Chapter 2: Chapter: 2 Mother’s Milk

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"Hush little one, the skies turn red.

Run and hide or join the dead.

The Harbingers come, the Harbingers come to take us away.

Hush tiny child, shut your eyes and do not speak.

When your blood turns cold and your knees grow weak.

The Harbingers come, the Harbingers come to take us away.”

The soft melodic singing came to an end and my eyes opened and looked up at honeysuckle hair that curled around a shapely woman’s figure.

Her eyes were puffy and red, her lower lip trembled and she gazed past me into empty space. I felt that a strong wind could knock her over and she’d never be able to stand up again.

I wondered who she was and just then a message appeared blocking my view of her.


Name: Zoey Townsend

Race: Human

Level: 2

Health: 18

Status: Fear


Where did that come from? Something to investigate later. Add that to the to do list.

I twitched a pudgy finger and the message vanished.

A moment later a door burst open and a gust of frigid air blew into the small log cabin.

I thought we got mansions in heaven, not log cabins. Then again I didn't expect to make it to heaven.

Maybe this is what dying feels like. A trippy combination of video games and hot vulnerable women. I can get used to it.

My fantasy ended when a man wearing a furrowed brow and a stubble beard entered the room. His face was red and he panted heavily like he'd just been out for a morning jog.

“What news, Jinn,” said the woman.

“I've called the wise woman,” he said. “She’s on her way now.”

“Are you the doctor?” I asked but all that came out of my mouth were gurgling sounds.

The sound must have caught their attention as they both looked down at me as if they were just realizing I was there.

“How is this possible?” asked Jinn. “The color has returned to his face and the whiteness has faded from his eyes.”

Zoey began to sob and then she smiled, the sight filled me with a warmth I hadn't felt since I was a child.

The man rested a hand on her shoulder and the two beamed down at me as if they took great pleasure in watching me bleed to death.

“What the hell are you doing?” I asked. “Are you really flirting with this woman while I'm dying here?”

“Perhaps he's hungry,” said Jinn and his eyes lit up like he’d just said the smartest shit in the world.

“Hungry are you kidding me? I need medical attention not--”

The woman pulled down her blouse exposing one luxuriously soft and full breast.

“Ok,” I gurgled. “That works too.”

“Nope, that won’t do,” said a young feminine voice in the back of my head. “Too young and too damn weird.”

The scene shifted and I was sitting on a horse with a dozen arrows protruding from my chest.

“Take me back,” I shouted. “I am hungry.”

The ground shook and I looked up in time to see a horde of undead creatures aiming bows in my direction. A whooping filled my ears and a cloud of black arrows raced towards me.

“There’s no escaping that one,” said the female voice.

The vision shifted and I was lying on my back looking up at a crimson sky.

That's not the right color for the sky and why does the air smell like roasting meat and burnt hair?

I tried to push myself into a sitting position but my hands slipped and I fell back into a puddle that smelt and felt like blood mixed with shit.

I'm going to need one hell of a shower after this.

A building cracked nearby and the roof slid off and smashed into the ground. All around were burning buildings and corpses- hundreds of corpses. Some burned to a crisp and others had creepy blue faces like they’d all drowned.

Something stirred up ahead and a sudden nameless fear gripped me.

I lay motionless and watched as two men appeared from behind a building, heading in my direction. With each step they took I felt an overwhelming panic growing inside of me.

“We are so close to opening the portal, Caladan Krell will soon be free,” said the closest man.

The speaker’s shoulders were broad in the same way that my shoulders were not. His skin was covered in scars and he had large iron teeth that looked like he was using a bear trap as a mouth guard. He wore a massive black shield that swayed as he moved and he had an almost wild animal feel to him like an apex predator on the hunt.

Who were these people? Would they kill me too if they found me alive. A message appeared in my mind.


Name: Pale

Race: Elder

Level: ???


Status: Berserk


I shook my head a fraction and the message disappeared. I was too afraid to move more than that.

According to the message which was incredibly odd and made me wonder if I was in a video game, the man had infinite life.

Was he immortal?

The second man gestured at a scorched house surrounded by a moat of blood.

“The same results could have been obtained without the killing,” he said.

