Chapter 44: Chapter: 44 Ice Drake

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I closed my eyes and felt the vibrations of the air as seven moving targets slowly drifted towards me. I felt the air part as another target appeared. If I did not move soon they would vanish before I got a chance to attack.  

I shifted my weight and rested on the balls of my feet waiting for the first target to get in range. 

Here it comes. Three, two, one.

Loose pebbles scattered as I darted forward with my long sword held low. I could feel the blade as an extension of my arm. I followed through with a diagonal rising cut, splitting two targets in half. Next, I spun and dropped into a low slash and cut a target just before it hit the ground. 

I breathed in deep and probed with my senses until I uncovered the remaining targets. They were drifting away from me. I leapt forward and rolled into a horizontal attack, followed by a series of quick thrusts that destroyed the remaining four targets.

Ahri, sitting on a bale of hay next to the hotspring, blew another bubble and then sighed in boredom. 

“Ok, you popped them all,” she said. “Can we have breakfast now?”

I slashed the last bubble in half and stabbed the sword into the ground. It vanished with a flash of light and a puff of smoke and I cast Polyblade again and this time a halberd appeared in my outstretched hand.

“One more time,” I said. 

Ahri crossed her legs and said, “You are meant to be training as a cardmage yet you’ve practiced with nine different weapons this morning.” She scowled and the bottle of liquid soap at me. “Cardmages don't swing swords, they blast their enemies with fire.”

“I'm a battle mage, Ahri. I need to train both.”

“Well, even battle mages need breakfast,” she said with a smile. “You can pop bubbles again after you’ve eaten all your food and brushed your teeth.”

I tossed the halberd away and ran at Ahri. She shrieked and blew a stream of bubbles at me that popped against my naked chest. I caught her up in my arms and jumped into the hot spring.

I held her tight and she squealed and hit my chest with her tiny fists. Finally, she stopped hitting me and started laughing. 

She transformed her clothing into a blue bathing suite and wriggled free from my arms. She splashed water in my face and quickly dived under the water before I could retaliate.

We chased and splashed each other for sometime and finally Ahri called a truce and swam up to me and rested her hands on my chest. She ran a finger down to my stomach and when I didn't move she gave me a curious look.

“What are you thinking about?” she asked in a breathless voice.

“I was thinking that I'm the luckiest guy in the world.”

She wrapped her arms and legs around me and pushed me back into the water. Her lips locked with mine and we sunk into the deep water. 

Her hair swirled around reminding me of a mermaid but just then a shadow fell over us. I looked up past Ahris’ flowing blue hair and saw two figures standing on the side of the hotspring watching us.

“And that's where babies come from,” I heard Flint say as we rose to the surface of the water.

Bel nodded furiously as if she were mentally taking notes.

Ahri’s cheeks flushed and her eyes glistened in excitement as she pressed up against me.

“Shouldn't you two be making breakfast?” I asked.

“Sorry,” said Bel. “I interrupted your baby making.”

“Flint,” I said. “Watch what you say around Bel, her mind is like a sponge.”

Bel tilted her head and stared at Flint like a child looking up to her big brother and she said proudly, “Like a cum sponge in a sausage saloon.”

“What the hell, Flint.”

I went upstairs and got changed into the new outfit Ahri had bought me. The trousers fit really snuggly in the crotch area, so every few minutes I had my hands in my pants pulling them lower but it beat the torn hobo trousers I’d been wearing for the last month.

Bel came out of her room a few moments after me wearing black knee high socks, a pair of denim shorts, a white crop top vest with red suspender belts. 

“Do you like it?” she asks shyly. “Ahri picked it for me.”

She looked adorable and the suspenders made her look like a present ready to be unwrapped. I patted her head and told her she looked like a princess.

A few minutes later Ahri entered the kitchen covered in mud.

“What happened to you?” I asked.

“Don't ask, but we are going to need a new pig trough.”

An hour later after we had eaten breakfast Bel and I took Hotdog and the wagon and set off to Alhaven for supplies.

“We need blankets,” said Bel. “Sugar, flour, seeds and a pig trough.”

“What else?” I asked as the karakul pulled the wagon over the bridge leading into Alhaven.

“We need to keep an eye out for Gavriel,” said Bel.

“Exactly,” I said. 

“Whose Gavriel?” asked Bel.

“I don't really know,” I said. “Ahri believes he's the mage that kicked her out of her god realm. If we find him, then Ahri can go back to her realm and I can go back home.”

Bel frowned as she looked up at me but she didn't say a word.

“Can you sense powerful people?” I asked.

Bel nodded. 

“Good, point out anybody that's stronger than me and I’ll see who they are.”

I bought Bel and I an apple and we munched in silence as we passed through the town and took in the changes the city had undergone in the last week. Scorched houses were being repainted and a group of masons were rebuilding a collapsed wall in the marketplace. 

The city folk kept to themselves and avoided the guard patrols that went about their business as if the events of a week earlier had never happened. The city was recovering slowly but it looked like the citizen’s would take longer to return to normal.

I felt a tug on my sleeve and looked down at Bel. She was pointing at a large breasted woman with short green hair and a bow slung over her back.

“Strong,” she whispered.

“Gavriel is not a girl,” I said. 

The woman bent over to pick up a large cucumber and her breasts bounced in an inviting way. 

“But good eye Bel,” I said. “She makes me feel strong if you know what I mean.” 

Bel squinted up at me and said, “I thought you and lady Ahri were in love?”

I cleared my throat and racked my brain for an answer.

