Games Of Throne: The Lost Hero

Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Returning to Sunspear

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(POV Third Person)


After entering his house, Lancel looks at his sister sitting in the dining room with inflated cheeks, and then he thinks that she is jealous, for having someone new in her home.


Lisa feels uncomfortable that the girl clings to her brother a lot and looks unsatisfied at Lancel who takes her by the hand.


Lancel "Go lie down on the bed" he says pointing to Lisa's bed, upon hearing this Lisa runs to her bed and lies down pretending to sleep


Rhaenys seeing this, lies down in the bed that belongs to Lancel, hearing the noise in his brother's bed Lisa looks again and immediately gets angry


Lisa "Don't lie there" she says standing up and taking the Princess's hand forcing her to leave the bed


Lancel "Lisa calm down, don't fight" he says approaching and taking both of Lisa's hands and retiring with her to the dining room


In the silence that follows, only the sobs of the little Princess are heard, as she feels insecure as she does not have relatives nearby.


Lancel quietly explains to his sister the circumstances the Princess is going through, without revealing her identity.


Some time later Mary arrives, who is surprised to see her son at home, she immediately runs to him and hugs him with tears of happiness.


Mary "What are you doing here?" she says, still hugging him


Lancel "Accomplishing a mission from my Master" tells him, avoiding involving his family


Mary hears some sobs and turns to see a girl crying in Lancel's bed.


Mary "Who is she, and what is she doing here?" she says bewildered seeing this scene


Lancel "She is the niece of my Master, her parents passed away and she misses them, she only knows that her father is dead, she still doesn't know that her mother also died" he says in Mary's ear


Mary hearing this is moved and goes to hug the Princess and comfort her, minutes later she manages to calm the Princess, while Robert enters the house, before he asks anything, Lancel hugs him and motions for him to bend down to listen


After listening to Lancel, Robert looks melancholy as he also remembers his childhood, which was also without parents at a young age and had to fend for himself to live.


After dinner Lancel lies down in his bed with the Princess at his side, because she does not leave his side after dinner and Lisa on his other side, at this moment he is grateful that he is small and can fit more than one person in the bed


(Lancel POV)


The next day I went out to train with Lisa, when my parents went to their respective jobs, since I witnessed the fight in the Tower of Joy I feel that I have improved, it shows that the fight between experts is good for someone to watch as a rookie


My sister Lisa has improved, but I still feel that watching is not the same as fighting in combat, because we lack experience, although I am older mentally, in modern times I only have experience in the use of firearms and unarmed combat, which is something I can not apply here


Princess Rhaenys has been watching us fight with the wooden swords and is interested in learning, and she tells me when we take a break.


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Rhaenys "I want to learn" she says looking at the sword


Lancel "I will train you only your physique, when we get to Sunspear, your uncle will train you there in the use of the spear" I tell her to distract her I let her know a little about the good use of the spear


At nightfall, being in the dining room after dinner, I announce my trip to Sunspear to my parents.


Lancel "I will return a year later, and I will spend a year here with you" I tell them


Lisa "I want to go too" she says with sparkling eyes


Lancel "When you are 15 years old" I tell him laughing


Mary "Listen to your brother, I agree" she says with a smile


Robert "If your brother doesn't comply, hit him" says my father letting out a laugh, which doesn't last, because my mother stretches his ear. My sister, the Princess and I laugh when we see the scene


The next day I say goodbye to my parents, then I wake Lisa up and tell her I'm leaving.


Lisa "I'm going to miss you" she says between tears, which makes me sad to see her like this, knowing how happy she is to take a sword with this contrast of hers


Lancel "Here" I tell her handing him a whistle I made during my free time at Sunspear.


Lancel "It's a whistle, you can blow on it whenever you want and you will be a wish that can be fulfilled" I tell her to calm her down


Lancel "System, put a mark on her permanently" I say to the system, then I can notice on his neck a mark of a shooting star


System "Done, the Host can only add 9 more permanent marks" says the voice


Lancel "how many marks can I leave from one use?" I ask the system intrigued


System "The Host has a limit of 15" answers the voice


Princess Rhaenys and I set sail from the port of Starfall for Sunspear.


During the trip, so as not to get bored, I taught Princess Rhaenys to play chess, as the Princess was at a beginner level, it was not difficult for me to win the first ten rounds, but she surprised me in the eleventh. By putting me in checkmate in thirteen moves, his moves were master level


Lancel 'This girl is a genius, she found the logic of the game at a mental age in her childhood'


After my first loss I concentrated to the fullest, but I still lost the next nine rounds, and since I don't like losing I told him to rest for a while and then we continue


Later after dinner, I couldn't find the time for us to get to Sunspear, because out of twelve games I didn't win once this time, with my mind working at its greatest capacity I could only last 19 moves before losing


When the captain announced that we are about to reach the port of Sunspear, I cried tears of happiness, and mentally promised myself not to play any more chess with Princess Rhaenys, it is a headache to know your defeat before starting a game of chess.

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