Chapter 8: Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

After a few hours, something was coming. Vlad was already ready. He was well hidden and had a good vantage point.

The creature was huge and had large fangs. It had red eyes and a small mouth. Its skin was covered in scales. It had two sets of wings that it was used to glide over the ground. The creature landed near the pile of dead six-legged Bisons.

It was a predator looking for food. And so far, Vlad was successful. The creature slithered closer to the pile of dead Bison and started eating whatever it could find.

As soon as the creature which Vlad temporarily called Fangwing got close to the first trap. he clicked the remote. An explosion then was heard. The corps close to the creature exploded. This pushed the Fangwing to the opposite side and landed on the big Six-legged Bison. Before it could get up another explosion happened severely injuring the creature. Vlad then got up.

He started to empty a clip into the head of the creature. Like a machine, he did not stop shooting it dropping 3 clips of ammo in under a minute.

With Vlad's cybernetics and physic, he could land the shots with pinpoint accuracy to the creature's head.

Fangwing didn't get a chance to respond. All it got from their first and last encounter was some fireworks and a head full of holes.

As soon as Fangwing dropped dead Vlad relaxed.

After looting the carcass of the Six-legged Bison and Fangwing, he pulled out a nearby power source which was the crystal that was in Fangwing, and placed it in his expandable backpack. He took only what he could carry.

Finally done with his job, Vlad packed his stuff in his bag and headed back to Lone Star Town.

He headed back in the direction where he first opened the door. When he left, the door did not vanish and just remained in place. Luckily for Vlad, the front door of his home was code-looked and only responded to him.

When he reached his destination he found the door still in place. It seems the countdown timer was for the cooldown for being able to place the door in another location. He would have to test that out later. What he needed now was to get home to store all his loot and get some proper rest and eat.

He entered the house and when he went deeper inside he could hear the sound of Maisie taking a shower. He didn't mind since she was the one who to care of him when he was alive and seemed like he treated her like a daughter as well.

Not minding Maisie went straight to his food stash. He was glad he managed to get something to eat even if it was processed food. He had been surviving off berries and nuts for a while now. He grabbed his water bottle and cracked it open. After drinking half of it he went upstairs to get some sleep.


Vlad awoke from a dreamless sleep. He felt refreshed. He then looked around the room and remembered his father's words about having a companion and how he wanted him to have a family when he grew up.

He stood up and stretched shaking off his lonely feeling. He then walked downstairs. He could hear the sounds of someone cooking breakfast.

"Good morning, Maisie," Vlad greeted.

Maisie turned around and smiled. "Morning, Vlad."

"I see you are here early in the morning," Vlad said since Maisie lived in the same house. He then walked toward where he stored his loot. He then got some meat to give to Maisie.

Clean meat in the wasteland is a rare and valued commodity. Most of the time people ate processed food since most of the things in the wasteland radiated or were contaminated. Processing it is the only way to remove any harmful substances.

Vlad thought about whether he should get some berries too but decided against it and gave Maisie just some meat. He also had some berries from before in his backpack as well as some edible plants he found in the forest.

"Thank you, Vlad," Maisie said with a puzzled look on her face and proceeded to cook the meat. Maisie had been helping prepare food for a while now and she knew quality food when she sees one.

Seeing her reaction he spoke. "I have a source for these kinds of things now. So let's eat up and talk about that later."

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Maisie nodded and continued preparing food. After eating, Vlad was going to continue to talk about the new changes in his life. Maisie was surprised by the amount of food he brought back.

"Do you think this will sell well in the town?" Vlad asked.

Maisie shrugged. "I doubt it. We don't have anything else to trade with."

"There is plenty of money in the wasteland. People are desperate for fresh food and we can always sell to other settlements or towns." Vlad explained. "I even have some quality leather and fur I want to sell. Do you know anyone I can sell them to?" He continued.

Maisie shook her head. "I don't know anyone out there. If you want to find someone to buy them from, I can ask around for you."

"That would be great. Thanks, Maisie." Vlad said with a slight smile.

Before leaving Maisie asked, "Is there anything else you need?"

"Nah, I'm good," Vlad replied.

"Alright, I'll head to the bar now to open up. I'll see you around then." Maisie said.

"Yeah, see ya."

Vlad then exited the house a few minutes after Maisie did since he had to process the meat so it wouldn't go bad.

Outside he could see that the town was bustling. People were moving around. Some were running towards a building that looked like an inn. Even in the wasteland people are still trying to live their lives.

Vlad made his way to Ingka's Weapon shop to see her progress and about his order.

Ingka was busy working on a gun that looked like a shotgun with a sawed-off barrel. The stock was made of wood and the handle was wrapped in leather. She was making sure that every detail was perfect and not missing any parts when Vlad walked in.

"Hey, Ingka, just checking in. Is everything alright?" Vlad asked.

She stopped what she was doing and turned her attention to him. "Yes, I was just about to have someone contact you. Your orders are in and your rifle is ready. I made an additional modification to the sights and the range finder for better accuracy and those airburst rounds." She said proudly.

"Thanks, Ingka. I appreciate the work," Vlad said with a nod. "I have some extras that I want to sell if you are interested."

Ingka was hesitant at first but then changed her mind. When she saw the fresh items, she bought a lot of meat and just gave Vlad a discount for them.

Vlad then asked, "Do you know anyone I can sell this to in bulk? I might have a steady supply once everything is ready."

Ingka shook her head. "No, I can't help you with that. But if you ever find yourself in need of armor, weapons, or other equipment just come to me and I'll try my best to help you out."

"Can you point me to someone who might know?" Vlad asked.

"If you want, I can try asking around." Ingka offered again.

Vlad accepted and thanked her for her help.

"Well, I guess I'll go now." He then proceeded to keep the items.

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