Chapter 7: Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Vlad checked his surroundings making sure no other creatures would becoming. He then checked on himself and his gear before he checked on his prey. He had to secure them since he didn't know how long he would be in this world and he needed food, the fur on these creatures was also very good.

In the wasteland, nothing was wasted since food was very scarce, a lesson that Vlad had learned for a while now and he would use this lesson in this new world as well.

Before Vlad could get to his prey. A voice came out of nowhere.

"God's Gate program has been integrated into the host. 20% compatibility achieved. Unlocking Gate Open function. Error Function has already been activated. Cool down 48hrs 32mins." Then a timer appeared in the view of Vlad. This did not shock him since his already use to augmented reality due to his cybernetics but the timer drew his attention since it was counting down.

The voice then continued. "Power source detected. The power source can be used to upgrade the function of the system. Please retrieve the power source."

Vlad was stunned since this sounded like a quest similar to the games Vlad used to play on his console that his father fixed. It was his father's and he gave it to Vlad to keep him company when his mom and father were working.

Vlad then spoke as if he was talking to someone. "Where can I find the power sources?"

As if it heard him. His view suddenly changed and it seems to have highlighted the creatures.

He then went closer to the clawed apes. They were still glowing. It seemed like the power source was inside the animal.

Vlad then started to carve the animal looking for it may be it would be in the stomach something it ate.

As if it was helping Vlad. The system in his head started to change his view again as if it was guiding him to the power source. Vlad then felt a crystal-like object. It was glowing for some reason.

The voice spoke again. "Power source located. Would you like to absorb the energy? Yes or No."

Vlad thought about it and said "Yes".

As if the glow from the disappeared and the crystal shattered into dust.

"20.1% Compatibility Achieved." The voice mentioned. "Please continue to gather power sources to increase compatibility."

Vlad was confused and didn't understand what just happened.

"What does that mean?" He asked himself.

Then the voice spoke once more. "Your body contains a high level of resistance to radiation and other skills. It can be strengthened by increasing the compatibility with the God's Gate system," the voice explained. "The more power source you get the stronger you become. You have been given a unique physique and a unique skill set. Do you have any questions?"

Vlad took a deep breath and thought. He was basically a superhuman already. He was strong, fast, and tough. He was also smart enough to survive and adapt to the wasteland. But there was something that he noticed that was different from other wanderers. His compatibility with cybernetics was always very high which his colleagues had always envied. It was only his fear of becoming less human that kept his form going, full cyborg. Now, it added even more to him and made him feel less human.

But now he was aware of it. He could choose his path. But he wasn't sure if this choice was the right one.

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"I'm sorry, but I don't have any questions for now," he replied.

He then continued to dismantle and skin the clawed ape. He noticed that only one ape had the crystal and it was the biggest one. It was the first target he took out since he assumed that he was the Alpha of the pack.

The rest had none.

After dismantling the corps of the clawed apes, he had a good idea of the anatomy of this creature which he saved in his mind. He had cybernetics for memory and processing information which seems to have been upgraded by the God's Gate system. He could now easily dismantle clawed apes if he finds more of them. Vlad's body had been enhanced to be immune to some radiation as well. He already had cybernetic implants that allowed him to see infrared which seems to have also been upgraded by God's Gate system.

"So what do I call you?" Vlad asked the system in his head.


"So you don't have a name then? I can't call you God's Gate System. How about GG?" Vlad said.

GG was silent.

"It doesn't matter. I like it for you." Vlad continued. "What am I supposed to do with my time until the timer ends?"

GG didn't reply and Vlad was starting to get annoyed.

"Damn you! Answer me!" Vlad shouted.

GG's view changed and it showed a map with coordinates.

"Are you telling me to go there?" Vlad asked.

GG replied, "You need to gather power sources before the timer ends."

"How about the loot we gathered here?" Vlad said, "We can just log it around?"

GG seemed to think for a moment. "No. There is a 10% chance of losing your items in the process of transferring. You should try to gather more power sources."

Vlad then collected his tools and headed to the coordinates shown by the system while carrying all that he could carry. After following the coordinates he finally found the place. On top of a hill. He looked around and saw several power sources the system was referring to.

It was several dead creatures that looked like Bisons but had six legs. Four in the front and 2 at the back. Something seemed to have killed them. The Six-leged Bison were all torn up. Something with sharp claws and teeth did this. As if the animals fought each other.

Seeing he had time to kill. He observed the area and planned to bobby-trap the corpses since he had brought some explosives. Whatever killed those guys must be big and might have a big crystal power source in it.

After continuing to observe it seemed that the creature had just left and he had some time to set up his trap after that it was a waiting game. Before that, he got the crystal that was in the big Six-leged Bison disturbing the corpse as little as possible.

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