He was a tall thin man and he sounded bored rather than sympathetic. He wore a black top hat, a silver waistcoat and he carried a wooden cane that had a pommel that glowed a menacing electric blue.

You are reading story GOD OF CARDS [DECK BUILDING] [LITRPG] [COMEDY] at novel35.com

Who were these people?

Another message appeared.


Name: Hood

Race: Elder

Level: ???


Status: Vigilant


The doors of the house burst open and a body flew out and landed in a puddle of bloody mud.

“These people live in their own filth,” said a high pitched female voice.

A woman wearing a purple gothic dress stepped out of the house. On any other person that dress would have looked cute but this woman was so terrifying she made the two men look like yoga instructors.

She picked up an old man’s corpse with one hand and tossed it into a puddle. She then used it as a stepping stone to cross the road to her two companions.

“I hate getting mud on my shoes,” she said.

Another message appeared.


Name: Beholder

Race: Elder

Level: ???


Status: Frustrated


“Is it the card we are looking for?” Hood asked.

Beholder held up a gold card the size of my hand.

“It’s the Flames of Norskul,” she said.

“Disappointing,” said Hood.

A crow circled overhead and cawed and Pale crouched low like a wild animal and stared up at the bird.

He drew a card from a pouch and the bird fell from the sky and thudded as it hit the roof of a smoldering building.

“We should leave before we attract the wrong attention,” he growled.

Beholder drew a shining object out of a bag that hung from her belt and the object transformed into a card. She tossed the card into the air and it hung suspended for a second before bursting into black flames.

A symbol appeared on the ground and moments later the earth shook as the ground split open.

The three companions stepped towards the opening.

“Wait!” Hood said. He raised his cane for silence. “There’s someone watching us.”

“Oh shit,” said the female voice. “Time to leave.”

The scene shifted again and something wet and sticky splashed against my face.

I could make out the shapes of tables in a dimly lit room.

Whatever it is, it can't get any worse.

A boot collided with my chest driving the wind out of my lungs. I gasped for breath as hands gripped me and lifted me off the ground.

“You think you're funny," said a rough voice. “You're gonna cop a feel of my girl right in front of me?”

The man's breath reeked of rotting eggs and alcohol.

I frantically wriggled to break free of the man’s iron grip.

“You have the wrong person.”

I glanced around the room for help but the faces that met my eyes all had the same glazed intoxicated look to them.

I realized I was in some medieval themed tavern. Everything was made of wood, a fireplace burnt in the corner of the room and the drunken patrons were dressed in mismatched rags and clutched oversized clay mugs in their hands.

This isn't Wisconsin.

A dark haired girl twirled a finger in her hair and winked at me.

“Leave him alone Gus. You can't blame the boy for trying his luck.”

I tried to force an innocent smile but showing my teeth seemed to have angered the man even more.

I looked around for help and noticed a waitress with gray skin and devil horns carrying a tray with a pitcher and two clay mugs on it. Her hips swayed as she dodged a man’s hand that shot out to touch her ass.

As she passed by I stretched out a free hand and grabbed a pitcher off the tray and smashed it over Gus’s head.

The man roared in pain and released his grip long enough for me to roll away.

“What the hell is going on here?” I shouted. “You people are crazy.”

The barman, a grizzled looking man, wearing an eye patch, and looking very much like a stereotypical pirate, stepped out from behind the counter. He drew something gold out of his pocket and the crowd grew silent.

“No fighting in my tavern,” the barman shouted as he raised a golden card.

White light exploded out of the card and coils wrapped around my ankles, lifted me off the ground and dangled me upside down. The tendrils of light carried me across the room and flung me out of the wooden double doors and into the street.

I landed on wet cobblestones and groaned in pain as every muscle in my body ached at once.

And I thought the air smells bad inside the tavern.

Everything including my clothes smelled like piss. I didn't know what was worse, the thought that I was lying in a puddle of some stranger’s urine or that I’d pissed myself.

This medieval shit hole better have showers and lots of soap.

“Wakey wakey sleepy head,” said a familiar and overly cheery feminine voice.

Lush cascading blue hair fell back to reveal a round enticing face marked by full red inviting lips, a small button nose and startling purple eyes. Thick lashes half draped over those eyes which widened for a moment as my killer grinned at me.


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