Frozen Memories: Forgotten Requiem

Chapter 11: Second Dive: Short, Shadowy Plans

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A dark room. A man in a white mask enters, and sits at a table. Seven others join him soon.

"We need to talk. Boss is on to us. The Forgotten Goddess has been dealt with, and we cant hide our brainwashing attempts anymore. Suggestions?"

"Why not trap the new Security Chief and Her Sister in the Game? Set a trap. Let's Take one of those Adventurers She helped out before... the Girl. Yes..."

"Excellent Idea. We will leave a message with their leader, and She'll have to investigate."

"Why not also leak that we have info on the boss's missing Husband? As a backup?"

"Good thinking... let's do this, though... kidnap all but one..."

It would be just two weeks into the new year, when a call from an Emotional Kain about all his friends being taken, And unable to log out, As well as An urgent request from Holly, Would send Elissa, Claire at her side, Back into The Game World...

[Sorry for the short chapter, I have a light case of Flu. Hard to concentrate.]

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