Frozen Memories: Forgotten Requiem

Chapter 12: Second Dive: Kidnapping?

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[Darius Clive's Office, First Person Perspective]

I was Overjoyed, thrilled, and even a bit aroused! My experimental Technology worked wonders! I had technically revived the dead! 

Months had passed since then, and now it was a cold, gray February... My subjects were happily living their lives, And making Great money doing so... 

Then I got the Message. The system Dear Dave built into that Game was alerting me to its inability to contact My test Subjects... So I was given a message to relay. I grabbed my communicator, and old style Projection type, And placed a call...

"Hello? Oh... it's you. Something wrong, Professor?"

"Indeed my dear Test Subject #1! That game controller can't reach you, Mavis I believe its called... So it made me its messenger boy. Forwarding the file. And try to answer on your own next time, Girl, im too busy!"

"Too busy doing what? Standing in your lab and laughing Psychotically?"

"EXACTLY! Its VERY Time Consuming! Hahahahahahahaha!"

[Elissa and Claire's Apartment, third person perspective]

Elissa shook her head. A genius Darius Clive may be, but a madman as well.

"He just hung up... sigh... let's see what Mavis wanted."

Carefully opening the file attachment, her ears buzzed with static as the message played.

"Detective! Urgent message from Arven, leader of Elysium. I'm playing it now."

And suddenly her vision was filled with the face of a panicked Knight.

"Miss Elissa, please Help! They took them! My friends, they've been taken! My brother Showed up, acting weird, just in time for log-out, our vacation over... And we were met with large men, wearing combat gear. They forced my friends into a truck, And Left me behind... it was my brother, They were following his orders... I know you are a detective in the Real, so I thought I'd ask for help... gotta log out now... They kinda Shot me... please... help..." END OF MESSAGE

"Do not worry, I've called An Ambulance. Contact me soon for details, detective."

This was dated almost a week ago. Elissa Contacted Holly.

"Oh, you know then? Thats your next mission. The kidnapped players have been seen in the game, as of yesterday, Grabbing other players. The folks behind this may be making a move. Go speak to the young man for details. Forwarding hospital information. And Detective? Take your sister with you."

"Yes Ma'am. Claire! We're going out!"

You are reading story Frozen Memories: Forgotten Requiem at

[Montalban Memorial Hospital, room 36B. Two hours later.]

A knock on the door brought the Patient back to full Consciousness. And A familiar face Walked in. 

"Holy shit. You really look like that?"

Elissa Was stunned for a moment. She hadn't been expecting...


"Yeah... Its Me."

"Wow. I wasn't Aware... huh."

Sitting in the hospital bed, Bandages peeking out from the neck of an slightly oversized Hospital gown, Was a tiny, Blonde Girl... She had features like an Expensive Doll, And Skin so pale it looked like polished glass. Her eyes were Steel Gray, the only thing That marked her as Arven. She looked around 13, but her chart on the door Claimed she was 27. At the back of her mind, Elissa was repeatedly Squealing and chanting the word CUTE, while a deep desire to hug her like a plushie nearly overwhelmed her... none of this showed on her facial expression though.

"So. Elissa, who is this Girl and why did you call her a mans name?"

Elissa Suddenly Remembered Claire was with her, and swiftly made introductions.

"Claire, this Is a person who helped me while I was looking for you, White-Knight Arven. Arven, This is my sister, Claire... the uh... Forgotten Godess..."

"Oh. Nice to meet you, um... Arven?"

"Its Alice, Actually... And you were the roaming boss? How? Why?"

"Long story. I mean, not really but... Thing is, I was kinda Dead? And My Sister found a way to bring me back... umm... Did you not see the News Report?"

"Claire, She was still logged In then. Now. Alice, was it? Tell me exactly what happened..."

[Not long now folks... Soon they dive back in... And what was with Elissa's Reaction to The Literal Dollface? Is Arven a possible love interest? Nah... but there IS a reason for her reaction. And its Technically Professor Clive's Fault. But more on that later. So this Dive's mystery: who took the rest of Elysium, and why?]

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