Frozen Memories: Forgotten Requiem

Chapter 9: FIRST DIVE: Revelations

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[Authors note: Too sick to sleep, so I'm doing this early. Stay tuned!]

Elissa was thrilled to see her sister was, more or less, Alive... And when Esther came back after giving them some privacy, she was ready to hear the full story.

Esther sighed, and looked at the Sisters... "Where to begin... I suppose... tell me, detective, are you aware that Supersede was building their own military force? Hidden in their Requiem of the fallen Gods RPG was a secret military Indoctrination program. Father, the man you know as Dave, found out about it, And was Gathering Data using me... When they learned we were on to them, they decided it was time to be rid of us, they didn't know we were actually Working for ReVeRb. So they staged an accident. I'm sorry, Claire, but I lied to you six years ago... your physical death was no accident. They attacked you to get to us, So we saved you the only way we could. The capsule entered Cleaning mode, and the thousand degree heat liquefied any evidence... but your sisters murderer is named Clive Harrison, who was found dead by Apparent Suicide in his apartment two days later. Supersede Cleaning up loose ends. But the agent, the one they've got over a barrel, He hid what evidence remained. Keep in mind, he is as much a victim as Anyone. His name Is" 

She was cut off by a siren blaring.

[Emergency! Log off now! Forced Ejection in 3, 2, 1, beep!]


Elissa... Elias Opened his eyes on the darkness of the pod... a message on the View screen above him.

[Power interrupted. Ive restored it. Are you Okay Kid? Y/N]

"Not really. Ugh... I forgot how gravelly my voice was... and my body feels so gross. But I'm alive, so..." he pressed the Y. The pod door opened, and he climbed out to find three people waiting. He immediately walked to the storage locker and retrieved his gun.

"Okay Folks!" He turned the gun on to them. Dave, The President, And Detective Hiram Gauge. "One of you just tried to kill me. So let's go over the facts, and nobody move. You know how good I am with this gun, Gauge."

"Elias, lower the gun. Let's talk about this."

"Sorry Dave, that's not happening. Now. Dave is In the clear, As he's been helping me. It's his A.I. that's invading the game, And who preserved My sisters mind Six years ago. That's right, She's Alive!... Sort of. The president knew about Dave's Work as a Double Agent At Supersede Years ago, and has shown absolutely no connection to anything, so she's clear. Now tell me, Boss..." The gun swiveled to aim right at Gauge. "Why? Why try to kill me? Six years ago, Someone destroyed Evidence. That same someone tried to kill me After I learned the truth... And their Mobile Phone implant is still flashing the words DO IT NOW, OR ELSE. So Why?"

Hiram Gauge looked Contrite... and terrified.

"Kid... I never wanted any of this. I had no choice... i... sigh. Put the gun down, I wont run. I've had enough running. It's time I faced my crimes. 10 years ago..."

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[Hirams Secret]

It was a dark night. I was a rookie, on my first patrol... I saw movement in an alley, a flash of metal, and i reacted... i... I shot a kid. She couldn't have been more than seven, And had come out to offer me A thermos of Coffee, despite being poor and homeless... her mother ran up, screaming and... I panicked. I... I lied and said the missing bullets were because I got spooked by a dog, and I disposed of the bodies in secret... but someone found out. I was approached by a man, Six years ago... he told me I would clean up a few messes for them or theyd release a video of what I'd done... terrified, I agreed... then the incident with your Sister happened... so I helped cover it up... but your mother was clever and i... I have More Innocent blood on my hands. She didn't Suicide, Kid. I... I'm tired of killing. My employer is a man named-" he was cut off by  a gunshot... a bullet hit him square in the chest. Elias whirled, and fired... his three shot burst hitting the Assasssin dead on. He ran and began administering aid but... it was too late... hiram pulled him close, whispered a name in his ear... then It was over. Detective Hiram Gauge, his mothers killer, was dead... as was the Assassin.

"Shit! The mastermind is untouchable. That's His dying Words."

Holly approached and put her hand on his shoulder.

"You did what you could, kid. I have an offer for you. I know a guy who works with Cloning technology. I can get him to help, using a sample of your DNA, grow a new body for your sister... but... I want you to work for me. My own detective on retainer. Do we have a deal?"

"Yeah. Sure. But theres a few things I need to take care of first. Tell me, miss Walker... what do you know about Gender Dysphoria? Because I've learned that I have it... and every moment back in this body is making me want to use this gun on myself."

"Don't worry kid. We'll take care if that as well... my Geneticist buddy just happens to work in that exact field. So... Who are you then, Detective Stormbound? Who is Elias, Really?"

"Oh. I really must thank Mavis... My name is Elissa Stormbound. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. Boss."

"Great! Pleasure to meet you, Elissa. One things for sure though. I'm going to have a lot of fun working with you."

"Same here, boss. Same here."

A new day dawned, And Elissa met the sunrise with new hope... and a police report. She would leave no stone unturned until she found the Real Criminal, but for now... time to recover from a hard 24 hours.

[Authors Note: more to come in the First Dive Epilogue, on or just before Christmas. Then I'll take a short break before starting the Second Dive. So. The untouchable. Wonder who it is.]

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