“You see,” I said. “Ahri is like a blueberry cheese cake. It might be my favorite dessert but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the curves of a pound cake.”

Bel nodded and her face wrinkled in thoughts. Finally she said, “What cake am I?”

“Hmm, let me see. I’d say you’re a chocolate cupcake because you’re so cute and sweet.”

Bel giggled and said, “Wouldn't you like to eat blueberry cheesecake and a chocolate cupcake at the same time?” 

I swallowed a bite of apple but it went down the wrong pipe and I coughed and hit my chest repeatedly as Bel stared at me.

“If I did that Bel,” I said once I had caught my breath. “Then the blueberry cheesecake would cut off my balls, stuff them down my throat and sew my lips shut.”

She giggled as she smiled up at me.

“I've been wondering, Bel.”

You are reading story GOD OF CARDS [DECK BUILDING] [LITRPG] [COMEDY] at novel35.com


“Remember when you were in the fairy prison.”

She looked at her feet and nodded quickly.

“If you ever want to talk about what happened,” I said. “I'm here for you and so is Ahri.”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“You know… about what happened.”

“My mom tied me up and took off my clothes.”

“Yes, but what happened after that?”

She frowned and said, “You saved me after that.”

“Didn't they do anything else to you?”

Bel shook her head and then she said in a lower voice, “I killed my mom, is that what you mean?”

I sighed in relief. I’d feared that more had happened while we’d been searching for her but I hadn't had the courage to bring it up before.

“Yeah,” I said. “That's what I was talking about.”

Bel smiled sadly and said, “As long as I'm with you, I'm ok.”

I hugged Bel to my side and said, “I'm not going anywhere, I promise.”

“I thought you wanted to go to your old home?”

“You know what, I’ve spent most of my life searching for a place where I feel fulfilled. What I think I’ve been looking for is a home. But I just realized something.”

“What?” she asked.

“Home isn't a place. Home is where you feel wanted and loved.”

Bel held my hand and the little wings on her head bobbed.

“Why are you so happy all of a sudden?” I asked.

“Because I just found my home,” said Bel. “Home is where you are.”

After we’d bought everything we needed we loaded up the cart and were just beginning the journey back to the farm when Bel pointed out a group of people standing outside of the armorer's workshop. 

They all wore copper mages guild badges and had spellbags hung at their wastes. They were standing in a circle around a barrel with a map on it and speaking in hushed voices.

“Can you hear what they are saying?” I asked.

Bel’s demon wings twitched as she leant in closer.

“The bald man says that an ice drake was spotted in a corn field outside of town.”

“An ice drake,” I said.

“We should catch it,” said Bel. “Ice drakes are really powerful.”

“Which cornfield?”

Bel frowned and leaned in. “I need to get closer.” 

I leaned in and whispered my simple plan into her ear.

I reached into the wagon and tossed Bel an apple but fumbled the catch and the apple fell and rolled across the dirt in the direction of the card mages.

Bel jumped off the side of the wagon and chased after the rolling apple while I sat on the wagon patting Hotdog’s fluffy neck and trying to look as inconspicuous as possible.  

Looking inconspicuous is not the easiest thing in the world when you are parked in the middle of the road with a bunch of cityfolk shouting at you to move your fat ass. But moments later Bell returned and She hopped up beside me with a grin on her face.

“Farmer Tully’s farm,” she said. 

“Isn't he the old man with the beard down to his knees?”

“Aha, the kids call him Twister Tully,” said Bel. “He’s scary. One time he set his dogs on us.”

“Why? What did you do?” I asked.

“We wrapped pig shit in toilet paper and then we put it outside his front door and set it on fire. Then we knocked on his door and ran away.”


“Flint told us it would be fun.”

“Was it?”

Bel laughed and said, “It was funny when he stomped the fire out.”

We arrived at Twister Tully’s corn field an hour later and it was obvious that we were in the right place. The whole field was frozen. Long stalks were bent over in a wide oval all radiating out from a single point. At that point were three men frozen solid with looks of horror on their faces. One guy had a spell card drawn and was moments from releasing it, when the ice must have ensnared him. The other two had their hands raised in a feeble attempt to shield themselves.

A low rumbling sound echoed throughout the corn field. 

“It's still here,” Bel whispered.

A mighty wind rushed over us and I looked up in time to see a massive shape flying overhead. It looked like a cloud of mist but with blue sparks shooting off of it in all directions. In the center of the cloud a pair of blue eyes watched me.

“Here it comes,” I said in a low voice. 

“Why are we whispering,” Bel whispered.

“Shhh,” keep your voice down.

The ice drake’s eyes followed us like a hawk watching a pair of field mice. It dropped beneath the clouds and flapped its leathery wings a single time and then it vanished into thin air. 

Moments later mist swirled above us and took shape and large outstretched wings appeared. The drake’s mouth opened, light gleamed off its fangs and ice poured out of its mouth like a mighty torrent. 

With one hand I pushed Bel behind me and with the other I drew my binding card.

“Hold on,” I shouted, as ice rippled through the cornfield and stems cracked loudly as the juices inside the plants froze and exploded.

I tossed out the binding card to capture the ice spell but as I did I saw a shadow move in the corner of my eye. 

“What the hell is that?” I mouthed just as a small furry creature jumped through the air and caught the gleaming binding card in its mouth. A moment later the ice blast hit the little creature. 

Bel and I dropped to the ground as light exploded around us.

* Binding

* Binding complete

* Congratulations you have bound: Ratkin Purloiner

The Ice Drake let out a deafening roar and soared over our heads heading towards the mountains.


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