Chapter 9: Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Vlad exited the shop and headed into the town. He was looking for someone who he could sell his food loot too. He figured he would start there since he had some extra time to kill.

Once he left the weapon shop he began walking toward the center of town. He passed a few shops on his way. One of which sold food, another sold clothing, and the last was a general store.

He then entered the general store to check a few items and try to sell off some of his loot.

"Hi! Welcome to the General Store!" The owner greeted him warmly. The owner was an average-height Asian man who had a well-built body frame. He had muscles but it was layered with some fat.

"Hello. I am looking for someone who might be willing to purchase some recently fresh meat and produce." Vlad said with a slight smile.

The owner looked at Vlad with a confused expression. "You mean the food from the butcher's shop or something like that?"

Vlad nodded. "Yeah, that's right something like that."

He then brought out the items to show to the owner.

The owner examined the meat. "There is quite a bit and of good quality too. I will take it all then."

Vlad couldn't believe it. "Really?!"

The owner nodded with a smile.

The owner then introduced himself. "I am Dunkin by the way. If you have anything like this again feel free to come to me again. I will give you fair prices for whatever item or food you give me. I will even through in a 10% discount in any of my General Goods stores." Dunkin then proceeded to give Vlad a generous amount of credits and a black discount card.

Vlad thanked him for his generosity and left.

As he exited the store he noticed a woman who seemed to be in her mid-twenties. Her long blonde hair was tied behind her head in a ponytail. She had a green tank top on and a pair of jeans. She had beautiful blue eyes.

Vlad continued to head back to the bar no longer continuing to mind the blond girl. As he approached the bar, he heard the sound of clinking glasses and loud music playing. It was still early enough for the bar to be empty.

"Welcome to the Lone Star Tavern," Maisie greeted him with a smile.

Vlad returned the greeting. "Good day, Maisie."

"How was the trip back?" She asked.

"It was great," Vlad said with a wide grin. "I was able to get what I needed and I was able to sell a few things as well."

"So did you see someone you know?" Maisie asked.

"Yeah, finished my errands with Ingka and finally have my rifle back. Also found someone to sell the loot to." Vlad said proudly. "All in all it was all good!" Vlad smiled proudly.

"Sounds like you have a lot of stuff now," Maisie commented.

"Yeah, but I got more than I expected. Unloaded some supplies and sold a bunch of my food. Now I have some excess funds." Vlad said and chuckled.

"Do you have plans for your money?" Maisie asked.

Vlad thought about it for a moment and answered, "I was thinking about getting a dirt bike or something to ride around and exploring our area a bit."

"That sounds pretty neat. Did you learn how to drive yet?" Maisie asked.

"Nope. Never been on one before." Vlad laughed. "But I guess I should learn."

After speaking with Maisie Vlad went back to the house to examine the power source. He wanted to see how much they would improve him.


Back at the house he got the crystals from his stash and observed them. He noticed that he could feel a sensation from them as if they were giving off a static charge. He didn't notice this since he was preoccupied with surviving the new world. Only when he had some time to himself did he notice the peculiarity of this item.

He then stepped outside to the backyard where no one can see him. This is just in case Maisie or Ingka would make a surprise visit. He wasn't ready to tell anyone yet.

He found a nice spot, sat down, and then placed them in front of him and concentrated his energy. He felt the crystals glow a dim light. They started to emanate a soft hum then he started to absorb the energy from the crystal. As energy flowed, he felt every fiber of his body getting more robust.

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This crystal energy source was much bigger than the Clawed ape's crystal energy. He got this crystal from those Six-legged Bison. These crystals already gave him this sensation. He wondered how strong of a reaction will the crystal of the Fangwing give him which was 5 times bigger than the crystal he was currently absorbing.


While the energy flowed into him, Vlad took note of the surroundings. There was a strange presence that he felt coming from somewhere nearby. He looked around and saw nothing out of place.

The system GG's voice rang through his head. "25.1% absorption has been completed. Adjusting stats."

"Adjusting Stats," Vlad thought. "What does that mean?"

GG then replied, "Your stats have increased by 25.1%. Your current stats are Strength 31%, Dexterity 28%, Endurance 26%, Intelligence 24%, Charisma 17%"

Vlad looked at his stats which were displayed on a monitor in his field of vision thanks to the augmented reality he had through his cybernetic eyes. He got a sense of satisfaction seeing the results of his investment.

"Congratulations! Your stats have improved by 5%!" GG's voice sounded in Vlad's head.

Vlad was surprised that he got an increase in strength.

Moving his arm around. It seemed that he needed to get accustomed to his strength. He decided to explore his old hometown a bit tomorrow and see what has changed before going through the door to another world once again. Better prepared that was Vlad's favorite saying.

"I'm glad I came here," He mumbled. "I'll go back to the room and get some rest."

Vlad then went inside the house and lay down on the bed. He closed his eyes and fell asleep within seconds.

The next morning, Vlad woke up with a smile on his face. He got out of bed and walked straight to the bathroom. He took a shower and cleaned himself. One of his father Eddison's greatest inventions getting a working shower in the wasteland.

As he was getting ready he noticed that his sense of hearing has been greatly enhanced. To the point where he can hear things happening from the bar in his bedroom. He walked down there to see what was going on.

The bartender, Dunkin, greeted him with a warm smile. "Hey, you're up early. How's the sleep?"

Vlad smiled back and said. "Your Dunkin, Right?"

"Yep. What can I get you today?" Dunkin asked.

Vlad thought about it for a moment and said. "Just water please."

"Coming right up!" Dunkin said and quickly poured the glass of water for Vlad and then himself.

Vlad then asked where Maisie was and Dunkin told him that it was her day off and she had a few errands she had to run.

"Well, you want to check out the town? We have a lot of different shops to browse around."

"Yup, I have been looking around already, It's very cozy for a small town in the wasteland" Vlad agreed.

Dunkin then explained to Vlad all the shops and places to go while they were both drinking their water.

Vlad then checked his watch. He realized that he had a day to explore until the portal opened.

He then asked Dunkin where he can find and buy some transportation.

"We don't have any vehicles here, but we do have horses," Dunkin replied.

"Horses?" Vlad asked with disbelief.

"Yeah, we have horses that people can rent out to travel around the wasteland."

"No, I need something that has wheels," Vlad said. He was thinking of bringing it on his trip to the other world.

"Oh, I see. Well, I think Ingka tinkers with vehicles and stuff. Why not try asking her? she is not only good with weapons but vehicles as well." Dunkin mentioned.

Vlad thanked Dunkin and left the bar. He headed to the house to get his backpack, and then he went outside. It was warm as usual in the wasteland and this is the best the weather can get in this god-forsaken place.

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