Green eyes really stood out... Standing next to a Stasis Pod in which Sat a similar, yet younger looking, girl with Blonde Streaked Hair. 

A rookie named Amir spoke up.

"Who are they, chief?"

"Well... let's just Hit play on the video, Shall we?"

A reporter Appeared on the holo.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are here with ReVeRb Technologies New VP of security, And in house Private Investigator, Elissa Stormbound on a momentous day. Miss, could you explain what's happening?"

The name caused an audible Gasp amongst the Station Employees 

"Of Course. Six years Ago, A tragedy Struck my family... But thanks to computers, A.I., And A Genius Genetic Surgeon, That Tragedy has been lessened. Today Mark's his Second, And most important Success. Can a Person whose Brainwaves were backed up via computer, but their body destroyed, Be Revived by Planting those Brainwaves in a Clone Body with an Enhanced Cyber-Brain? The answer is yes. How successful that is, though... we reveal today."

"His Second success, you say?"

"Indeed. My body is genetically Modified, And 100% Female... but Six months ago, I was A poor, Depressed, Male Detective who had been suffering from Gender Dysphoria for Years without realizing it. That Detective is Dead now. His name was Elias... He, And I, became The First Full Conversion Transgender."

"Wait! Elias? And that name... I remember the report. Your little sister was... then does that mean?"

"Yes. Using My DNA to create a clone body, and altering the brain to accept the data packet, We have done the impossible. Six years ago the Rogue A.I. Esther Saved my Sister Claires mind by separating it from her body. Shes lived the last six years as a digital Consciousness. That Consciousness is now inside The clone body. When that light turns green, The pod will open... and my sister will return to the world of the physical."

[The light turned Green, boss] Elissa smiled at the message from the implant in her head. Watson Sherlock, her personal A.I. Assistant, was now bound to her. Just As Claire would have Esther. She walked toward the pod, just as the door opened. Green fluid flowed out, As the girl inside opened her eyes.

"E... Elissa?" She was pulled into a Tight Embrace...

"Merry Christmas, Claire! Welcome Home."

"Merry Christmas... El... glad to be back."

"And there you have it folks! The once thought dead Claire Stormbound has been revived... it's a miracle. More Information on this Treatment AND the gender Conversion will be made available in the coming days. This is Tiffany Typhany, signing off."

The Room went silent. And suddenly filled with cheers.

"Good for Him, I mean, Her. Looks like shes Happy and healthy at least, Right John?"

"Fuck Yes it does, Amir. Fuckin Beautiful, A Christmas Miracle... now... Dry your Tears And get back to work. We've got a precinct to run."

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"But nobody's crying, John." 

"Course they Are, Amir. Just look at my face. Poor kid... Always so Driven... I was Her Instructor when she first signed up, y'know? Got a Kid that age, And it felt Bad seeing One so Depressed... but that look on her face? Pure Joy. Seeing that, after knowing Elias? Who Wouldn't Tear up."

"Understood, boss."

Amir left, back into the main room... And John pulled out his Comm device... an old Style Smart Device, but it still worked. He called a number.


"Its Chief Harris. Ya Did it kid. I saw the Report. Just wanted to tell ya Congratulations. I'm Damn Happy For ya."

"Oh. Thanks, but... How did you get this number, John?"

"It was in the message with the link to the Report. From someone named Mavis."

"Oh. I see. Sigh. Still using that old Communicator?"

"You know I am, kid. Gotta say, by the way... you looked happy."

"I Am Happy, John. My sister is alive, My depression is gone,and my body Feels RIGHT for the first time Since I hit Puberty. The Doc's Treatments can save a lot of lives, and help folks in similar situations... And I helped make that happen... plus I have a MASSIVE Salary now. You know your Annual Salary, john?"

"Damn straight... low as it is."

"I make that Weekly."

"Damn. You really traded up, then."

"Yep. So... who else saw the recording?"

"The whole Precinct. I forwarded it to the off duty guys too. Don't worry though, I didn't share the comm number."

"Okay. It's been nice chatting with you, john."

"Same here, kid. Keep in touch, would ya? You remind me of my own kid. Oh yeah... that new face of yours? Fuckin Beautiful kid. Don't let anyone tell ya different. See ya!"

The call ended... And another rang through.

"Hello Johnny. You watched the video?"

"I did. Whaddya want, Holly."

"Not much. Just cooperation. Its time I told you what really happened six months ago... and in exchange you can tell me... WHO IS SEXIS? AND WHY DID THEY WANT THAT POOR KID TO SUFFER SO?"

"SHIT. SEXIS was behind it? Strap in, Holly... it's a LONG Story..."

And both heard at that moment something that chilled them to the bone. A voice from inside their heads.

<Indeed, do tell! Mururururu... I simply MUST know... WHO wanted to harm my sweet little Priestess in waiting? Who deserves my Madness and Wrath? Who OPENS THE GATEWAYS through which my Power now Flows? Murururu... mururu... MURUUURUUUUU-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!>

And The world Fades to Black.

[Well... THATS ominous. How is the Mururu affecting reality? WHAT exactly Is he? Who or what is SEXIS? Why Does Holly Know John? What does John know? Who IS the doctor? What did the Full Genetic Conversion Entail? Was it painful? These mysteries more will be Solved, or Deepened, In the SECOND DIVE... Coming Soon. Happy Holidays.]

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